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Journal of Translational Neuroscience(转化神经科学电子杂志)

ISSN 2096-0689

CN 11-9363/R

Journal of Translational Neuroscience    2016, Vol. 1 Issue (2) : 38-48
Engineering human pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D brain tissues for drug discovery
Ha Nam Nguyen,Hongjun Song,Guoli Ming
1. Institute for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 2. Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 3. The Solomon H Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 4. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
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Abstract Abstract The quest to find novel therapeutics for mental and neurological disorders has been hindered by the lack of access to live human brain samples and relevant experimental models. Conventional 2D human pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal cultures and animal models do not fully recapitulate many endogenous human biochemical processes and diseasephenotypes. Currently, the majority of candidate drugs obtained from preclinical testing in conventional systems does not usually translate into success and have a high failure rate in clinical trials. Recent advancements in bioengineering and stem cell technologies have resulted in three-dimensional brain-like tissues, such as oragnoids,which better resemble endogenous tissue and are more physiologically relevant than monolayer cultures. These brain-like tissues can bridge the gap between existing models and the patient, and may revolutionize the field of translational neuroscience. Here, we discuss utilities and challenges of using stem cell-derived human brain tissues in basic research and pharmacotherapy
Keywords stem cell-derived brain tissues, three-threedimensional (3D), translational neuroscience, brain organoids     
Issue Date: 18 December 2016
 Cite this article:   
Ha Nam Nguyen,Hongjun Song,Guoli Ming. Engineering human pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D brain tissues for drug discovery[J]. Journal of Translational Neuroscience,2016, 1(2): 38-48.
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