Refinery production scheduling toward Industry 4.0 |
Marcel JOLY1(), Darci ODLOAK3, Mario Y. MIYAKE2, Brenno C. MENEZES4, Jeffrey D. KELLY5 |
1. Technological Research Institute IPT, São Paulo 05508-901, Brazil; Federal University of Technology UTFPR, Curitiba 85601-970, Brazil 2. Technological Research Institute IPT, São Paulo 05508-901, Brazil 3. University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-010, Brazil 4. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213, United States 5. Industrial Algorithms Limited, Toronto ON, MIP 4C3, Canada |
Abstract Understanding the holistic relationship between refinery production scheduling (RPS) and the cyber-physical production environment with smart scheduling is a new question posed in the study of process systems engineering. Here, we discuss state-of-the-art RSPs in the crude-oil refining field and present examples that illustrate how smart scheduling can impact operations in the high-performing chemical process industry. We conclude that, more than any traditional off-the-shelf RPS solution available today, flexible and integrative specialized modeling platforms will be increasingly necessary to perform decentralized and collaborative optimizations, since they are the technological alternatives closer to the advanced manufacturing philosophy.
cyber-physical systems
petrochemical industry
smart manufacturing
Corresponding Author(s):
Marcel JOLY
Just Accepted Date: 22 November 2017
Online First Date: 26 December 2017
Issue Date: 28 June 2018
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