Access control scheme with tracing for outsourced databases |
Xiaoming WANG( ), Guoxiang YAO |
Department of Computer Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China |
Abstract To manage dynamic access control and deter pirate attacks on outsourced databases, a dynamic access control scheme with tracing is proposed. In our scheme, we introduce the traitor tracing idea into outsource databases, and employ a polynomial function and filter function as the basic means of constructing encryption and decryption procedures to reduce computation, communication, and storage overheads. Compared to previous access control schemes for outsourced databases, our scheme can not only protect sensitive data from leaking and perform scalable encryption at the server side without shipping the outsourced data back to the data owner when group membership is changed, but also provide trace-and-revoke features.When malicious users clone and sell their decryption keys for profit, our scheme can trace the decryption keys to the malicious users and revoke them. Furthermore, our scheme avoids massive message exchanges for establishing the decryption key between the data owner and the user. Compared to previously proposed publickey traitor tracing schemes, our scheme can simultaneously achieve full collusion resistance, full recoverability, full revocation, and black-box traceability. The proof of security and analysis of performance show that our scheme is secure and efficient.
outsourced databases
access control
malicious user tracing
adding and revoking users
Corresponding Author(s):
WANG Xiaoming,Email:wxmsq@eyou.com
Issue Date: 01 December 2012
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