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Frontiers of Earth Science

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

Front. Earth Sci.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (4) : 831-848
Evolution of pore structure in organic shale with type III kerogen and high kaolinite content in Ningwu Basin
Qiang XU1, Hangbing LIN2(), Yue ZHAO1, Bo WANG3, Bin MA4, Rong DING5, Jianxin WANG6, Tao HOU7
1. General Prospecting Institute, China National Administration of Coal Geology, Beijing 100039, China
2. Purdue University Northwest, Hammond IN 46323, USA
3. Information Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing 100029, China
4. Shanxi Lanhua CBM Co. Ltd, Jincheng 048026, China
5. PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co. Ltd, Beijing 100028, China
6. Research Institute of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Beijing 100028, China
7. PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu 062550, China
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Special deposition environment makes organic-rich shales in Ningwu Basin have type III kerogen and high kaolinite content, which are also famous as the kaolinite ore. The specific composition of shale in Ningwu Basin can change the pore structure and thus, influence the shale gas storage and transport. This study focuses on the pore structure and its evolution in shales with type III kerogen and high kaolinite content. In this study, 14 Upper Paleozoic shale samples, whose total organic matter contents (TOC) range from 0.39% to 5.91% and maturities (represented by vitrinite reflectance) range from 1.22% to 2.06%, were collected. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-pressure mercury injection, and low-temperature N2 adsorption experiments were used to analyze pore structure of these shale samples. Results show that when the TOC content is smaller than 1.4%, the kaolinite content decreases linearly and quartz content increases linearly with increasing the TOC content. In contrast, when TOC content is>1.4%, the clay content tends to increase with increasing TOC. Based on the SEM images, organic pores and clay pores were identified in shale samples with type III kerogen and high kaolinite content. During the maturation process, the kaolinite content decreases and illite content increases with increasing the vitrinite reflectance. At the same time, the pore volume and pore surface area both increase with increasing the vitrinite reflectance, and it may be because more organic pores and clay pores in the illite were generated during the maturation process. This study can provide further understandings of shale gas accumulation in shale with type III kerogen and high kaolinite content.

