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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (6) : 186334
Neural partially linear additive model
Liangxuan ZHU1, Han LI1(), Xuelin ZHANG1, Lingjuan WU1, Hong CHEN1,2,3,4
1. College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2. Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Technology for Agriculture (Ministry of Education), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
3. Shenzhen Institute of Nutrition and Health, Huazhong Agricultural University, Shenzhen 518000, China
4. Shenzhen Branch, Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture, Genome Analysis Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518000, China
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Interpretability has drawn increasing attention in machine learning. Most works focus on post-hoc explanations rather than building a self-explaining model. So, we propose a Neural Partially Linear Additive Model (NPLAM), which automatically distinguishes insignificant, linear, and nonlinear features in neural networks. On the one hand, neural network construction fits data better than spline function under the same parameter amount; on the other hand, learnable gate design and sparsity regular-term maintain the ability of feature selection and structure discovery. We theoretically establish the generalization error bounds of the proposed method with Rademacher complexity. Experiments based on both simulations and real-world datasets verify its good performance and interpretability.

Keywords feature selection      structure discovery      partially linear additive model      neural network     
Corresponding Author(s): Han LI   
Just Accepted Date: 04 July 2023   Issue Date: 07 October 2023
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Liangxuan ZHU,Han LI,Xuelin ZHANG, et al. Neural partially linear additive model[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(6): 186334.
MethodsFeature selectionLinear fitsNonlinear fitsStructure discoveryAdaptively chosen function spaceSuitable for large feature sample sizes
Lasso [17] - - -
NAM [14] - - -
SNAM [19] - -
LassoNet [21] - -
SpAM [18] - - -
SPINN [20] - -
SPLAM [11] -
SPLAT [12] -
NPLAM (our)
Tab.1  Properties of different methods
Fig.1  NPLAM architecture. Orange represents nonlinear features, blue represents linear features, and green represents irrelevant features. g1 represent the feature selection gate and g2 represent the structure discovery gate. Note that NPLAM does not require the prior knowledge of the feature and nonlinear model is estimated by neural network with random weights
Lasso 4.1 0.759 - 0.0394(±0.0022)
NAM 3.7 0.407 - 0.0122(±0.0017)
SNAM 5.0 1.000 - 0.0037(±0.0009)
FCNN 3.3 0.733 - 0.0360(±0.0029)
FCNN(l1) 3.4 0.739 - 0.0297(±0.0032)
LassoNet 3.8 0.835 - 0.0327(±0.0024)
SpAM 5.0 1.000 - 0.0226(±0.0039)
SPINN 3.5 0.805 - 0.0294(±0.0015)
SPLAM 3.1 0.765 0.900 0.1494(±0.0133)
SPLAT 4.3 0.925 0.943 0.0178(±0.0040)
NPLAM 5.0 1.000 1.000 0.0025(±0.0002)
Tab.2  Part of results of simulation dataset
Fig.2  True and estimated function for simulation. Ground truth function is the solid red line, estimated component function by NPLAM is the dashed blue line, estimated component function by SNAM is the dashed green line, and estimated component function by NAM is the dashed orange line
Result of R2
NAM 0.9023 0.9674 0.9823 0.9735 0.9985
SNAM 0.8980 0.9139 0.9386 0.9925 0.9998
NPLAM 0.9788 0.9993 0.9867 0.9997 0.9998
Tab.3  Result of R2. Quantitative analysis of NAM, SNAM, and NPLAM on the 30-dimension simulation dataset, with the metric of the coefficient of determination R2 between the estimated component function of each feature and their corresponding ground truth
Fig.3  The convergence path of double gates under simulation dataset. g1 represents feature selection gate. g2 represents structure discovery gate. Colored lines represent important features. Black and gray lines represent unimportant features
Fig.4  Comparative experiment results of FCNN, FCNN(l1), LassoNet, SPINN, NAM, SNAM, and NPLAM under different floating point operations(FLOPs). FLOPs are obtained by computing the multiplication and addition during the forward propagation
Fig.5  Effects of varying sample size. m represents the sample size which used for training and the value of m satisfies 1/m= {0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05}
Lasso 4.0 0.889 - 0.0290(±0.0014)
