Evolutionary multi-objective optimization:some current research trends and topics that remain to be explored |
Carlos A. COELLO COELLO1,2( ) |
1. Evolutionary Computation Group, Departamento de Computcaión, Ginvestav-IPN, México D. F. 07300, México; 2. UMI-LAFMIA 3175 CNRS, México D. F. 07300, México |
Abstract This paper provides a short review of some of the main topics in which the current research in evolutionary multi-objective optimization is being focused. The topics discussed include new algorithms, efficiency, relaxed forms of dominance, scalability, and alternative metaheuristics. This discussion motivates some further topics which, from the author’s perspective, constitute good potential areas for future research, namely, constraint-handling techniques, incorporation of user’s preferences and parameter control. This information is expected to be useful for those interested in pursuing research in this area.
evolutionary multi-objective optimization
evolutionary algorithms
multi-objective optimization
Corresponding Author(s):
COELLO COELLO Carlos A.,Email:ccoello@cs.cinvestav.mx
Issue Date: 05 March 2009
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