Keywords pore structure      type III kerogen      kaolinite      low-temperature N2 adsorption      high-pressure mercury porosimetry      influencing factors     
Corresponding Author(s): Hangbing LIN   
Online First Date: 29 October 2021    Issue Date: 20 January 2022
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Qiang XU,Hangbing LIN,Yue ZHAO, et al. Evolution of pore structure in organic shale with type III kerogen and high kaolinite content in Ningwu Basin[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2021, 15(4): 831-848.
Fig.1  Schematic map showing sampling wells location (Xu et al., 2018).
Fig.2  The influencing factors on pore structure (Li et al., 2017, 2020).
Sample ID Depth/m Formation TOC/% Ro/% Mineraloglcal composition/% ??Clay composition/%
Quartz Feldspar Clay Dolomite Calcite Pyrite I K C
H1 933.2 Shanxi 3.17 1.67 21.8 76.9 0 0 1.3 17 83 0
H2 1045.1 Taiyuan 2.01 1.22 30.2 69.0 0.8 14.4 85.6 0
H3 1090.1 Taiyuan 1.05 1.27 42.8 56.3 0.9 26.4 73.6
S1 1228.1 Shanxi 5.8 1.61 12.9 82.0 5.1 2.4 97.6 0
S2 1303.1 Taiyuan 1.34 2.21 47.8 52.2 13.8 86.2 0
S3 1360.1 Benxi 0.93 1.37 32 67.1 0.9 29.4 67.8 2.8
S4 1241 Shanxi 2.08 15.9 20.4 63.7 11.7 88.3 0
S5 1287 Taiyuan 1.45 21.9 6.6 49.2 3.4 5.7 44.3 51.3 4.4
X1 1238.1 Benxi 1.39 1.69 50.6 43.7 5.7 44.3 51.3 4.4
X2 1169.1 Taiyuan 5.91 1.82 22.4 71.6 6 5.5 94.5 0
X3 1082.1 Shanxi 0.39 1.67 10 90.0 5.9 94.1 0
N1 911.1 Benxi 0.62 2.06 29.3 68.5 2.2 7.6 86.1 6.3
N2 860 Taiyuan 2.51 1.63 28.8 67.4 3.8 17 83 0
N3 770.6 Shanxi 2.44 1.68 21.5 77.8 0.7 9.4 90.6 0
Tab.1  Mineral compositions and characteristic parameters of shale samples
Fig.3  Organic pores in SEM images. (a) and (b) different shapes of OM pores, well S301, 1214 m; (c) slit OM pores, well S301, 1214 m; (d) circular and elliptical OM pores, well H201, 1117 m; (e) densely distributed circular organic pores, S301,1214 m; (f) organic matter without pore, well N901, 829 m.
Fig.4  The inorganic pores and micro-fractures in the shale samples. (a) Kaolinite pores, well H201, 938 m; (b) kaolinite pores, N901, 829 m; (c) intra-particle pores, well N901, 829 m; (d) micro-fractures and inter-particle pores between organic matter and clay minerals, well H201, 914 m; (e) inter-particle pores in pyrite, well S301, 1214 m; (f) pores formed by pyrite, well S301, 1332m; (g) pores in clay minerals, well X702, 1078 m; (h) inter-particle pores, well H201, 938 m; (i) dissolution pores, well H201, 1049 m.
Fig.5  The mercury saturation under different mercury intrusion pressure.
Fig.6  Pore size distribution with the mercury intrusion method.
Sample ID TSSA/(m2·g1) TPV/(cm3·g1) Porosity/%
H1 0.0024 0.0161 4.00
H2 0.0142 0.0057 1.29
H3 0.0012 0.0059 1.54
S1 3.7167 0.0162 4.21
S2 5.7247 0.0209 5.06
S3 0.0453 0.0133 3.14
S4 0.5797 0.0060 1.54
S5 0.9435 0.0076 2.26
X1 1.4690 0.0223 5.58
X2 0.4629 0.0166 4.38
X3 0.9469 0.0187 4.58
N1 0.0091 0.0206 5.03
N2 0.0004 0.0020 0.52
N3 0.2552 0.0036 0.93
Tab.2  Pore structure parameters of shale obtained by MIP
Fig.7  Representative N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and the corresponding pore shapes of different samples.
Smple ID TSSA/(m2·g1) SSAmic/(m2·g1) SSAmes/(m2·g1) SSAmac/(m2·g1) TPV/(cm3·g1) PVmic/(cm3·g1) PVmes/(cm3·g1) PVmac/(cm3·g1) Rave/nm Porosity/%
H1 18.2043 3.208 14.9122 0.0841 0.0211 0.0013 0.0176 0.0022 7.33 5.15
H2 8.4958 0.5006 7.9093 0.0859 0.0146 0.0002 0.0121 0.0023 9.61 3.25
H3 9.004 2.0091 6.7894 0.2019 0.0148 0.0008 0.0084 0.0056 11.22 3.76
S1 13.9538 0.4185 13.3018 0.2335 0.0252 0.0001 0.0212 0.0039 11.14 6.38
S2 12.2099 0.0001 11.9925 0.2173 0.024 0.0000 0.0193 0.0047 12.60 5.75
S3 10.0063 0.0001 10.0259 0.2003 0.0201 0.0000 0.0159 0.0042 12.34 4.69
S4 13.9672 0.8566 12.8705 0.2401 0.031 0.0003 0.0258 0.0049 11.41 7.49
S5 13.9538 0.4185 13.4646 0.0707 0.0252 0.0001 0.0234 0.0017 11.14 7.14
X1 14.0239 2.7524 11.1585 0.113 0.0180 0.0011 0.0143 0.0026 8.07 4.55
X2 6.8867 0.5387 6.2381 0.1099 0.0122 0.0002 0.0095 0.0025 9.72 3.25
X3 13.9796 1.9287 11.9641 0.0868 0.0192 0.0008 0.0159 0.0025 9.13 4.70
N1 13.4832 4.0997 9.3081 0.0754 0.0175 0.003 0.0145 0.0027 9.26 4.31
N2 5.8391 0.6671 4.9164 0.2556 0.0141 0.0002 0.0079 0.006 13.03 3.50
N3 8.4837 0.5784 7.6787 0.2266 0.0168 0.0002 0.011 0.0056 11.70 4.25
Tab.3  Pore structure parameters of shale obtained by N2
Fig.8  pore volume and surface area distribution of the shale samples.
Fig.9  Pore size distribution of different shale samples: (a) incremental SSA vs. pore width, (b) incremental PV vs. pore width.
Samples D1 R12 D2 R22
H1 2.207 0.7749 2.828 0.9388
H2 2.271 0.8714 2.747 0.9858
H3 2.300 0.8057 2.746 0.9998
S1 2.087 0.8497 2.726 0.8917
S2 2.279 0.8943 2.668 0.9571
S3 2.309 0.8767 2.726 0.9574
X1 2.062 0.8286 2.809 0.9669
N1 2.112 0.7531 2.828 0.9649
N3 2.310 0.8716 2.726 0.9999
Tab.4  Fractal analysis of the samples from N2 adsorption
Fig.10  Plots of lnV vs ln(ln(p0/p)) from N2 adsorption data.
Fig.11  Correlation between fractal dimensions and pore structure parameters.
Fig.12  The relationship between clay content, quartz content and organic matter content.
Fig.13  the relationship between kaolinite content, illite content and vitrinite reflectance.
Fig.14  The relationship between HI and Tmax of Carboniferous-Permian shale in the study area.
Fig.15  The impact on pore structure of the shale from organic geochemical characteristics: (a) TOC vs porosity; (b) TOC vs TPV; (c) TOC vs TSSA; MIP: data obtained based on mercury injection experiment (MIP); N2 adsorption: data obtained from the low temperature N2 adsorption experiment.
Fig.16  The relationship between TOC content and fractal parameter D1.
Fig.17  The effect of vitrinite reflectance on surface area obtained from the low temperature N2 adsorption experiment.
Fig.18  The correlation between pore volume and vitrinite reflectance in shale samples.
Fig.19  The correlation between kaolinite content and surface area.
Fig.20  Comprehensive analysis of pore structure in shale.
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