NAM 4.6 0.102 - 0.0057(±0.0012)
SNAM 5.0 1.000 - 0.0032(±0.0002)
FCNN 3.9 0.830 - 0.0180(±0.0019)
FCNN(l1) 2.8 0.659 - 0.0167(±0.0025)
LassoNet 3.4 0.489 - 0.0268(±0.0011)
SpAM 5.0 1.000 - 0.0149(±0.0023)
SPINN 1.9 0.487 - 0.0357(±0.0024)
SPLAM 4.1 0.765 0.990 0.0978(±0.0555)
SPLAT 3.2 0.889 0.990 0.0245(±0.0007)
NPLAM 5.0 1.000 1.000 0.0024(±0.0002)
Tab.4  Part of results of 300-dimension simulation dataset
Fig.6  The convergence path of double gates under 300-dimnension dataset
Fig.7  The convergence paths of different double gates g1 and g2 over training epochs in 30-dimension dataset. Here, g1 represents feature selection gates, g2 represents structure discovery gates. The important features x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5 are highlighted with colorful curves, and x6x30 are shown in black/gray curves (mean: black curves; range: gray area). (a) represent the convergence paths of double gates, which are generated from experiment with the regularization term λ1g11+λ2g21+λ3A1. (b) represent the convergence paths of double gates, which are generated from experiment with the regularization term λ2g21+λ3A1. (c) represent the convergence paths of double gates, which are generated from experiment with the regularization term λ1g11+λ3A1. (d) represent the convergence paths of double gates, which are generated from experiment with the regularization term λ3A1
No double gates 0.286 0.100 0.002587(±4.56E-5)
Only g1 1.000 0.100 0.002565(±2.86E-5)
Only g2 0.286 1.000 0.002565(±5.78E-5)
Double gates 1.000 1.000 0.002527(±5.80E-5)
Tab.5  The result of different double gates g1 and g2. g1 represents feature selection gate, g2 represents structure discovery gate
Fig.8  The convergence paths of NPLAM’s double gates under the different hyperparameters
Fig.9  The convergence paths of the double gates g1 and g2 over training epochs with three ablation experiments. Here, g1 represents feature selection gates, g2 represents structure discovery gates. (a) show the result of full linear feature dataset. (b) show the result of full nonlinear feature dataset. (c) show the result of partially linear feature dataset. In (a), the important linear features x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5 are highlighted with colorful curves, and others are shown in black/gray curves. In (b), the important nonlinear features x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5 are highlighted with colorful curves, and others are shown in black/gray curves. And in (c), the linear features x1x15 are blue curves and the nonlinear features x16x30 are orange curves
California Housing dataset
Methods for feature selection Lasso - - - - 0.1073(±0.0021)
NAM - - 0.0645(±0.0018)
SNAM - - - 0.0630(±0.0022)
FCNN - - - - 0.0493(±0.0039)
FCNN(l1) - - - - 0.0555(±0.0033)
LassoNet - - - - - 0.0774(±0.0046)
SpAM - - - 0.0792(±0.0032)
SPINN - - - - - 0.0980(±0.0031)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM - √(L) - √(N) √(L) √(L) - √(L) 0.2521(±0.0084)
SPLAT √(N) - √(L) - - - - √(L) 0.4136(±0.0187)
NPLAM √(N) √(N) - - √(L) √(N) - √(L) 0.0628(±0.0022)
Super-Conductivity dataset
Methods for feature selection Lasso - - 0.0563(±0.0013)
NAM - - - 0.0332(±0.0086)
SNAM - 0.0331(±0.0075)
FCNN - - 0.0227(±0.0016)
FCNN(l1) - 0.0219(±0.0017)
LassoNet - - - 0.0326(±0.0037)
SpAM - 0.0406(±0.0079)
SPINN - 0.0345(±0.0007)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM √(N) √(L) - √(N) - 0.1309(±0.0096)
SPLAT √(L) - - √(L) √(L) 0.0864(±0.0595)
NPLAM √(N) √(L) √(N) √(N) √(N) 0.0313(±0.0009)
Beijing Air Quality dataset
Methods for feature selection Lasso - - - - - - - - 0.0089(±0.0004)
NAM - - 0.0053(±0.0004)
SNAM - - - - - - - - 0.0049(±0.0005)
FCNN - - 0.0028(±0.0002)
FCNN(l1) - - - - - 0.0031(±0.0002)
LassoNet - - - - - - - - 0.0053(±0.0007)
SpAM - - - - - - - - 0.0047(±0.0025)
SPINN - - - - 0.0117(±0.0012)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM √(N) √(L) √(N) √(L) √(L) - - - √(L) √(L) √(L) 0.1241(±0.0158)
SPLAT √(N) - √(N) √(L) - √(N) √(L) √(L) - - √(L) 0.0741(±0.0024)
NPLAM √(N) - √(L) √(N) √(N) √(L) - √(N) - - - 0.0045(±0.0001)
Boston Housing dataset
Methods for feature selection Lasso - - - - - - 0.0515(±0.0070)
NAM - - - - - 0.0366(±0.0041)
SNAM - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0352(±0.0053)
FCNN - - - - - - 0.0407(±0.0036)
FCNN(l1) - - - - - - - - - 0.0415(±0.0089)
LassoNet - - - - - - - - - 0.0377(±0.0043)
