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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2016, Vol. 3 Issue (4) : 384-389
Connecting Information to Promote Public Health
Xue-mei Su(), Jia Zhao
National Center for Public Health Surveillance and Information Service, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China
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With the development of information technology in the past 12 years, China has established the specialized or vertical web-based information systems for data collection of disease and related risk factor. These information systems are described as public health information systems (PHIS) in China. When PHIS has thus evolved in a haphazard and fragmented way under the pressure administrative, economic and legal, local health workers who are overburdened with multiple and time-consuming reporting requirements cannot deliver timely, accurate and complete data. Seeing that the information of disease surveillance is provided by hospitals and health service centers in China and that the development of electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health record (EHR) occurs under the policy and investment of health since 2009 in China, there should be a connection and data sharing mechanism between EMR (EHR) and PHIS to support public health surveillance and public health decision-making. The paper aims at discussing current status and problems of PHIS in China, making a brief introduction on the blueprint of health information technology in China, exploring solution for interoperability between PHIS and EHR (EMR), and sharing some experiences and lessons from pilot project on automatic notifiable infectious disease reporting.

Keywords public health      information system      data exchange      China     
Corresponding Author(s): Xue-mei Su   
Online First Date: 14 December 2016    Issue Date: 27 December 2016
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Xue-mei Su,Jia Zhao. Connecting Information to Promote Public Health[J]. Front. Eng, 2016, 3(4): 384-389.
Fig.1  Organization & Management of Public Health.
Fig.2  Three stage of health IT in China.
Fig.3  Top level design of health IT in China.
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