Engineering Management Treatises |
Construction Technology of Off-Site Precast Concrete Buildings |
Ting Gong( ),Jian Yang,Hao Hu,Feng Xu |
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China |
Abstract The industrialization of building construction is gradually becoming a new choice of construction technology driven by some great advantages such as high efficiency in construction, low energy consumption and environmental friendliness. Construction management plays an important part to ensure the quality of projects. A comparison between traditional on-site and modern off-site construction methods has been conducted. The streamlining of the process including the fabrication, transportation, stacking and assembling of precast components has also been analyzed with a discussion on the BIM application in the process.
off-site construction
precast concrete
modular construction
construction management
building information model (BIM)
Corresponding Author(s):
Ting Gong
Online First Date: 13 October 2015
Issue Date: 12 November 2015
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