SpAM - - - - - - - 0.0456(±0.0197)
SPINN - - - - - - - 0.0504(±0.0084)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM √(L) √(L) - - - √(N) √(L) - √(N) √(L) - √(N) √(N) 0.1781(±0.0650)
SPLAT √(L) √(N) √(N) - - √(L) √(N) √(N) √(L) - - √(N) √(N) 0.2820(±0.0107)
NPLAM √(N) - - - √(N) √(N) - √(N) √(L) √(L) √(L) - √(N) 0.0342(±0.0075)
Tab.6  Experimental results of real-world datasets
MethodsRegularization*ParametersSearch range of initial coarse grids
Lasso Coefficient of lasso penalty term. {10?5,10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
NAM - Learning rate. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
SNAM Coefficient of l1 penalty term for last hidden layer weight. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Learning rate. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
FCNN - Learning rate. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
FCNN(l1) Coefficient of l1 penalty term for first hidden layer weight. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Learning rate. {10?5,10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
SPINN Coefficient of sparse group lasso penalty term. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Learning rate. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
SPLAM Coefficient of SPLAM penalty term. {10?5,10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
SPLAT Alpha which controls the strength of the linear fit. {0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9}
Number of lambda values. {5,10,15,20,25,30}
NPLAM(our) Coefficient of l1 penalty term for the feature selection gates g1. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Coefficient of l1 penalty term for the structure discovery gates g2. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Coefficient of l1 penalty term for the weight of neural network. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100,101}
Leaning rate. {10?4,10?3,10?2,10?1,100}
  Table A1 Search Range of Initial Coarse Grids for different methods
Actual positive Actual negative
Predicted positive TP FP
Predicted negative FN TN
  Table A2 Confusion matrix
30-dimension simulation
Methods for feature selection Lasso -
FCNN(l1) - -
LassoNet - -
SpAM -
SPINN - - -
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM √(N) √(L) - √(L) √(L)
SPLAT √(N) √(L) - √(L) √(L)
NPLAM √(N) √(N) √(N) √(L) √(L) -
30-dimension simulation
Methods TP() TN() FP() FN() F1() CF() UF() OF() MSE(STD)()
Methods for feature selection Lasso 4.1 23.3 1.7 0.9 0.759 - - - 0.0394(±0.0022)
NAM 3.7 15.5 9.5 1.3 0.407 - - - 0.0122(±0.0017)
SNAM 5.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 - - - 0.0037(±0.0009)
FCNN 3.3 24.3 0.7 1.7 0.733 - - - 0.0360(±0.0029)
FCNN(l1) 3.4 24.2 0.8 1.6 0.739 - - - 0.0297(±0.0032)
LassoNet 3.8 24.7 0.3 1.2 0.835 - - - 0.0327(±0.0024)
SpAM 5.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 - - - 0.0226(±0.0039)
SPINN 3.5 24.8 0.2 1.5 0.805 - - - 0.0294(±0.0015)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM 3.1 25 0.0 1.9 0.765 0.900 0.100 0.000 0.1494(±0.0133)
SPLAT 4.3 25 0 0.7 0.925 0.943 0.057 0.000 0.0178(±0.0040)
NPLAM 5.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.0025(±0.0002)
300-dimension simulation
Methods x1(N) x2(N) x3(N) x4(L) x5(L) Other(-)
Methods for feature selection Lasso - -
FCNN(l1) - - -
LassoNet -
SpAM -
SPINN - - -
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM √(N) √(L) - √(L) √(L)
SPLAT √(L) √(L) - √(L) √(L) -
NPLAM √(N) √(N) √(N) √(L) √(L) -
300-dimension simulation
Methods TP() TN() FP() FN() F1() CF() UF() OF() MSE(STD)()
Methods for feature selection Lasso 4.0 295.0 0.0 1.0 0.889 - - - 0.0290(±0.0014)
NAM 4.6 214.5 80.5 0.4 0.102 - - - 0.0057(±0.0012)
SNAM 5.0 295.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 - - - 0.0032(±0.0002)
FCNN 3.9 294.5 0.5 1.1 0.830 - - - 0.0180(±0.0019)
FCNN(l1) 2.8 294.3 0.7 2.2 0.659 - - - 0.0167(±0.0025)
LassoNet 3.4 289.5 5.5 1.6 0.489 - - - 0.0268(±0.0011)
SpAM 5.0 295.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 - - - 0.0149(±0.0023)
SPINN 1.9 294.1 0.9 3.1 0.487 - - - 0.0357(±0.0024)
Methods for feature selection & structure discovery SPLAM 4.1 294.9 0.1 0.9 0.756 0.990 0.007 0.003 0.0978(±0.0555)
SPLAT 3.2 295 0 0.8 0.889 0.990 0.010 0.000 0.0245(±0.0007)
NPLAM 5.0 295.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.0024(±0.0002)
  Table A3 Detailed results of simulation
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