A feature-wise attention module based on the difference with surrounding features for convolutional neural networks |
Shuo TAN, Lei ZHANG( ), Xin SHU, Zizhou WANG |
Machine Intelligence Laboratory, College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China |
Abstract Attention mechanism has become a widely researched method to improve the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Most of the researches focus on designing channel-wise and spatial-wise attention modules but neglect the importance of unique information on each feature, which is critical for deciding both “what” and “where” to focus. In this paper, a feature-wise attention module is proposed, which can give each feature of the input feature map an attention weight. Specifically, the module is based on the well-known surround suppression in the discipline of neuroscience, and it consists of two sub-modules, Minus-Square-Add (MSA) operation and a group of learnable non-linear mapping functions. The MSA imitates the surround suppression and defines an energy function which can be applied to each feature to measure its importance. The group of non-linear functions refines the energy calculated by the MSA to more reasonable values. By these two sub-modules, feature-wise attention can be well captured. Meanwhile, due to the simple structure and few parameters of the two sub-modules, the proposed module can easily be almost integrated into any CNN. To verify the performance and effectiveness of the proposed module, several experiments were conducted on the Cifar10, Cifar100, Cinic10, and Tiny-ImageNet datasets, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed module is flexible and effective for CNNs to improve their performance.
feature-wise attention
surround suppression
image classification
convolutional neural networks
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Just Accepted Date: 09 October 2022
Issue Date: 17 January 2023
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