Timed-pNets: a communication behavioural semantic model for distributed systems |
Yanwen CHEN1,2,3( ),Yixiang CHEN1,*( ),Eric MADELAINE2,3 |
1. MoE Engineering Research Center for Software/Hardware Co-design Technology and Application, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China 2. INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditérannée, Sophia Antipolis 06902, France 3. University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis 06900, France |
Abstract This paper presents an approach to build a communication behavioural semantic model for heterogeneous distributed systems that include synchronous and asynchronous communications. Since each node of such system has its own physical clock, it brings the challenges of correctly specifying the system time constraints. Based on the logical clocks proposed by Lamport, and CCSL proposed by Aoste team in INRIA, as well as pNets from Oasis team in INRIA, we develop timed-pNets to model communication behaviours for distributed systems. Timed-pNets are tree style hierarchical structures. Each node is associated with a timed specification which consists of a set of logical clocks and some relations on clocks. The leaves are represented by timed-pLTSs. Non-leaf nodes (called timed-pNets nodes) are synchronisation devices that synchronize the behaviours of subnets (these subnets can be leaves or non-leaf nodes). Both timed-pLTSs and timed-pNets nodes can be translated to timed specifications. All these notions and methods are illustrated on a simple use-case of car insertion from the area of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In the end the TimeSquare tool is used to simulate and check the validity of our model.
logical time
formal method
timed specification
synchronous and asynchronous communication
Corresponding Author(s):
Yixiang CHEN
Issue Date: 09 February 2015
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