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Front. Eng    2021, Vol. 8 Issue (3) : 321-343
Review on ranking and selection: A new perspective
L. Jeff HONG1, Weiwei FAN2(), Jun LUO3()
1. School of Management and School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
2. Advanced Institute of Business, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
3. Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China
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In this paper, we briefly review the development of ranking and selection (R&S) in the past 70 years, especially the theoretical achievements and practical applications in the past 20 years. Different from the frequentist and Bayesian classifications adopted by Kim and Nelson (2006b) and Chick (2006) in their review articles, we categorize existing R&S procedures into fixed-precision and fixed-budget procedures, as in Hunter and Nelson (2017). We show that these two categories of procedures essentially differ in the underlying methodological formulations, i.e., they are built on hypothesis testing and dynamic programming, respectively. In light of this variation, we review in detail some well-known procedures in the literature and show how they fit into these two formulations. In addition, we discuss the use of R&S procedures in solving various practical problems and propose what we think are the important research questions in the field.

Keywords ranking and selection      hypothesis testing      dynamic programming      simulation     
Corresponding Author(s): Weiwei FAN,Jun LUO   
Just Accepted Date: 30 January 2021   Online First Date: 29 March 2021    Issue Date: 13 July 2021
 Cite this article:   
L. Jeff HONG,Weiwei FAN,Jun LUO. Review on ranking and selection: A new perspective[J]. Front. Eng, 2021, 8(3): 321-343.
Goal of R&S Means HT formulations
PCS μ[k ]>μ [k1] H0 j:μjmaxij?μi v .s. H1j:μj>maxij?μi, j
PCS-IZ μ[k ]δ >μ[k1] H0 j,δ:μj+δ max ij?μi v.s. H1j ,δ:μjδ> maxij? μi, j
PGS μ[k ]>μ [k1] H0 j,G:μj+δ max ij?μi v.s. H1j ,G :μj+δ>maxij?μi, j
Tab.1  R&S problems and their HT formulations
Procedure 1 Rinott’s procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, common first-stage sample size n02, PCS 1α, IZ parameter δ, and a constant hR
1: Generate n0 samples for each alternative i, and calculate the sample variance Si2(n0)
2: for i 1:ndo
3: Let Ni max{n0, ? hR2Si2(n0)δ 2?},
4: Generate Ni n0 samples from alternative i, and calculate the sample mean X¯i (Ni )
5: end for
6: Select arg?max i=1 ,?2,...,?k?X¯i (Ni) as the best
Procedure 2 K N procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, common first-stage sample size n02, PCS 1α, IZ parameter , and a constant h
1: Set η= 1 2 [ ( 2αk1 ) 2/(n 01)1]
2: I{ 1, 2,..., k}, h 2=2η( n01), nn0
3: Generate n0 samples to each alternative j and calculate X¯i (n0). For i, jI, Sj i2= 1 n0 1 l= 1 n0[Xjl Xil(X¯j( n0) X ¯i(n0))]2
4: while |I|>1do
5: Set Wji=max {0, δ 2n( h 2S ji2δ2 n) } and I{j:j I and X¯j(n) X¯i (n) Wji(n), iI, ij }
6: Take an additional observation from each alternative j I, and set nn+ 1
7: end while
8: Select the alternative in I as the best
Fig.1  Triangular region for the K N procedures.
