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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2015, Vol. 2 Issue (3) : 249-260
Discussion on Problem-Based Engineering Management System
Qiao Xiang()
Chengdu Holy Industry & Commerce Corp., Ltd. (Group), Chengdu, 610041, China
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The paper puts forward the idea of problem-based engineering management, expounds its connotation and guiding ideology and moreover, substantially demonstrates its practical significance in the engineering management system for the maintenance of Chinese military aircraft engines.

Keywords problem      engineering management      system     
Corresponding Author(s): Qiao Xiang   
Online First Date: 18 February 2016    Issue Date: 21 March 2016
 Cite this article:   
Qiao Xiang. Discussion on Problem-Based Engineering Management System[J]. Front. Eng, 2015, 2(3): 249-260.
Fig.1  PBEMS for the maintenance of Chinese military aircraft engines.
Fig.2  Maturity model AO2PM3.
Fig.3  Problem based quality management system.
Fig.4  3D magic cube pattern.
Fig.5  Product-dimension organization structure.
Fig.6  Operation-dimension organization structure.
Fig.7  Administration-dimension organization structure.
Fig.8  Post relations for R & D management technician.
Fig.9  Enterprise culture notion system.
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