Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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, Volume 1 Issue 1

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The Construction of a Green Transportation System of China
Zhi-huan Fu,Qing-zhong Luo,Guang-zhi Jia
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 3-12.

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Since the 21st century, the transportation industry in China has achieved rapid growth with a significant increase in the transport capacity; however the development has also greatly impacted the energy saving & environmental conservation. This paper takes into account non-commercial vehicles such as private cars in the statistics of energy consumption and pollution of Chinese transportation system. This method extends on previous methods which solely include commercial vehicles in these statistics. Based on more comprehensive quantitative data, it reviews the progress in the energy saving and environmental conservation efforts by the Chinese transportation industry and points out that the rapid increase of energy consumption and pollution emission and the deterioration of traffic congestion are prominent problems in the development of the Chinese transport industry. The main reasons for theses problems include the unbalanced development of different transport modes, the irrational layout of integrated transport hubs, the inadequate law, regulations and standards, and the use of suboptimal technology. Based on these findings, this paper proposes several goals for the construction of a green transportation system in China including the establishment of a transportation management system, the improvement of transportation energy efficiency, the control of environmental pollution and the alleviating of urban traffic congestion. Additionally, it points out that in order to build a green transportation system in China, multiple aspects should be enhanced, i.e., the formulation of traffic planning, the optimization of transport structure, the development of urban public transport, improvement of integrated hubs, administration of energy saving and environmental conservation, development of intelligent transportation systems, technical innovations, etc..

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Management and Practice of Large-Scale Modern Coal Enterprises
An Wang
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 13-17.

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As the coal-dominated energy structure will remain unchanged in the short term, the sustainable development of the coal industry is still serving as one of the foundations for the sound development of the national economy. The construction of modernized mines based on "four orientations", that is, orientations of scale production, modern technology and equipment, informationized management and professional working team, has been rapidly enhancing its development in the recent decade. However, in the next decade or an even longer period, the industry, with the energy centre shifting to the West of China, will be exposed to new options and development in the layout, structure, model, technology, etc.

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Practice of Unconventional Gas Development and Engineering Management Innovation in China
Wen-rui Hu,Jing-wei Bao,Bin Hu
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 18-29.

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This article analyses the recent progressive increase in resourcequantity and production quantity of unconventional natural gas in China, describes its natural properties and the concepts, strategies and approaches of its development, summarizes the special techniques, management concepts and development modes formed in the process of its development, and puts forward proposals to accelerate the development of unconventional natural gas of China. The technically recoverable reserve of unconventional natural gas is 1.7 times that of conventional natural gas and its output in 2012 accounted for 41.8% of the total output in China. Chinese tight gas development has gained success, coal-bed methane development and shale gas production pilots have made important progresses. As the key feature of unconventional natural gas is "low grade", for the effective scale development, developers must build up the engineering concept of low-grade resources development, adhere to the low cost strategy, take the development route of "a step backward and then a step forward", apply such ideas and methods of engineering management as low cost dualistic integrative innovation, full control network management, economic limit theory, integrated operation and "four orientations" engineering management, establish a "two lows" engineering management system, and take reference of the successful development mode of the tight gas in Sulige and the coal-bed methane in the Qinshui basin. In order to achieve the objective of rapid development of nonconventional natural gas in China and to accelerate the development pace, the government should continue to increase support, to speed up the reform of natural gas price adjustment, to set up national comprehensive development and utilization demonstration areas, to input in sustainable technological research and to promote engineering management innovation.?

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Research and Practice of Meta-synthesis Management for the Government-led Urban Complex Construction Project
Ru-gui Chen,Jia-meng Chen
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 52-61.

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This paper researches the overall construction target of government-led urban complex construction projects based on the perspective of sustainable urban development.In order to achieve benefit maximization, the meta-synthesis management for the government-led urban complex construction project is studied.In order to combine theory and practice, several typical government-led urban complex construction project cases, such as Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center and Guangzhou International Financial City etc. areexamined. These examples point to thefeasibility of government-led meta-synthesis management and demonstrate the benefits that can be achieved through this model.

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The Construction of Tetrahedral Model of Engineering Ethical Evaluation
Jin Wang
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 62-70.

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To achieve greatprojects, great attention should be attached to ethical issues of engineering. But endless immoralities in the field of engineering expose the lack of attention and the ineffectiveness of implementation of engineering ethical evaluation. The “Mirror” and the "Lamp" — these two metaphors used by M. H. Abrams vividly expose the differences in people's way of understanding which inspires author's study of the model of engineering ethical evaluation. With four elements of the project —artifact, engineer, user and environment, a tetrahedral model of integrity, strong restoring force and high stability is built. While their roles and responsibilities differ, each has to demonstrate a commitment to professional and ethical standards. In this model, four "Lamps" — i. e, four elements of engineering — in four corners provide light while four "Mirrors" — the result of reflection of four elements — reflect whether the tetrahedral model can truthfully evaluate the level of engineering ethics. The combination of the "Lamps" and "Mirrors" illuminates engineering ethical evaluation and leads to a plurality of evaluation standards, while simultaneously fostering both the avoidance of simple de-instrumentalization and the sustainability of ethical evaluation. Plurality of evaluation standards means the consideration of value differences in a multi-value state. The avoidance of de-instrumentalization means to prevent the engineer's expertise from fossilization. The sustainability of ethical evaluation accelerates the fulfillment of our dream, for the ultimate benefit of humankind. Ethical evaluation of the project not only helps more engineers to use expertise in pursuit of the public good, but also make more projects to meet people's short-term expectations and long-term cares.

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NewIndustrial Revolution and Environmental Protection
Qian Yi
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 71-75.

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Serious environmental problems have appeared in China since the rapid economic growth 30 years ago, which affect human's health and become a limiting factor for further development. It has brought about the rethinking of traditional ways for economy development and environmental protection, and realized that the change in the model of development and environment protection is of significance. A new industrial revolution is needed for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. This paper discusses the characteristics of the new industrial revolution for sustainable development including cleaner production, circular economy, and industrial ecology. Lessons from China and abroad will be introduced to prove that new strategies for environment protection and economic development are needed.

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Inheritance and Innovation of Engineering Management Informatization
Kai Sun,Ren-huai Liu
Front. Eng. 2014, 1 (1): 76-82.

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In the life-cycle of large projects, the operational phase lasts the longest, costs the most and substantially benefits the project. During the whole phase, energy, material and human resources may cost a lot. Effective control of such costs is one of the main targets of engineering management informatization. How to lower the organization collaboration cost in project management and how to support effective collaboration among different areas, organizations and departments in the ways of technology and management are major goals in engineering management informatization. In the phase of project operation, project owners, partners and customers are the stakeholders of engineering management informatization. Through the case of airport management informatization, inherited and innovation of engineering management informatization will be discussed. It is illustrated that airport informatization is the innovation of business model and technology applications through the analysis and study on cases of airport informatization.

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11 articles