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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

ISSN 2095-2430

ISSN 2095-2449(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.272

Front. Struct. Civ. Eng.    2019, Vol. 13 Issue (5) : 1251-1270
Enhanced empirical models for predicting the drift capacity of less ductile RC columns with flexural, shear, or axial failure modes
1. Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis, Institute of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck 6020, Austria
2. ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Guimar?es 4800-058, Portugal
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Capacity of components subjected to earthquake actions is still a widely interesting research topic. Hence, developing precise tools for predicting drift capacities of reinforced concrete (RC) columns is of great interest. RC columns are not only frequently constructed, but also their composite behavior makes the capacity prediction a task faced with many uncertainties. In the current article, novel empirical approaches are presented for predicting flexural, shear and axial failure modes in RC columns. To this aim, an extensive experimental database was created by collecting outcomes of previously conducted experimental tests since 1964, which are available in the literature. It serves as the basis for deriving the equations for predicting the drift capacity of RC columns by different regression analyses (both linear with different orders and nonlinear). Furthermore, fragility curves are determined for comparing the obtained results with the experimental results and with previously proposed models, like the ones of ASCE/SEI 41-13. It is demonstrated that the proposed equations predict drift capacities, which are in better agreement with experimental results than those computed by previously published models. In addition, the reliability of the proposed equations is higher from a probabilistic point of view.

