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Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN 2095-2732

ISSN 2095-2740(Online)

CN 10-1028/TM

Front Elect Electr Eng    2012, Vol. 7 Issue (4) : 391-398
The fusion of classifier outputs to improve partial discharge classification
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
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The detection of partial discharge signals and classifying its patterns is an area of interest in the analysis of defects in high voltage cables. This paper investigates a filter-bank based approach to extract frequency domain based features to represent partial discharge signals. By applying the fast Fourier transform, the sampled partial discharge data are mapped into equivalent discrete frequency bins, which are then grouped into N equal sub-bands and also octave sub-bands, each providing N-dimensional features for partial discharge pattern classification. Two classifiers, namely, the support vector machine and the sparse representation classifier, are implemented and their outputs are fused, in order to improve the accuracy of classifying partial discharge. Classification accuracy is also compared with wavelet domain based octave frequency sub-band features.

Keywords partial discharge      features      fusion      classification     
Corresponding Author(s): AMBIKAIRAJAH R.,   
Issue Date: 05 December 2012
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B. T. PHUNG,J. RAVISHANKAR,R. AMBIKAIRAJAH. The fusion of classifier outputs to improve partial discharge classification[J]. Front Elect Electr Eng, 2012, 7(4): 391-398.
Fig.1  De-noising PD signals in the frequency domain
Fig.1  De-noising PD signals in the frequency domain
Fig.1  De-noising PD signals in the frequency domain
Fig.1  De-noising PD signals in the frequency domain
Fig.1  De-noising PD signals in the frequency domain
Fig.2  De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique
Fig.2  De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique
Fig.2  De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique
Fig.2  De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique
Fig.2  De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique
Fig.3  (a) FFT-based feature extraction process (equal sub-bands); (b) DWT-based feature extraction process (octave frequency sub-bands)
Fig.3  (a) FFT-based feature extraction process (equal sub-bands); (b) DWT-based feature extraction process (octave frequency sub-bands)
Fig.3  (a) FFT-based feature extraction process (equal sub-bands); (b) DWT-based feature extraction process (octave frequency sub-bands)
Fig.3  (a) FFT-based feature extraction process (equal sub-bands); (b) DWT-based feature extraction process (octave frequency sub-bands)
Fig.3  (a) FFT-based feature extraction process (equal sub-bands); (b) DWT-based feature extraction process (octave frequency sub-bands)
Fig.4  (a) De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique; (b) de-noising of PD data using thresholding technique
Fig.4  (a) De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique; (b) de-noising of PD data using thresholding technique
Fig.4  (a) De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique; (b) de-noising of PD data using thresholding technique
Fig.4  (a) De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique; (b) de-noising of PD data using thresholding technique
Fig.4  (a) De-noising of PD data using signal boosting technique; (b) de-noising of PD data using thresholding technique
Fig.5  A PD classification system
Fig.5  A PD classification system
Fig.5  A PD classification system
Fig.5  A PD classification system
Fig.5  A PD classification system
Fig.6  (a) = , where there are coefficients and equations; (b) >, where there are a larger number of equations compared to the number of coefficients; (c) < where there are a larger number of coefficients compared to the number of equations
Fig.6  (a) = , where there are coefficients and equations; (b) >, where there are a larger number of equations compared to the number of coefficients; (c) < where there are a larger number of coefficients compared to the number of equations
Fig.6  (a) = , where there are coefficients and equations; (b) >, where there are a larger number of equations compared to the number of coefficients; (c) < where there are a larger number of coefficients compared to the number of equations
Fig.6  (a) = , where there are coefficients and equations; (b) >, where there are a larger number of equations compared to the number of coefficients; (c) < where there are a larger number of coefficients compared to the number of equations
Fig.6  (a) = , where there are coefficients and equations; (b) >, where there are a larger number of equations compared to the number of coefficients; (c) < where there are a larger number of coefficients compared to the number of equations
Fig.7  (a) Coefficients of for a particular Class 1 test vector; (b) residual error, , calculated for each class
Fig.7  (a) Coefficients of for a particular Class 1 test vector; (b) residual error, , calculated for each class
Fig.7  (a) Coefficients of for a particular Class 1 test vector; (b) residual error, , calculated for each class
Fig.7  (a) Coefficients of for a particular Class 1 test vector; (b) residual error, , calculated for each class
Fig.7  (a) Coefficients of for a particular Class 1 test vector; (b) residual error, , calculated for each class
Fig.8  Classifier fusion process using SRC and SVM classifiers, e.g.,
Fig.8  Classifier fusion process using SRC and SVM classifiers, e.g.,
Fig.8  Classifier fusion process using SRC and SVM classifiers, e.g.,
Fig.8  Classifier fusion process using SRC and SVM classifiers, e.g.,
Fig.8  Classifier fusion process using SRC and SVM classifiers, e.g.,
class typetraining datatest data
Class 1: surface discharge4422
Class 2: corona discharge4225
Class 3: internal discharge3421
Class 4: corona discharge with polarity reversal238
Class 5: surface discharge with polarity reversal4322
Tab.1  Test and training data for five classes
Fig.9  Waveforms of the five different classes of partial discharge used in this paper
Fig.9  Waveforms of the five different classes of partial discharge used in this paper
Fig.9  Waveforms of the five different classes of partial discharge used in this paper
Fig.9  Waveforms of the five different classes of partial discharge used in this paper
Fig.9  Waveforms of the five different classes of partial discharge used in this paper
classifierfeatures (C0, C1, C2, …, C6)
FFT (7 equal bands)DWT (7 octave bands)
support vector machine (SVM)96.9%90.8%
sparse representation classifier (SRC)82.7%79.6%
fused classifier outputs97.9%96.9%
Tab.2  Classification accuracy for SVM, SRC, and the fused classifier outputs
classesFFT (7 equal bands) with SVM classifierFFT (7 equal bands) with SRC classifierfused classifier outputs
Tab.3  Confusion matrix for FFT feature with two classifiers and the fused outputs
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