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2018 Impact Factor: 2.483

Front. Phys.    2023, Vol. 18 Issue (5) : 52301
Perfect optomechanically induced transparency in two-cavity optomechanics
Lai-Bin Qian, Xiao-Bo Yan()
School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China
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Here, we study the controllable optical responses in a two-cavity optomechanical system, especially on the perfect optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT) in the model which has never been studied before. The results show that the perfect OMIT can still occur even with a large mechanical damping rate, and at the perfect transparency window the long-lived slow light can be achieved. In addition, we find that the conversion between the perfect OMIT and optomechanically induced absorption can be easily achieved just by adjusting the driving field strength of the second cavity. We believe that the results can be used to control optical transmission in modern optical networks.

Keywords perfect optomechanically induced transparency      slow light      optomechanically induced absorption      cavity optomechanics     
Corresponding Author(s): Xiao-Bo Yan   
Issue Date: 07 April 2023
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Lai-Bin Qian,Xiao-Bo Yan. Perfect optomechanically induced transparency in two-cavity optomechanics[J]. Front. Phys. , 2023, 18(5): 52301.
Fig.1  Sketch of a two-cavity optomechanical system consists of a mechanical membrane with frequency ωm interacted with cavity a^1 and a^2 via radiation pressure. The cavity a^1 is driven by a coupling field εc with frequency ωc and a weak probe field εp with frequency ωp. The cavity a^2 is driven by a driving field εd with frequency ωd.
Fig.2  The real part Re[εT] (red-solid) vs. frequency detuning x with parameters ωm=κ 1=κ 2=10 4, γm=1, β1= 3×104 and β2= 1250 according to Eq. (9). The blue-dashed line indicates width ΓOMIT. The inset shows the OMIT profile in a large scale.
Fig.3  The real part Re[εT] vs. frequency detuning x for large mechanical damping rate γm= 10 (red-solid) with β1= 3×105 and β2= 1.25×104 according to Eq. (9), and for γm=100 (blue-dashed) with β1=3× 106 and β2=1.25× 105 according to Eq. (9). The other parameters are same as Fig.2.
Fig.4  The imaginary part Im[εT] vs. frequency detuning x with the same parameters as those in Fig.3.
Fig.5  The real part Re[εT] vs. frequency detuning x for κ2=10 with parameters ωm=104, κ1= 4×103, γm= 1, β1=105 and β2= 5.91. The inset shows a zoom-in of the transparency window at x5.55.
Fig.6  The time delay τ vs. frequency detuning x for γm= 1 (red-solid) with β1= 3×104 and β2= 1250 (same as Fig.2), and for γm= 10 (blue-dashed) with β1= 3×105 and β2= 1.25×104 (same as Fig.3). The other parameters are ωm=κ 1=κ 2=10 4.
Fig.7  The time delay τ vs. frequency detuning x for κ1= κ2=2× 104 (red-solid) with β1= 3×104 and β2= 104 according to Eq. (9), and for κ1= κ2=8× 103 (blue-dashed) with β1= 3×104 and β2= 160 according to Eq. (9). The other parameters are ωm=104 and γm= 1.
Fig.8  The real part Re[εT] vs. frequency detuning x for κ2=10 (blue-dashed) and κ2=1 (red-solid) with parameters κ1=4× 103, ωm=104, γm= 1, β1=105 and β2= 100.
Fig.9  The real part Re[εT] vs. frequency detuning x for β2=5.91 (blue-dashed) and β2=105 (red-solid) with parameters ωm=104, κ1= 4×103, γm= 1, β1=105 and κ2= 10. The inset shows a zoom-in of the transparency window at x5.55.
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