Procedure 3 FHN procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, common first-stage sample size n02, and PCS 1α
1: Set c=2log (2 αk 1)
2: I{ 1, 2,..., k}, nn0
3: Generate n0 samples to each alternative j, and calculate X¯j (n0). For i, jI, Sj i2(n0 )= 1 n0 1 l= 1 n0[Xjl Xil(X¯j( n0) X ¯i(n0))]2
4: while |I|>1do
5: Set tji(n)=n/ Sji 2( n) and g ji( tji(n))= [c+log( tji(n)+1 )] (tji(n)+1), and let I {j:jI and t ji(n)[ X¯ j(n) X¯ i(n)] gji(tji (n)), iI, ij }
6: Take an additional observation from each alternative j I, and set nn+ 1
7: end while
8: Select the alternative in I as the best
Procedure 4 OCBA procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, common first-stage sample size n05, total sampling budget N, and sampling budget τ per stage
1: Generate n0 samples from each alternative i
2: Set t0, n i,tn0, bt i=1 kni ,t
3: while bt<Ndo
4: Update the sample mean x¯ i

Most of DP procedures are described as Bayesian procedures. Therefore, they are used to represent random variables with upper-case letters and their observations with lower-case letters. To keep in line with the existing literature, we use x¯ in Section 4 to denote the observation of the sample mean.

1) and the sample variance σ^i2; (k) arg? maxi? x¯ i and d(i)(k) x ¯(k) x¯i
5: Set bt+1 bt+τ. Calculate the new budget allocation n1 ,t+1, n2,t+1,... , n k,t+1 satisfying ini,t+1=bt +1 according to n i,t +1 nj,t+1= (σi/ d(i)(k)σ j/d (j)(k ))2, for ij (k) and n (k),t+1=σ^( k) i(k) ni, t+1 2/ σ^ i2
6: Generate max{ 0, ni,t+1 ni,t} samples from each alternative i. Set t t+1
7: end while
8: Select arg?max? x¯ i as the best
Procedure 5 EVI procedure for linear loss
Require: Number of alternatives k, common first-stage sample size n02, total sampling budget N, and sampling budget τ per stage
1: Generate n0 samples from each alternative i
2: Set t0, ni,tn0, bt i=1k ni,t
3: while bt<Ndo
4: Update x¯i and σ^i2. Set x¯(1) x¯(2)... x¯ (k) and L={1,?2,...,?k}
5: Let λ (i)(j)1 σ^(i)2/ n(i),t+ σ^(j)2/n(j),t, d(i)(k)x¯(k)x¯(i). Set bt+1 bt+τ
6: For each alternative (i )L, calculate n (i),t+1= (τ+( j)Ln (j), t)( σ^(i) 2η (i))1/2 (j)L( σ^(j)2η(j)) 1/2, where η(i )= λ (i)(k)1/2 ni,t1+λ(i )(k)d(i)(k)2 ni,t2ψn i,t1[ λ(i)(k )1/2d(i)(k)] for (i) (k) and η (k) =(j) (k)η(j ), and ψs( ?) denotes the probability density function of a standard student-t distribution with s degrees of freedom
7: while min(i)L(n(i),t+1n (i),t)< 0do
8: if n (i),t+1n( i),t<0then
9: Set LL\(i) and n(i),t+1 n(i),t
10: end if
11: For each alternative (i )L, update λ(i )(k)1={ σ (i)2/ n(i),t+ σ^(k)2/n(k),t, if ( k)L σ (i)2/ n(i),t, if ( k)L
12: Go back to Step 6
13: end while
14: Generate ni,t+1 ni,t samples from each alternative i L. Set tt+ 1
15: end while
16: Select arg?max?x¯i as the best
Procedure 6 KG procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, total sampling budget N, common and known variance σ2, prior predictive mean μi, and variance σi2 for each alternative
1: Set t0. Let μ it μi, βit1/σi 2 and β=1/ σ2
2: while t< Ndo
3: Calculate the variance of the change in predictive mean by taking a sample from alternative i, σ˜i2=( βit )1 (β it+β) 1
4: Calculate ζi= |μit maxj i? μjtσ ˜i|,
5: Choose zt+1=arg?maxi=1,?2,...,?k?σ˜i( ζiΦ(ζi)+φ (ζi )), where Φ(?) and φ( ?) denote the cumulative distribution function and probability density function of the standard Gaussian distribution, respectively
6: Take a sample yz t+1t+1 from alternative zt+1. Update β zt+1t +1 βz t+1t+β, μ zt+1t +1 ( βzt+1tμ zt+1t+βy zt+1t +1)/βzt+ 1t+1
7: Set tt+ 1
8: end while
9: Select arg?max?μ it as the best
Procedure 7 APS procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, PCS 1α, IZ parameter δ>0, the first-stage sample size n02, and the number of processors m+ 1 (i.e., one master and m workers)
1: Let a=log[ 2α /(k 1)] and I{1, 2,..., k}
2: Let p denote the phantom alternative queued after each round-robin cycle, and let the stage r denote the current sample size of p
3: For all iI, record the triple ( Nir, =1NirYi, =1NirYi2), where Yi is the th completed observation from alternative i and Nir is the total sample size obtained from alternative i at stage r. Set r 1, and set Nir0, = 1N ir Yi0, = 1N ir Yi2 0 for all i I
4: Use the round-robin order to start simulations on workers 1, 2,..., m
5: while |I|>1do
6: Wait for the next observation Yh?
