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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (4) : 184315
Artificial Intelligence
A robust optimization method for label noisy datasets based on adaptive threshold: Adaptive-k
Enes DEDEOGLU, Himmet Toprak KESGIN(), Mehmet Fatih AMASYALI
Department of Computer Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34220, Turkey
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The use of all samples in the optimization process does not produce robust results in datasets with label noise. Because the gradients calculated according to the losses of the noisy samples cause the optimization process to go in the wrong direction. In this paper, we recommend using samples with loss less than a threshold determined during the optimization, instead of using all samples in the mini-batch. Our proposed method, Adaptive-k, aims to exclude label noise samples from the optimization process and make the process robust. On noisy datasets, we found that using a threshold-based approach, such as Adaptive-k, produces better results than using all samples or a fixed number of low-loss samples in the mini-batch. On the basis of our theoretical analysis and experimental results, we show that the Adaptive-k method is closest to the performance of the Oracle, in which noisy samples are entirely removed from the dataset. Adaptive-k is a simple but effective method. It does not require prior knowledge of the noise ratio of the dataset, does not require additional model training, and does not increase training time significantly. In the experiments, we also show that Adaptive-k is compatible with different optimizers such as SGD, SGDM, and Adam. The code for Adaptive-k is available at GitHub.

Keywords robust optimization      label noise      noisy label      deep learning      noisy datasets      noise ratio estimation      robust training     
Corresponding Author(s): Himmet Toprak KESGIN   
Just Accepted Date: 04 April 2023   Issue Date: 05 June 2023
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Enes DEDEOGLU,Himmet Toprak KESGIN,Mehmet Fatih AMASYALI. A robust optimization method for label noisy datasets based on adaptive threshold: Adaptive-k[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(4): 184315.
Fig.1  Precision and recall values in MNIST for noise ratio, τ=0.4 and k=0.6. The first 30 epochs are vanilla training, and the next 50 are adaptive training for Adaptive-k
Fig.2  Rate of clean samples and selected samples in MNIST for noise ratio τ=0.4. This figure shows the iterations in any given epoch during the training
Notation Description
X1 Clean samples
X2 Noisy samples
μ1 Mean loss of clean samples
μ2 Mean loss of noisy samples
σ1 Standard deviation of losses for clean samples
σ2 Standard deviation of losses for noisy samples
N Normal distribution
f1(x) Probability density function of losses for clean samples
f2(x) Probability density function of losses for noisy samples
F1(x) Cumulative distribution function of losses for clean samples
F2(x) Cumulative distribution function of losses for noisy samples
fD(x) Probability density function of losses for all samples
