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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

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Front. Eng    2014, Vol. 1 Issue (3) : 318-321
Two-echelon Emergency Response Problem and Simulation Considering Secondary Disasters
Han-peng Zhang, Yi Liao, Hui-xia Luo()
Southwestern University of Finance and Economic, Chengdu 611130, China
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It is necessary for subsequent resource distribution planning that get expected relief time considering secondary disasters after natural disaster. The goal of this research is to develop a two-echelon emergency resource distribution model under condition of secondary disasters. Taking minimal maximize relief time as criterion of relief performance, we developed response strategies and simulation model to get the expected value. Numerical studies of this paper presented the result of response strategies.

Keywords secondary disasters      two-echelon vehicle routing model      simulation     
Corresponding Author(s): Hui-xia Luo   
Issue Date: 04 February 2015
 Cite this article:   
Han-peng Zhang,Yi Liao,Hui-xia Luo. Two-echelon Emergency Response Problem and Simulation Considering Secondary Disasters[J]. Front. Eng, 2014, 1(3): 318-321.
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