7: if h Ithen
8: Update =1NhrY h =1NhrY h+Yh?, =1NhrYh2 =1N hr Yh2+ Yh? 2 and NhrN hr+1
9: else if h I and hpthen
10: Drop the observation
11: else if h= pthen
12: for all i, j I and ijdo
13: if N ir n0 and N jr n0then
14: Let τij ,r =[ Si2 (Nir) Nir+ Sj2( Njr )Njr ] 1, where Si2(Nir) and Sj2(N jr) are the sample variance of alternatives i and j, respectively
15: else
16: Let τij ,r =0
17: end if
18: end for
19: Set I{i:i I and τij,r [Y¯i( Nir )Y¯j( Njr )] min{0 , a δ+ δ2τij ,r}, j I, ji}, where Y¯i (Nir) and Y¯j(N jr) are the sample mean of alternatives i and j, respectively
20: Set rr+ 1
21: end if
22: end while
23: Select the alternative in I as the best
Procedure 8 KT+ procedure
Require: Number of alternatives k, PCS 1α, IZ parameter δ>0, the first-stage sample size n0>2, the parameter λ (0<λ<δ), number of alternatives g2 within a “match”, and the number of processors m+ 1 (i.e., one master and workers)
1: Let Irs be the set of alternatives in contention at the beginning of round r in processor s for s= 1, 2, ..., m
2: Equally allocate k alternatives to m processors so that each processor handles the selection of approximately k/m alternatives, e.g., for i=1 , 2,..., k, let I1( i?mod?m)+1=I 1( i?mod?m)+1 {i}
3: for all s= 1, 2,..., mdo
4: Set r=1
5: while | Irs|>1do
6: Let Ir+ 1s =. Group alternatives in Ir s with the size of g. In the case of leftover ones, let them form a group. After grouping, a total of ?|Irs|/g? groups are formed. Let Ir,q s denote the set of the alternatives in group q for q=1 , 2,..., ? |Irs| /g? of processor s at round r
7: Let αr= α/2r. For each group q= 1, 2, ..., ?|Irs|/g?, set C?= Ir, qs and compute I r+1s=Ir+1s {KN(C, αr, δ, n0)}
8: Set r=r+1
9: end while
10: Let Is denote the index of the alternative in Ir s
11: Take n0 observations from alternative Is. Calculate its sample variance SIs 2 based on these n0 observations. Set r= ?logg?km ?+1, α r=α/2r, and h(αr, m, n0), which is the Rinott’s constant determined by αr, m and n0
12: Set Nmax, Is=max{n0, ?(h(α r, m, n 0)SIsδ)2?}. Then, take additional N max,Isn0 observations from alternative Is
13: Compute the sample mean X¯Is(Nmax,Is)
14: end for
15: Let I denote the set of alternatives containing all the best alternatives produced by mprocessors. Select the alternative with the largest sample mean X¯Is(Nmax,Is) for Is I
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