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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

ISSN 2095-2430

ISSN 2095-2449(Online)

CN 10-1023/X

Postal Subscription Code 80-968

2018 Impact Factor: 1.272

Front. Struct. Civ. Eng.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (11) : 1663-1679
Research on the method of construction disturbance zoning for shield tunnel approaching to urban structures
Ziyang ZHOU1, Fukang GUO1, Jianzhong NI2, Kun FENG1(), Jingxuan ZHANG1, Yiwen LIU1
. Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering of Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
. Hangzhou Fuyang City Construction Investment Group co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, China
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This paper presents a calculation method that evaluates the extent of disturbance based on structural safety limits. Additionally, it summarizes the assessment methods for construction disturbance zones in shield tunneling near pile foundations, urban ground structures, and underground structures. Furthermore, taking the construction of the Chengdu Jinxiu Tunnel under bridges and urban pipelines as the engineering background, a study on the disturbance zoning of adjacent structures was conducted. The most intense disturbance occurs within one week of the tunnel underpass process, and it has a significant impact within a range of two times the tunnel diameter along the tunnel axis. The bridge pile and bridge deck experience less disturbance from tunnel approaching construction, with a maximum disturbance zone characterized as medium disturbance. On the other hand, underground pipelines are subjected to more significant disturbances from tunnel construction, with a maximum disturbance zone classified as strong disturbance. The implementation of “bridge pile sleeve valve pipe grouting & underground pipeline ground grouting & tunnel advance grouting” in the field effectively limits the vertical settlement of bridges and pipelines, resulting in a decrease of approximately 0.1 in disturbance level for the structures. The disturbance zoning method can assess tunnel disturbance with structures, identify high-risk interference locations, and facilitate targeted design reinforcement solutions.

