Fault-tolerant feedback virtual machine deployment based on user-personalized requirements |
Shukun LIU1, Weijia JIA2, Xianmin PAN1( ) |
1. Department of Information Technology, HunanWomen’s University, Changsha 410004, China 2. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau 999078, China |
Abstract A key requirement of the cloud platform is the reasonable deployment of its large-scale virtual machine infrastructure. The mapping relation between the virtual node and the physical node determines the specific resource distribution strategy and reliability of the virtual machine deployment. Resource distribution strategy has an important effect on performance, energy consumption, and guarantee of the quality of service of the computer, and serves an important role in the deployment of the virtual machine. To solve the problem of meeting the fault-tolerance requirement and guarantee high reliability of the application system based on the full use of the cloud resource under the prerequisite of various demands, the deployment framework of the feedback virtual machine in cloud platform facing the individual user’s demands of fault-tolerance level and the corresponding deployment algorithm of the virtual machine are proposed in this paper. Resource distribution strategy can deploy the virtual machine in the physical nodes where the resource is mutually complementary according to the users’ different requirements on virtual resources. The deployment framework of the virtual machine in this paper can provide a reliable computer configuration according to the specific fault-tolerance requirements of the user while considering the usage rate of the physical resources of the cloud platform. The experimental result shows that the method proposed in this paper can provide flexible and reliable select permission of faulttolerance level to the user in the virtual machine deployment process, provide a pertinent individual fault-tolerant deployment method of the virtual machine to the user, and guarantee to meet the user service in a large probability to some extent.
virtual machine
Corresponding Author(s):
Xianmin PAN
Just Accepted Date: 24 July 2017
Online First Date: 25 May 2018
Issue Date: 14 June 2018
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