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Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN 2095-2732

ISSN 2095-2740(Online)

CN 10-1028/TM

Front Elect Electr Eng    2012, Vol. 7 Issue (3) : 312-317
Modeling and optimization of induction cooking by the use of magneto-thermal finite element analysis and genetic algorithms
Abdelkader KANSSAB1(), Abdelhalim ZAOUI2, Mouloud FELIACHI3
1. Département d’électrotechnique, University of Hassiba Benbouali, Chlef 02000, Algeria; 2. Military Polytechnic School, BP17 B.E.Bahri, Algiers, Algeria; 3. PRES-L’UNAM, IREENA, Bd de l'Université, BP 406, 44602 St-Nazaire cedex, France
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Induction cooking has several advantages compared to traditional heating system; however, to obtain best efficiency, it is essential to have an inductor giving homogeneous temperature on the pan bottom. For this aim, we propose a structure of inductor with four throats containing coils and optimize their distribution. In this paper, first we model magneto-thermal phenomenon of the system by a finite element method (FEM) for the mean to determine the distribution of temperature on the pan bottom by taking the nonlinearity of system. This study shows that a temperature distribution is not homogeneous. Second, with the aim to have homogeneous temperature distribution on the pan bottom, the optimal determination of throats distribution and their dimensions is obtained by genetic algorithms (GAs). The optimized structure permits to satisfy our aim.

Keywords finite element method      magneto-thermal devices      genetic algorithms     
Corresponding Author(s): KANSSAB Abdelkader,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2012
 Cite this article:   
Abdelkader KANSSAB,Abdelhalim ZAOUI,Mouloud FELIACHI. Modeling and optimization of induction cooking by the use of magneto-thermal finite element analysis and genetic algorithms[J]. Front Elect Electr Eng, 2012, 7(3): 312-317.
Fig.1  Inductor with coils winding
Fig.2  Inductor with throats
Fig.3  Curve of resistivity
Fig.4  Curve of relative permeability
Fig.5  Geometry of the model used in the program
Rradius of container140 mm
eiinductor thickness3.8 mm
eggap thickness4 mm
eccontainer thickness3 mm
d1, d2, ..., didistances16.25 mm
eqthroats thickness2 mm
μfferrite relative permeability2500
ffrequency20×103 Hz
Jcurrent density1×106 A/m2
lthermal conductivity26 W/(m·K)
hconvection coefficient20 W/(m2·K)
ρmmasse density7700 kg/m3
Cpspecific heat460 J/K
Tab.1  Parameters of the simulated system
Fig.6  Flow chart of magneto-thermal program
Fig.7  Curve of current density at the bottom of the pan
Fig.8  Curve of temperature at the bottom of the pan
Fig.9  Flow chart of GA
Fig.10  Geometry of the inductor after optimization
Tab.2  New dimensions of the throats
Fig.11  Distribution of current density at the bottom of the pan
Fig.12  Distribution of temperature at the bottom of the pan
Fig.13  Temperature evolution versus time
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