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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2025, Vol. 19 Issue (4) : 194311
Artificial Intelligence
Soft-GNN: towards robust graph neural networks via self-adaptive data utilization
Yao WU1,2, Hong HUANG1(), Yu SONG3, Hai JIN1
1. National Engineering Research Center for Big Data Technology and System, Service Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2. College of Information and Communication, National University of Defense Technology, Wuhan 430019, China
3. Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Université de Montréal, Montreal H3C 3J7, Canada
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained traction and have been applied to various graph-based data analysis tasks due to their high performance. However, a major concern is their robustness, particularly when faced with graph data that has been deliberately or accidentally polluted with noise. This presents a challenge in learning robust GNNs under noisy conditions. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework called Soft-GNN, which mitigates the influence of label noise by adapting the data utilized in training. Our approach employs a dynamic data utilization strategy that estimates adaptive weights based on prediction deviation, local deviation, and global deviation. By better utilizing significant training samples and reducing the impact of label noise through dynamic data selection, GNNs are trained to be more robust. We evaluate the performance, robustness, generality, and complexity of our model on five real-world datasets, and our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach over existing methods.

Keywords graph neural networks      node classification      label noise      robustness     
Corresponding Author(s): Hong HUANG   
Just Accepted Date: 22 March 2024   Issue Date: 14 May 2024
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Yao WU,Hong HUANG,Yu SONG, et al. Soft-GNN: towards robust graph neural networks via self-adaptive data utilization[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2025, 19(4): 194311.
Fig.1  (a) The performance of GCN under different levels of noise rate on Cora and Citeseer. The “-NF” dataset is derived from the noisy dataset by eliminating the noise labels; (b) the loss curve of GCN trained on Cora under noise rate=0.3
Fig.2  (a) The KL-divergence of the prediction distributions between nodes and local surrounding nodes; (b) the NDCG@10 of ranking similar nodes based on feature space in the output space. We get the results on Cora with GCN when the noise rate is 0.3
Fig.3  The overall framework of Soft-GNN
Dataset Nodes Edges Class train / val / test
Cora 2,810 15,926 7 140 / 500 / 1310
Citeseer 2,110 7,336 6 120 / 500 / 610
Pubmed 19,717 88,648 3 60 / 500 / 1000
Wiki-cs 11,311 431,108 10 500 / 500 / 1000
A-Computers 13,381 491,722 10 500 / 500 / 1000
Tab.1  The statistics of five datasets
Dataset Noise type Backbone Method
Basic Co-teaching Decoupling Trunc Lq SACE UnionNET SuLD-GNN NRGNN CLNode ours
