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Journal of Translational Neuroscience(转化神经科学电子杂志)

ISSN 2096-0689

CN 11-9363/R

Journal of Translational Neuroscience    2016, Vol. 1 Issue (1) : 0-0
Inaugural Editorial
Introduction to the Journal of Translational Neuroscience
Xiaomin Wang,Max S Cynader
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Abstract We are living in the golden age of neuroscience. Spurred on by technological advances in areas as diverse as imaging, genetics, big data, and artificial intelligence. The field of neuroscience is advancing at its fastest pace ever. Individuals with many different skills and backgrounds are pouring into our field and attempting to answer the profound questions about how our brain functions in health and disease.
While we can be justly proud of the advances techniques such as optogenetics, multi-electrode recordings, and new types of brain imaging have brought to our understanding of the brain, the challenge of translating the discoveries that are made at the fundamental neuroscience level to the benefit of society and to patients who suffer from brain diseases continues. There are over one thousand diseases that affect the brain, and the sad truth is that for most of them we still have no effective treatment. Understanding brain function is valuable and important, but to really make a difference to society, we must be able to translate these new understandings to the direct benefit of patients and society. This is the purpose of the Journal of Translational Neuroscience. In this inaugural issue, we begin the long journey of facilitating the publication of world class papers that presage a world in which advances in understanding of brain function can lead to new diagnostics and treatments for brain diseases.
The Journal of Translational Neuroscience is a child of the International Association of Translational Neuroscience(IATN). This organization was founded in 2012 by a group of leading scientists and physicians in China, and is headquartered at the Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders(BIBD). Since inception, it has since grown to encompass about a dozen leading neuroscience centres worldwide. The shared vision of this group includes a commitment to develop new understandings, diagnostics, and treatments around diseases that affect the human brain. Some of the key subjects of inquiry include topics such as neurodegenerative disorders, stroke, brain tumor, mental illness, as well as developmental brain disorders. The journal will accept high quality publications in all of these areas, as well as papers which illuminate technological advances relevant to translational neuroscience.
The last few decades have taken the field of neuroscience from one with great promise to our current status characterized by a huge increase in our understanding of mechanisms of brain function. Now it is time for us to turn these advances and understanding into tangible benefits for patients.
Welcome to the Journal of Translational Neuroscience.

Xiaomin Wang and Max S Cynader
Issue Date: 14 October 2016
 Cite this article:   
Xiaomin Wang,Max S Cynader. Introduction to the Journal of Translational Neuroscience[J]. Journal of Translational Neuroscience, 2016, 1(1): 0-0.
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