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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

ISSN 2095-2201

ISSN 2095-221X(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 3.883

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (2) : 18
The treatment of black-odorous water using tower bipolar electro-flocculation including the removal of phosphorus, turbidity, sulfion, and oxygen enrichment
Huan He1, Qinjin Yu1, Chaochao Lai1, Chen Zhang1, Muhan Liu1, Bin Huang1,2(), Hongping Pu1, Xuejun Pan1,2()
1. Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
2. Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Carbon Sequestration and Pollution Control in Soils, Kunming 650500, China
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• An innovative bubble column tower BPE was designed to treat the black-odorous water.

• PO43, S2 and turbidity were removed, and dissolved oxygen was enriched in the BPE.

• An aluminum bipolar electrode gave the best oxygen enrichment and pollutant removal.

• Changes of microorganisms confirmed the improvement in water quality achieved.

The large amount of municipal wastewater discharged into urban rivers sometimes exceeds the rivers’ self-purification capacity leading to black-odorous polluted water. Electro-flocculation has emerged as a powerful remediation technology. Electro-flocculation in a bubble column tower with a bipolar electrode (BPE) was tested in an attempt to overcome the high resistance and weak gas-floatation observed with a monopolar electrode (MPE) in treating such water. The BPE reactor tested had a Ti/Ta2O5-IrO2 anode and a graphite cathode with an iron or aluminum bipolar electrode suspended between them. It was tested for its ability to reduce turbidity, phosphate and sulphion and to increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen. The inclusion of the bipolar electrode was found to distinctly improved the system’s conductivity. The system’s electro-flocculation and electrical floatation removed turbidity, phosphate and sulphion completely, and the dissolved oxygen level improved from 0.29 to 6.28 mg/L. An aluminum bipolar electrode performed better than an iron one. Changes in the structure of the microbial community confirmed a significant improvement in water quality.

Keywords Black-odorous water      Bipolar electrodes      Flocculation      Floatation      Oxygen enrichment      Turbidity     
Corresponding Author(s): Bin Huang,Xuejun Pan   
Issue Date: 06 August 2020
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Huan He,Qinjin Yu,Chaochao Lai, et al. The treatment of black-odorous water using tower bipolar electro-flocculation including the removal of phosphorus, turbidity, sulfion, and oxygen enrichment[J]. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2021, 15(2): 18.
Water quality parameters Value
pH 6.35–6.52
NH4+ (mg/L) 45.2±5.1
PO43 (mg/L) 10.6±2.3
S2 (mg/L) 10.2±2.6
DO (mg/L) 0.25±0.25
Turbidity (NUT) 340±40
Tab.1  Main water quality parameters of the simulated black-odorous water
Fig.1  The flocculation reactor: (a) the anode cell; (b) the reaction cell; (c) the cathode cell; (d) the bipolar electrode. Labels (1, 2 and 3) indicate the sampling ports.
Fig.2  Water quality values in the MPE experiments using MMO, Fe and Al anodes at 60 V. The dissolved oxygen concentration (a), pH value (b), removal rates of PO43, S2 and turbidity after 9 h (c), dissolved iron concentration in Fe-BPE (d).
Fig.3  Water quality values in the Fe-BPE experiments at 40 V and 60 V. The pH value (a), dissolved oxygen concentration (b), removal rates of PO43, S2 and turbidity after 9 h (c), dissolved iron concentration in Fe-BPE (d).
Fig.4  Water quality values in the Al-BPE operating at 40 V and 60 V. The pH value (a), dissolved oxygen concentration (b), removal rates of PO43, S2 and turbidity after 9 h (c).
Fig.5  Scanning electron micrographs of (a) suspended particles in the Fe-BPE (× 50000), (b) bottom precipitate in the Fe-BPE (× 50000), (c) bottom precipitate in the Al-BPE reactor (× 50000)
Fig.6  The reactor used in these experiments and a schematic representation of a continuous-flow version.
Fig.7  Changes in the microbial community in a BPE reactor. Shannon index of different sediment (a), relative distribution of bacterial classes (b) (The sediments were generated at 60 V. Black water is the initial simulated black-odorous water before treatment).
Experimental groups EEC (kWh/m3)
60 V Fe-BPE 7.25
40 V Fe-BPE 3.22
60 V Al-BPE 7.09
40 V Al-BPE 3.06
Tab.2  The energy consumption in the BPE over 9 h
Fig.8  The energy consumed in (a) oxygen production, (b) the removal of turbidity, (c) S2 removal and (d) PO43 removal.
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