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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2015, Vol. 2 Issue (2) : 182-187
The Research of Business Process Management-based on The Changqing Oil Field Cooperation Project
Ning Hui1,2,*(),Xiao-wei Zhou1,Qing-qing Chang3
1. International Business School, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China
2. PetrolChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an 710018, China
3. Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China
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This paper elaborates on defects in the PetrolChina Changqing?Oilfield Cooperation Management Project in an attempt to improve future cooperative efforts. The paper focuses on the drawbacks in the existing management process and analyzes the process by using current information management methods. This effort is made in hopes of arriving at the most efficient and effective method to redesign the existing processes.

Keywords cooperation project      process optimization      management      improvement     
Corresponding Author(s): Ning Hui   
Issue Date: 12 November 2015
 Cite this article:   
Ning Hui,Xiao-wei Zhou,Qing-qing Chang. The Research of Business Process Management-based on The Changqing Oil Field Cooperation Project[J]. Front. Eng, 2015, 2(2): 182-187.
Progress No. First flow Second flow Third flow
SP03 Developing
SP03.04 Developing a oil and gas resource plan
SP03.04.02 Oil and gas resource long term plan
SP04 Management plan
SP04.12 Oil and gas resource annual investment plan
SP04.12.01 Oil and gas business annual investment plan
SP04.12.02 Oil and gas business annual investment plan issued and executed
SP04.21 Company budget
SP04.21.02 Annual budget scenario
SP04.21.03 Executed and controlled budget
SP04.21.04 Check and evaluated budget
KP02 Developed oil and gas resource
KP02.02 Oil and gas resource design scenario
KP02.02.01 Prior period of project
KP02.02.03 Check and approved scenario
KP02.02.04 Evaluated scenario
MP02 Finance management
MP02.15 Finance report
MP02.15.01 Internal finance report
MP04 Goods and materials management
MP04.01 Purchase management
MP04.01.01 Goods and materials purchasing
MP05 Treasury management
MP05.01 Oil and gas resource management
MP05.01.07 Scrapped and disposed oil and gas resource
MP05.01.10 Check oil and gas resource
MP09 Contract and disputed management
MP09.01 Contract management
MP09.01.01 Check the contract
MP09.01.02 Contract evaluation, modification and relief
MP09.02 Dispute management
MP09.02.01 Dispose dispute
Tab.1  Changqing Flow of Outward Service Cooperative Project Content
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