FD(x) Cumulative distribution function of losses for all samples
μD Mean loss of all samples
σD Standard deviation of losses for all samples
fadk(x) Probability density function of Adaptive-k distribution
μadk Mean of Adaptive-k distribution
σadk Standard deviation of Adaptive-k distribution
MS Eadk Mean squared error of Adaptive-k distribution
fMKL(x) Probability density function of MKL distribution
μMKL Mean of MKL distribution
σMKL Standard deviation of MKL distribution
MS EMKL Mean squared error of MKL distribution
Tab.1  Explanation of symbols used in equations
Fig.3  Mixture distribution for noisy dataset, where μ1=0, σ1=1, μ2=5, σ2=2, τ=0.4
Fig.4  MKL distribution’s pdf for noisy dataset, where μ1=0, σ1=1, μ2=5, σ2=2, τ=0.4
Fig.5  Comparison of MSE for SGD and MKL
Fig.6  Adaptive-k distribution’s pdf for noisy dataset, where μ1=0, σ1=1, μ2=5, σ2=2, τ=0.4
Fig.7  Comparison of MSE for Adaptive k and MKL
Fig.8  Loss distributions of clean and noisy data throughout training for noise ratio τ=0.3
Dataset τ Oracle Vanilla MKL [7] Vanilla + MKL Adaptive-k Trimloss [16] Co-teaching [10]
MNIST 0.10 98.54 97.73 96.23 98.06 98.32 98.22 98.11
MNIST 0.20 98.33 96.59 97.20 97.97 98.14 98.00 97.58
MNIST 0.30 98.21 94.25 96.93 97.31 97.66 97.11 96.70
MNIST 0.40 98.08 89.19 94.88 96.18 95.72 92.10 95.62
FMNIST 0.10 85.91 85.06 82.01 84.89 85.39 85.41 85.37
FMNIST 0.20 85.78 82.93 82.17 84.31 84.30 84.76 84.19
FMNIST 0.30 85.96 79.92 81.01 83.18 83.36 81.76 81.93
FMNIST 0.40 85.21 72.99 78.09 79.73 80.46 72.46 77.72
Cifar 10 0.10 81.42 77.94 77.07 78.62 80.15 78.87 80.31
Cifar 10 0.20 80.78 75.39 77.57 79.09 79.13 73.28 78.99
Cifar 10 0.30 79.52 71.76 73.23 76.85 78.12 63.48 76.49
Cifar 10 0.40 78.56 63.28 61.68 69.75 75.72 50.26 73.81
IMDB 0.10 88.09 87.50 80.31 87.37 87.17 87.63 87.78
IMDB 0.20 87.72 86.18 80.89 85.50 86.31 84.13 86.02
IMDB 0.30 87.17 83.00 78.88 82.95 81.40 68.94 83.18
IMDB 0.40 87.29 68.11 64.60 66.01 66.35 54.23 67.59
HOTEL 0.10 61.05 58.41 52.55 57.96 58.73 60.11 59.72
HOTEL 0.20 60.03 56.40 52.86 56.73 57.16 54.49 55.47
HOTEL 0.30 59.68 52.59 53.73 54.34 53.57 49.95 54.70
HOTEL 0.40 58.38 51.44 50.22 51.45 51.65 38.26 51.72
SARCASM 0.10 82.38 81.21 76.19 80.17 79.98 80.99 80.82
SARCASM 0.20 81.93 79.74 77.85 79.71 79.00 78.07 79.78
SARCASM 0.30 81.55 78.18 77.19 78.31 77.49 72.78 77.50
SARCASM 0.40 81.47 74.26 71.90 73.77 72.84 60.38 72.30
20_NEWS 0.10 70.21 66.94 62.49 66.5 70.2 68.23 68.18
20_NEWS 0.20 69.25 63.99 62.21 67.66 68.67 62.5 66.68
20_NEWS 0.30 68.32 60.85 56.37 66.18 66.46 51.83 63.5
20_NEWS 0.40 67.3 52.58 45.21 56.42 59.55 44.65 59.62
Tab.2  Comparison of Adaptive-k and Vanilla+MKL in different datasets with Oracle, Vanilla, MKL, Trimloss, and co-teaching on average test set accuracy. For each dataset, the best accuracy is in green, the second best is in blue, and the third best is in red
Algorithm Noise ratio hyperparameter required Training multiple models required
Adaptive-k No No
MKL Yes No
Trimloss Yes No
Co-teaching Yes Yes
Tab.3  Cost comparison of algorithms
Dataset τ Oracle Vanilla MKL [7] Vanilla + MKL Adaptive-k Trimloss [16] Co-teaching [10]
MNIST 0.10 98.54 97.73 96.23 98.06 98.32 98.22 98.11