Keywords shield tunnel      approaching construction      field monitoring      disturbance zoning method     
Corresponding Author(s): Kun FENG   
Just Accepted Date: 16 August 2024   Online First Date: 01 November 2024    Issue Date: 28 November 2024
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Ziyang ZHOU,Fukang GUO,Jianzhong NI, et al. Research on the method of construction disturbance zoning for shield tunnel approaching to urban structures[J]. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2024, 18(11): 1663-1679.
Fig.1  Schematic diagram of disturbance calculation.
Type of bridge Deflection limits
Simply supported or continuous truss L/500
Simply supported or continuous slab beam L/500
The cantilever end of the beam L1/500
Main beam of cable-stayed bridge L/400
Suspension bridge stiffening beam L/250
Tab.1  Allowable deformation disturbance of bridges
Deformation characteristics of buildings Disturbance limits of medium and low compressibility soil Disturbance limits of high compressible soil
Local inclination of masonry load-bearing structure foundation 0.002 0.003
Settlement difference between adjacent column foundations of industrial and civil buildings
 (1) Framework structure 0.002l 0.003l
 (2) Side row columns filled with masonry walls 0.0007l 0.001l
 (3) Structures where differential settlement does not generate additional stress 0.005l 0.005l
Settlement of column foundation in single-layer truss structure (column spacing of 6m) (mm) 120 200
Tab.2  Allowable deformation of buildings
The overall inclination of high-rise buildings Disturbance limits
Hg≤ 24 m 0.004
24 m < Hg≤ 60 m 0.003
60 m < Hg≤ 100 m 0.0025
Hg > 100 m 0.002
The average settlement of a simple high-rise building foundation (mm) 200
Tab.3  Allowable overall inclination of high-rise buildings
The inclination of high-rise structural foundations Disturbance limits
Hg≤ 20 m 0.008
20 m < Hg≤ 50 m 0.006
50 m < Hg≤ 100 m 0.005
100 m < Hg≤ 150 m 0.004
150 m < Hg≤ 200 m 0.003
200 m < Hg≤ 250 m 0.002
Tab.4  Allowable inclination of high-rise structural foundations
Settlement of high-rise structure foundation (mm) Disturbance limits
Hg≤ 100 m 400
100 m < Hg≤ 200 m 300
200 m < Hg≤ 250 m 200
Tab.5  Allowable settlement of high-rise structure foundation
Tunnel disturbance control quantity Allowable disturbance (mm)
Vertical displacement of tunnel 10–20
Horizontal displacement of tunnel 5–10
Differential settlement of tunnels 0.04%Lt
Tab.6  Allowable deformation disturbance of tunnel
Fig.2  Basic information of tunnels.
Fig.3  Plane schematic diagram of approaching construction interval.
Fig.4  The schematic diagram of the central section of approaching construction interval (unit: cm).
Fig.5  Shield parameters of approaching construction interval.
Fig.6  Ground surface displacement monitoring: (a) distribution map of monitoring points; (b) layout diagram of monitoring points.
Fig.7  Bridge pier displacement monitoring: (a) distribution map of monitoring points; (b) layout diagram of monitoring points.
Fig.8  On site monitoring of surface subsidence time-varying curve: (a) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM1; (b) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM2; (c) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM3; (d) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM4; (e) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM5; (f) surface subsidence monitoring results of GM6.
Fig.9  On site monitoring of Z-displacement time-varying curve of bridge pier.
Strata and materials Elastic modulus (MPa) Density (kg/m3) Poisson’s ratio Internal friction angle (° ) Cohesive force (kPa) Tensile strength (kPa)
Fill 3.87 1800 0.3 7 12 60
Silty mudstone 36 2030 0.25 35 50 500
Segment-C50 concrete 34500 2500 0.2
Bridge Piles-C30 concrete 30000 2420 0.2
Bridge deck-C40 concrete 32500 2450 0.2
Grouting material 400 1740 0.25
Underground pipeline 200000 7850 0.18
Tab.7  Strata and materials parameters for numerical calculation
Fig.10  Schematic diagram of numerical model: (a) overall numerical analysis model; (b) numerical analysis model for adjacent section.
Fig.11  Explanation of numerical calculation steps: (a) numerical simulation excavation steps; (b) numerical calculation flowchart.
Fig.12  Ground subsidence fitting surface in approach section.
Fig.13  Analysis of force and displacement on bridge piles: (a) analysis of vertical displacement and compressive stress increment of bridge piles; (b) analysis of lateral displacement of bridge piles.
Fig.14  Vertical displacement fitting surface of bridge deck.
Fig.15  Vertical displacement curve of underground pipelines.
Parameters Value
Underground pipeline diameter, D 170 mm
Bridge span spacing, L 30 m
Pile-Importance coefficient 1.1
Bridge deck-Importance coefficient 1.1
Underground pipeline-Importance coefficient 1
Pile-allowable stress increment 5 MPa
Pile-allowable vertical displacement 20 mm
Pile-allowable lateral displacement 6 mm
Bridge-allowable deflection 30 mm
Underground pipeline-allowable vertical displacement 5.1 mm
Tab.8  Parameters for disturbance zoning analysis
Disturbance level Single pile disturbance Bridge deck disturbance Underground pipeline disturbance Disturbance extent
A (0.8,1.1] (0.8,1.1] (0.8,1.0] extremely strong disturbance
B (0.6,0.8] (0.6,0.8] (0.6,0.8] strong disturbance
C (0.4,0.6] (0.4,0.6] (0.4,0.6] medium disturbance
D (0.2,0.4] (0.2,0.4] (0.2,0.4] weak disturbance
E (0,0.2] (0,0.2] (0,0.2] extremely weak disturbance
Tab.9  Disturbance zoning of shield tunneling approaching constructions
Fig.16  Disturbance extent of single pile.
Fig.17  Disturbance zoning of bridge deck.
Fig.18  Disturbance zoning of underground pipelines: (a) disturbance zoning of pipeline 1; (b) disturbance zoning of pipeline 2.
Fig.19  Disturbance extent of single pile in unsupported working condition.
Fig.20  Disturbance zoning of bridge deck in unsupported working condition.
Fig.21  Disturbance zoning of underground pipelines in unsupported working condition: (a) disturbance zoning of pipeline 1; (b) disturbance zoning of pipeline 2.
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