An anonymous and efficient remote biometrics user authentication scheme in a multi server environment |
Peng JIANG( ),Qiaoyan WEN,Wenmin LI,Zhengping JIN,Hua ZHANG |
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China |
Abstract As service demands rise and expand single-server user authentication has become unable to satisfy actual application demand. At the same time identity and password based authentication schemes are no longer adequate because of the insecurity of user identity and password. As a result biometric user authentication has emerged as a more reliable and attractive method. However, existing biometric authentication schemes are vulnerable to some common attacks and provide no security proof, some of these biometric schemes are also either inefficient or lack sufficient concern for privacy. In this paper, we propose an anonymous and efficient remote biometric user authentication scheme for a multi-server architecture with provable security. Through theoretical mathematic deduction, simulation implementation, and comparison with related work, we demonstrate that our approach can remove the aforementioned weaknesses and is well suited for a multiserver environment.
remote authentication
multi-server architecture
smart card
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Issue Date: 09 February 2015
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