MNIST 0.20 98.33 96.59 97.20 97.97 98.14 98.00 97.58
MNIST 0.30 98.21 94.25 96.93 97.31 97.66 97.11 96.70
MNIST 0.40 98.08 89.19 94.88 96.18 95.72 92.10 95.62
Fashion MNIST 0.10 85.91 85.06 82.01 84.89 85.39 85.41 85.37
Fashion MNIST 0.20 85.78 82.93 82.17 84.31 84.30 84.76 84.19
Fashion MNIST 0.30 85.96 79.92 81.01 83.18 83.36 81.76 81.93
Fashion MNIST 0.40 85.21 72.99 78.09 79.73 80.46 72.46 77.72
Cifar 10 0.10 81.42 77.94 77.07 78.62 80.15 78.87 80.31
Cifar 10 0.20 80.78 75.39 77.57 79.09 79.13 73.28 78.99
Cifar 10 0.30 79.52 71.76 73.23 76.85 78.12 63.48 76.49
Cifar 10 0.40 78.56 63.28 61.68 69.75 75.72 50.26 73.81
Dataset τ Oracle Vanilla MKL [7] Vanilla + MKL Adaptive-k Trimloss [16] Co_teaching [10]
MNIST 0.10 97.62 97.10 87.54 97.37 97.76 97.48 97.13
MNIST 0.20 97.60 95.73 88.75 97.28 97.69 97.19 96.32
MNIST 0.30 97.38 92.56 91.56 96.82 97.27 96.50 94.17
MNIST 0.40 97.30 86.07 86.66 94.38 96.51 96.13 86.12
Fashion MNIST 0.10 85.10 82.78 76.73 83.30 83.59 84.45 83.05
Fashion MNIST 0.20 83.76 80.92 76.06 82.88 82.84 82.34 81.40
Fashion MNIST 0.30 84.75 78.99 76.26 81.23 81.65 77.70 77.87
Fashion MNIST 0.40 83.89 69.58 68.57 77.05 77.81 68.22 70.29
Cifar 10 0.10 81.67 77.95 75.68 78.93 79.95 79.82 80.4
Cifar 10 0.20 80.36 75.84 75.88 79.20 79.12 70.86 78.75
Cifar 10 0.30 79.66 71.89 72.06 76.07 77.89 59.28 76.28
Cifar 10 0.40 78.89 64.80 57.80 69.80 68.29 49.16 71.7
Dataset τ Oracle Vanilla MKL [7] Vanilla + MKL Adaptive-k Trimloss [16] Co_teaching [10]
MNIST 0.10 98.46 97.62 97.12 97.66 98.23 98.33 97.86
MNIST 0.20 98.37 96.58 97.34 97.51 97.92 97.66 97.28
MNIST 0.30 98.27 93.98 96.51 97.16 97.38 97.34 96.76
MNIST 0.40 98.13 84.47 93.63 94.65 96.39 94.81 94.25
Fashion MNIST 0.10 86.04 84.89 83.55 85.26 85.84 85.48 85.76
Fashion MNIST 0.20 85.89 83.09 83.75 84.49 84.83 84.70 84.32
Fashion MNIST 0.30 85.81 80.04 81.63 82.22 82.84 79.18 81.86
Fashion MNIST 0.40 85.42 72.41 74.99 79.01 79.49 77.19 78.37
Cifar 10 0.10 80.83 78.80 77.42 79.19 80.55 79.14 80.62
Cifar 10 0.20 80.16 76.58 74.75 78.58 79.07 71.51 79.44
Cifar 10 0.30 79.33 73.03 69.54 76.57 77.99 59.6 77.08
Cifar 10 0.40 78.36 65.24 58.55 71.68 74.93 49.63 73.04
Tab.4  This table consists of three parts and shows the results for SGD, SGDM and ADAM optimizers respectively
Fig.9  The means of losses of clean and noisy samples in the MNIST data set for τ = 0.3 and the threshold value determined by adaptive k for the separation of these samples. The blue line shows the mean losses of noisy samples, the red line shows the mean losses of clean samples, and the green dashed line shows the calculated and used threshold value (μD in Adaptive-k Algorithm 2). The shaded area shows the ranges as mean ± 1.5 * standard deviation. The first 30 epochs are vanilla training, and the next 50 are adaptive training for Adaptive-k
Fig.10  It shows only the adaptive training for the MNIST dataset. For the MNIST dataset, after the first 30 epochs (Vanilla), the Adaptive-k training is started, which is 50 epochs. Solid lines indicate sample ratios determined as clean by Adaptive-k, while dashed lines indicate actual clean sample ratios
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