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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2023, Vol. 17 Issue (1) : 171101
Kronos: towards bus contention-aware job scheduling in warehouse scale computers
Shuai XUE1,2, Shang ZHAO1,2, Quan CHEN1,2(), Zhuo SONG2, Shanpei CHEN2, Tao MA2, Yong YANG2, Wenli ZHENG1, Minyi GUO1
1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2. Alibaba Group, Hangzhou 311121, China
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While researchers have proposed many techniques to mitigate the contention on the shared cache and memory bandwidth, none of them has considered the memory bus contention due to split lock. Our study shows that the split lock may cause 9X longer data access latency without saturating the memory bandwidth. To minimize the impact of split lock, we propose Kronos, a runtime system composed of an online bus contention tolerance meter and a bus contention-aware job scheduler. The meter characterizes the tolerance of jobs to the “pressure” of bus contention and builds a tolerance model with the polynomial regression technique. The job scheduler allocates user jobs to the physical nodes in a contention aware manner. We design three scheduling policies that minimize the number of required nodes while ensuring the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of all the user jobs, minimize the number of jobs that suffer from SLA violation without enough nodes, and maximize the overall performance without considering the SLA violation, respectively. Adopting the three policies, Kronos reduces the number of the required nodes by 42.1% while ensuring the SLA of all the jobs, reduces the number of the jobs that suffer from SLA violation without enough nodes by 72.8%, and improves the overall performance by 35.2% without considering SLA.

Keywords bus contention      split lock      schedule      high performance      cloud     
Corresponding Author(s): Quan CHEN   
Just Accepted Date: 26 January 2021   Issue Date: 01 March 2022
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Shuai XUE,Shang ZHAO,Quan CHEN, et al. Kronos: towards bus contention-aware job scheduling in warehouse scale computers[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2023, 17(1): 171101.
Fig.1  Bus contention between the co-located VMs
Fig.2  Split lock of Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max. (a) Autodesk 3ds Max; (b) Autodesk Maya
Hardware CPU: Intel Xeon Platinum 8163 CPU@2.50GHzMicroarchitecture codename: Skylake-SPL1d cache:32KB; L1i cache:32KB;L2 cache:1024KB; L3 cache:32MBMemory: 6*32GB DDR4-2666 DIMMs
Software CentOS 7 x86 64 (Kernel 4.10)
Peak memory bandwidth 256 GB/s per socket
Peak split lock frequency 260,000 locks/s
Benchmark Jobs
PARSEC bodytrack(bt), canneal(cn), dedup(du), x264(x2), ferret(fr),fluidanimate(fa), raytrace(rt), streamcluster (sc), vips (vs), facesim (fs)
Tab.1  Investigation configuration
Fig.4  The performance of the benchmarks when they are co-located with the bus polluter and the corresponding memory bandwidth usage at co-location
Fig.5  The impact of split lock on the data access latency from L1 cache, L2 cache, L3 cache and the main memory
Fig.6  The latency of accessing data from the main memory with different bus contention
Environment CPU platform Idle latency /ns Rate
No split lock Peak split lock
Local Intel Xeon 8163 118.4 959.7 8.10
AWS m5.xlarge Intel Xeon 8259CL 90.8 782.6 8.61
Azure D4s_v4 Intel Xeon 8272CL 84.5 573.2 6.78
Azure D4as_v4 AMD EPYC 7252 116.5 1557.8 13.3
Tab.2  Memory idle access latency for public clouds
Fig.7  The design architecture of Kronos
Fig.8  Measuring the tolerance of a VM on the memory bus contention
Fig.9  Accuracy of the bus contention tolerance meter
Fig.11  The relationship between the split lock frequency of one node and the probability that the node can place a job
Fig.12  The placement priority of scenario I
Fig.14  The placement priority of scenario II. (a) There are nodes where the frequency of split lock is below themaximum tolerance frequency; (b) The split lock frequency of all nodes is higher than maximum tolerance frequency
Scenario Scale # of Nodes, # of Jobs
I Small 30, 30
Medium 60, 60
Large 120,120
II Small 30,120
Medium 60,240
Large 120,480
III / 30, 30
Benchmark Parsec [32] Mircobench (split locks/second)
Jobs The 10 jobs in Table 1 Lock1 (20K), Lock2 (40K), Lock3 (60K), Lock4 (90K), Lock5 (120K)
Tab.3  Experimental configuration
Fig.16  The number of required physical nodes to fulfill the SLA of all the jobs in 100 test cases (Scenario I)
Fig.17  Job placement on each node in one test case with Kronos and First-Fit for minimizing node usage (Scenario I)
Fig.18  The number of jobs that suffer from SLA violation in 100 test cases (Scenario II)
Fig.19  The number of jobs that suffer from SLA violation on each node in one test case (Scenario II)
Fig.20  The overall running time performance in 100 test cases (Scenario III)
Fig.21  The running time of each job in one test case (Scenario III)
Fig.22  The scalability of Kronos. Small, Medium, and Large represent the scales of each scenario summarized in Table 3. (a) Scenario I; (b) Scenario II
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