Keywords flexural-shear-axial failure      drift capacity      reinforced concrete columns      statistical analysis      fragility curves     
Corresponding Author(s): Mohammad Reza AZADI KAKAVAND   
Online First Date: 14 August 2019    Issue Date: 11 September 2019
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Mohammad Reza AZADI KAKAVAND,Reza ALLAHVIRDIZADEH. Enhanced empirical models for predicting the drift capacity of less ductile RC columns with flexural, shear, or axial failure modes[J]. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2019, 13(5): 1251-1270.
researcher model (drift) for shear failure STD COV
Pujol et al. (1/100)·( ρ fy t/v)·(a /d) 1.71 0.42
Pujol max? (3100· ad(17k1),1100) 1.12 0.55
Kato and Ohnishi ( Δy+ Δp)/L 0.84 0.44
Elwood (flexure-shear) max?( 3100+4 ρ 1 40 υ fc'140 PAgfc', 1100) in MPa 0.97 0.34
Zhu et al. shear: 2.02ρ 0.025 sd+0.013 a d 0.031 PAgfc'
flexure: 0.0490.042 sd+0.716 ρ10.12 ρ fy t fc'0.07 P A gfc'
1.03 0.35
Tab.1  Proposed models in past research activities [20,22,23,25,26]
parameter (unit) flexural failure shear failure axial failure
range mean STD range mean STD range mean STD
ρ" (%) [0.182.55] 0.77 0.51 [0.070.93] 0.31 0.22 [0.070.57] 0.16 0.11
ρl (%) [1.273.28] 2.03 0.50 [0.564.00] 2.17 0.60 [0.563.00] 2.11 0.59
a/d (–) [1.186.64] 4.10 1.69 [1.185.40] 2.84 0.99 [1.184.44] 2.48 1.05
s/d (–) [0.110.73] 0.36 0.14 [0.111.20] 0.49 0.30 [0.201.20] 0.72 0.33
fc' (MPa) [21.148.3] 33.0 6.44 [13.146.5] 26.8 7.5 [13.533.1] 23.8 5.6
fyt (MPa) [308621] 494 106 [249648] 410 78 [289587] 405 64
fyl (MPa) [341579] 439 80 [318538] 424 61 [331538] 410 66
Vp/Vn (–) [0.320.60] 0.49 0.07 [0.602.05] 1.03 0.29 [0.521.57] 0.99 0.23
P /Ag·fc' (–) [00.80] 0.30 0.22 [00.62] 0.19 0.14 [0.040.62] 0.23 0.14
Δmax/L (%) [0.277.40] 3.35 2.06 [0.389.00] 2.80 2.10 [0.408.70] 3.20 2.00
Tab.2  Statistical properties of the extracted parameters from the database [2972]
Fig.1  Distribution of collected experimental results, classified by the respective failure mode. (a) Flexural and shear failure; (b) axial failure
model number of exp. results flexure flexure-shear shear
flexural and shear failure 196 37 80 79
axial failure 50 1 23 26
Tab.3  Categorization of experimental results contained in the database
Fig.2  Scatter plots of the drift ratio at shear failure versus the employed parameters
method coefficient
linear regression α0= 0.044, α1= 0.031, α 2= 0.04, α 3=0.096, α 4=0.007
test set error= 1.81%
quadratic equation (without mixed terms) α0= 0.237, α1= 0.152, α 2= 0.06, α 3=0.846, α 4=0.02,
α11=0.11, α33=0.85, α44=0.002
test set error= 1.28%
full quadratic equation α0= 2.294, α1= 1.005, α 2=0.613, α 3=3.255, α 4=0.239,
α5= 4.181, α 11=0.29 , α33=2.076, α 44=0.007 , α12=0.336,
α13=0.493, α14=0.010, α 15=2.80 , α23=0.373, α 24=0.071 ,
α25=0.248, α34=0.057, α35=2.81, α45=0.334
test set error= 24.86%
Kriging regression R2=0.99
Tab.4  Statistical data of the parameters for the flexural failure predicted by Eq. (3)
method coefficient
linear regression α0= 0.0199,α1=0.05,α2= 0.034,α3= 0.025,
α4= 0.011,α5= 0.013
test set error= 1.45%
quadratic equation (without mixed terms) α0= 0.15,α1=0.15,α2= 0.029,α3= 0.354,α11=0.16, α 33=0.202, α 44= 0.002
R2=0.833 test set error= 1.53%
Tab.5  Statistical data of the parameters for flexural-shear failure mode predicted by Eq. (3)
method coefficient
linear regression α0= 0.0087,α1= 0.202,α4=0.0103,α5= 0.0186
test set error= 1.35%
quadratic equation (without mixed terms) α0= 0.012, α 4=0.0348,α5= 0.078,α11=0.588,α44=0.0042, α 55=0.0385
test set error= 1.46%
Tab.6  Statistical data of the parameters for shear failure mode predicted by Eq. (3)
type of equation R2
linear 0.7316
polynomial order 2 0.8020
polynomial order 3 0.8039
polynomial order 4 0.8310
logarithmic 0.7309
power 0.7027
exponential 0.8089
Tab.7  Evaluation of different functional relationships for predicting the effective coefficient of friction
Fig.3  Distributions of the ratio of calculated to measured drift capacity of RC columns according to (a) the proposed model for flexural, flexure-shear and shear failure modes and (b) Elwood model for flexure-shear failure mode [25] and Zhu et al. models for flexure and shear failure modes [26]
Fig.4  Distributions of the ratio of calculated to measured drift capacity of RC columns with axial failure. (a) Proposed model; (b) Elwood model
Fig.5  Probability paper to validate log-normal probability distribution of experimentally determined drift capacities with flexural and shear failure
Fig.6  Fragility curves corresponding to different failure modes. (a) Flexure-shear failure mode; (b) shear failure mode; (c) axial failure mode
Fig.7  Drift ratios corresponding to different probabilities of failure. (a) 15% probability of failure; (b) 50% probability of failure
Fig.8  Fragility curves for computing the probability of overestimating the drift capacities for different failure models by the proposed model, Elwood [25] and Zhu et al. [26] model and the ASCE/SEI 41-13 regulation. (a) Flexure-shear failure mode; (b) shear failure mode; (c) axial failure mode
Fig.9  Cracking patterns of non-ductile column C1. (a) top; (b) bottom; (c) axial failure at the top of C1 column. Cracking patterns of ductile columns C4; (d) top; (e) bottom and (f) at the lateral drift ratio of 9% [90]
column (ρh fy t ρ1 fyl) P Ag fc ad sd
C1 0.0918 0.10 3.759 0.751
C4 1.587 0.10 3.759 0.248
Tab.8  Mechanical and geometrical parameters of the tested columns [90]
Fig.10  Comparison of the predicted results by the proposed equations, Elwood and Zhu et al. models with experimental data by Wu et al. [90]. (a) Flexural and shear failure; (b) axial failure
frame-column (ρh fy t ρ1 fyl) P Ag fc ad sd
MCFS-B1 0.0657 0.200 3.825 0.656
HCFS-B1 0.0657 0.350 3.825 0.656
MUFS-B2 0.0626 0.200 3.825 0.656
Tab.9  Important mechanical and geometrical parameters of the selected columns of the tested frames [91]
Fig.11  Flexural and shear cracks in columns of the tested frames. (a) MCFS; (b) HCFS; (c) MUFS and failure of columns in the frames; (d) MCFS; (e) HCFS and (f) MUFS, according to Yavari [91]
Fig.12  Comparison of the predicted results by the proposed equations, Elwood and Zhu et al. models normalized by the experimental data by Yavari et al. [91]. (a) Shear failure (b) axial failure
Fig.13  Elevation view and structural details of the RC frames, selected for the case study. (a) 3-story frame; (b) 5-story frame
Fig.14  Schematic view of the employed nonlinear structural models
Fig.15  5% damped elastic spectrum of assigned ground motion records
Fig.16  IDA curves, obtained on the basis of the modeling approaches by Elwood and the ASCE/SEI 41-13 regulation, with the drift ratio capacities corresponding to different failure modes. (a) 3-story-ASCE method; (b) 3-story-Elwood method; (c) 5-story-ASCE method; (d) 5-story-Elwood method
Fig.17  Predicted base shear in terms of the roof drift obtained from pushover analyses and drift ratios corresponding to different failure modes, predicted on the basis of the ASCE regulation [27] and Elwood modeling approach [25]. (a) Shear failure; (b) axial failure
Fig.18  Drift ratios predicted by the pushover analyses, based on the proposed equations for both shear and axial failure types and the modeling approaches by Elwood [25] and the ASCE regulation [27]. (a) Shear failure; (b) axial failure
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