Cora Uniform GCN 73.02±0.53 61.87±1.05 72.66±0.44 72.62±0.49 69.98±0.43 71.32±0.72 73.10±0.54 74.43±0.52 75.49±0.68 76.25±0.57
APPNP 77.64±0.77 64.24±1.28 77.69±0.76 74.13±1.04 75.02±0.95 73.33±1.30 78.16±0.77 ? 77.85±0.71 78.70±0.71
Pair GCN 78.43±0.31 71.15±0.51 78.19±0.31 78.48±0.46 78.38±0.36 78.20±0.36 79.16±0.26 78.69±0.59 79.07±0.46 79.49±0.48
APPNP 81.60±1.01 76.29±1.63 81.27±0.84 81.46±0.82 81.91±0.89 81.51±0.65 81.26±0.69 ? 82.68±0.42 83.66±0.37
Citeseer Uniform GCN 65.27±0.72 59.03±0.96 64.97±0.79 64.84±0.80 66.08±0.81 66.07±1.07 65.07±0.60 67.22±0.75 67.91±0.67 68.40±0.70
APPNP 71.05±0.68 69.75±0.73 70.50±0.77 71.00±0.59 71.86±0.60 70.75±0.71 71.00±0.79 ? 71.64±0.72 71.97±0.74
Pair GCN 65.62±0.63 61.31±1.16 65.58±0.56 67.00±0.75 66.25±0.66 65.80±1.15 65.36±0.67 66.56±0.82 67.94±0.52 68.11±0.56
APPNP 69.46±0.87 67.35±0.80 69.12±0.80 69.95±0.88 70.07±0.62 69.23±0.65 67.44±0.77 ? 70.78±0.44 71.98±0.40
Pubmed Uniform GCN 72.36±1.16 71.76±1.06 72.29±1.11 72.30±1.17 72.84±1.17 72.28±1.12 70.48±1.52 68.46±1.54 72.96±0.99 73.08±1.11
APPNP 74.67±2.02 73.88±1.75 74.37±2.06 75.07±2.05 74.89±1.97 74.35±1.95 72.42±2.73 ? 74.90±1.02 75.65±2.31
Pair GCN 70.21±0.84 66.68±1.85 70.09±0.86 70.81±1.01 71.42±1.07 69.85±0.87 69.22±0.89 68.75±0.77 70.23±1.08 71.02±0.87
APPNP 74.92±1.07 74.39±1.36 74.16±1.25 75.49±1.14 75.40±1.09 74.63±1.08 74.42±1.04 ? 75.92±0.85 76.13±1.02
Wiki-cs Uniform GCN 56.99±0.53 58.24±0.91 56.96±0.51 49.84±1.04 51.66±0.98 48.94±1.73 53.87±1.10 55.23±1.13 56.75±0.67 58.04±0.63
APPNP 67.55±0.73 67.71±0.66 66.33±0.77 62.61±1.23 64.45±0.86 60.42±2.19 56.03±2.29 ? 67.29±0.65 68.81±0.91
Pair GCN 55.36±0.47 56.39±0.45 55.63±0.49 51.34±0.83 52.42±0.79 49.68±1.37 53.53±1.21 54.37±0.74 55.06±0.49 56.87±1.04
APPNP 65.72±0.41 66.54±0.51 64.56±0.49 61.91±0.72 62.94±0.62 58.74±1.94 54.79±1.69 ? 65.11±0.50 66.93±0.70
A-computers Uniform GCN 58.01±1.18 58.27±3.00 57.27±3.34 52.76±1.82 53.36±2.25 48.63±2.18 59.01±2.74 ? 56.95±1.58 59.89±1.32
APPNP 64.20±1.73 64.83±3.22 65.19±3.71 56.03±5.00 56.88±2.84 52.74±3.89 65.32±3.90 ? 64.98±2.23 65.44±1.85
Pair GCN 69.25±1.54 68.52±1.79 68.92±1.61 59.91±2.83 60.44±2.32 54.01±6.77 68.88±1.83 ? 68.34±1.59 70.43±2.21
APPNP 73.98±0.75 71.36±1.79 73.30±0.88 62.28±2.32 63.71±1.88 63.20±3.36 74.51±0.74 ? 73.80±0.99 75.11±0.73
Tab.2  The Micro-F1 (%) under uniform and pair noise rate=0.2. We present the results and 95% confidence interval
Fig.4  The results under different noise types and rates on Cora and Citeseer. (a) Uniform; (b) Pair; (c) Uniform; (d) Pair
Fig.5  The performance gains over GCN on Citeseer under noise rate=0.4. (a) Micro-F1; (b) Macro-F1
Ratio to GCN Time GPU Memory
Citeseer Pubmed Wiki-cs Citeseer Pubmed Wiki-cs
Co-teaching 1.38 1.35 1.31 1.03 1.05 1.02
Trunc Lq 0.50 0.44 0.52
UnionNET 0.72 0.71 0.73
NRGNN 16.18 70.79 61.09 1.93 1.91 9.35
Soft-GNN 2.00 1.85 3.26 1.04 1.02
Tab.3  The comparison of time and memory efficiency over GCN with 64 hidden units
Fig.6  The performance comparison with different hyper-parameters: q and k on Cora under noise rate=0.3 with GCN
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