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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

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Front. Eng    2018, Vol. 5 Issue (3) : 289-297
Conceptualising the nexus of projects, finance and capacity in construction business
Arun BAJRACHARYA1(), Stephen Olu OGUNLANA2, Cheng Siew GOH1, Hai Chen TAN1
1. School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University, 62200 Putrajaya, Malaysia
2. School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom
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This paper addresses a research question on why construction companies fail in their business. Starting with the concept of growth and capacity underinvestment archetype, a new and operational systems thinking model is developed. The conceptual systems thinking model includes a set of causal structure that can explain various modes (including the growth and failure modes) of business performance of small and medium construction companies. Mainly the three components – projects, finance and capacity – and the understanding of their nexus (or causal inter-relationships) are found to be sufficient to reveal different performance modes in construction business. Further, the three operational aspects, namely, the business growth or decline process; the situation of financial and other capacity resource consumption; and the management of projects, finance and other capacity resources have been identified as the inter-related core and integral aspects of construction business. The three inter-related core aspects could actually include and explain different possible range of business situations, policies and practices in a construction company.

Keywords performance of construction business      projects      finance      capacity      systems thinking     
Corresponding Author(s): Arun BAJRACHARYA   
Just Accepted Date: 02 July 2018   Online First Date: 25 July 2018    Issue Date: 14 September 2018
 Cite this article:   
Arun BAJRACHARYA,Stephen Olu OGUNLANA,Cheng Siew GOH, et al. Conceptualising the nexus of projects, finance and capacity in construction business[J]. Front. Eng, 2018, 5(3): 289-297.
Fig.1  The growth and capacity underinvestment archetype (Source: Senge, 1990)
Fig.2  Patterns of business performance as explained by the GCU archetype
Fig.3  The growth process of construction company
Fig.4  Limits to the growth process
Fig.5  Managing projects and finance
Fig.6  Managing projects and the capacity
Fig.7  The nexus of projects, finance and capacity
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