Frontiers of Earth Science

ISSN 2095-0195

ISSN 2095-0209(Online)

CN 11-5982/P

Postal Subscription Code 80-963

2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

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, Volume 6 Issue 1

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Testate amoebae communities from some freshwater and soil habitats in China (Hubei and Shandong Provinces)
Anatoly BOBROV, Yuri MAZEI, Viktor CHERNYSHOV, Yingchun GONG, Weisong FENG
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 1-9.

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Seventy-eight species and forms of testate amoebae were identified from 29 freshwater and soil habitats in three territories of China (Shandong and Hubei Provinces). Most abundant species from the genera Plagiopyxis, Centropyxis and Trinema represent the globally-distributed and eurybiont group of testate amoebae. The species richness was observed to be the lowest (7–12 species per biotope) in sandy sediments of the Yangtze River, but considerably higher (20–30 taxa) in soil environment. In the range of terrestrial habitats, the most remote communities from Laoshan Mountain in Shandong Province, China manifested the highest difference from others. On the other hand, communities originated in the most distant from industrial center places (Guifeng Mountain in Hubei Province, China) possess the most peculiar species composition including specific Gondwanian taxa (e.g. Nebela bigibbosa). In sum, the results obtained provide the evidence that the community complexity and specificity reduce in the places located within areas that are highly populated and intensively visited by humans.

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Phytolith records of the climate change since the past 15000 years in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in China
Yansheng GU, Hanlin WANG, Xianyu HUANG, Hongxia PENG, Junhua HUANG
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 10-17.

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Based on 14C dating and core sediments survey, phytolith records are employed to reconstruct paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Jianghan Plain in the middle reach of the Yangtze River. Phytoliths identified are assigned into 21 well-described morphotypes and divided into four groups (Poaceae, fern, coniferous and broad-leaved). The phytolith assemblages together with warmth index (Iw) are divided into 18 ecological zones, which reflect a complete vegetation history related to climate change in the middle reach of the Yangtze River during the past 15000 years. On the basis of the correlation of phytolith records with the paleoclimatic indicators from stalagmite, peatland, North Atlantic deep-sea sediments, Loess Plateau of Central China, and Arabic Sea sediments, eight climatic phases are identified included Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (20-14.8 cal kaBP), Last Deglaciation (LDG) (14.8-11.9 cal kaBP), low-temperature phase in the Early Holocene (11.9-8 cal kaBP), Holocene Optimum (8-4.9 cal kaBP), Holocene Katathermal (4.9-1.1 cal kaBP), Medieval Warmth Period (MWP) (1.1-0.7 cal kaBP), Little Ice Age (LIA) (0.7-0.15 cal kaBP), and Modern Warming (0.15 cal kaBP-present). Climatic events such as Bolling-Allerod warm intervals, Older Dryas, Inter-Allerod Cold Period, and Younger Dryas, and eight Holocene Bond events (B1-8) have been identified since the LDG. Our results demonstrate that the evolution of the climate in the research area has a strong link with the Indian Summer Monsoon (SW Monsoon), Asian Summer Monsoon (SE Monsoon), and Holocene events in North Atlantic simultaneously, which might indicate that solar variability affects the Earth surface climate system at the centennial and millennial scales.

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Groundwater occurrence and flow patterns in the Ishiagu mining area of southeastern Nigeria
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 18-28.

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The Ishiagu area is a water scarce region and has played host to mining activities for more than four decades. Mining-related activities have become a threat to potable water supply in the area. This paper is an attempt to show the extent of this threat and in particular, investigate the regional groundwater occurrence and flow pattern based on GPS, water well and geological data. This basin-wide model can be used for further groundwater assessment, pollution control and contaminant management. Groundwater occurs between 2.4 and 9 m in the Lekwesi-Lokpaukwu area; 1.5–3.7 m in the Ndi-Ugbugbor-Ayaragu axis and 1.2–4.6 m in the Ishiagu area. Recharge areas include the Leru-Amaubiri-Lekwesi sandstone hills and the Ihetutu-Ugwuajirija mine field. While the ultimate sink of contamiants is the Ivo River system, other discharge axis is the Ishiagu-Ayaragu axis and the Ogwor Ndi-Ugbugbor zone. An unconfined and a confined (>10) circulation groundwater system was inferred, and flow model reveals that a large part of Ishiag-Ayaragu and Ndi-Ugbugbor part of the study area suffer polluted recharge from the Pb/Zn mining area. Groundwater was also subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis and the existence of 3–4 hydrological regimes, which revealed: Unpolluted recharge areas, areas affected by polluted recharge, a deep water and shallow water circulation and mine effluents.

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Tectonic control on the drainage system in a piedmont region in tectonically active eastern Himalayas
Chandreyee GOSWAMI, Dhruba MUKHOPADHYAY, Bikash Chandra PODDAR
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 29-38.

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The impact of neotectonic activity on drainage system has been studied in a large alluvial fan in the eastern Himalayan piedmont area between the Mal River and the Murti River. Two distinct E–W lineaments passing through this area had been identified by Nakata (1972, 1989) as active faults. The northern lineament manifested as Matiali scarp and the southern one manifested as Chalsa scarp represent the ramp anticlines over two blind faults, probably the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), respectively. The fan surface is folded into two antiforms with a synform in between. These folds are interpreted as fault propagation folds over the two north dipping blind thrusts. Two lineaments trending NNE–SSW and nearly N–S, respectively, are identified, and parts of present day courses of the Murti and Neora Rivers follow them. These lineaments are named as Murti and Neora lineaments and are interpreted to represent a conjugate set of normal faults. The rivers have changed their courses by the influence of these normal faults along the Murti and Neora lineaments and their profiles show knick points where they cross E–W thrusts. The overall drainage pattern is changed from radial pattern in north of the Matiali scarp to a subparallel one in south due to these conjugate normal faults. The interfluve area between these two rivers is uplifted as a result of vertical movements on the above mentioned faults. Four major terraces and some minor terraces are present along the major river valleys and these are formed due to episodic upliftment of the ground and subsequent downcutting of the rivers. The uppermost terrace shows a northerly slope north of the Chalsa scarp as a result of folding mentioned above. But rivers on this terrace form incised channels keeping their flow southerly suggesting that they are antecedent to the folding and their downcutting kept pace with the tectonism.

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Preliminary assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments from Honghu Lake, East Central China
Ying HU, Shihua QI, Chenxi WU, Yanping KE, Jing CHEN, Wei CHEN, Xiangyi GONG
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 39-47.

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Heavy metal concentrations in surface water and sediments collected from Honghu Lake in Hubei Province, China were analyzed, and ecological risks were evaluated according to the sediment quality guidelines. The results showed that the average concentrations of heavy metals in surface water were ranked as: As>Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Ni>Cd>Hg. In comparison with results reported in other rivers and the background values, The Honghu Lake was polluted by As, Cr, Pb, Cu and Ni. Most of metals might be mainly from fertilizers, industrial effluent and domestic wastewater around the lake. Heavy metals concentrations were relatively higher in the inlet area than in other areas. Negative correlations were observed between most heavy metals and pH, while a significant positive correlation was present between Zn, Cd and Pb. In the sediment core, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni showed a decreasing trend while Cd present an increasing trend. The decrease of As, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni in the 1990s might due to the flood event in 1998. The analysis of ecological risk assessment based on sediment quality guidelines suggested that heavy metals in most sediments from the Honghu Lake had moderate toxicity, with Cr being the highest priority pollutant.

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Geographic concentration and driving forces of agricultural land use in China
Yuluan ZHAO, Xiubin LI, Liangjie XIN, Haiguang HAO
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 48-56.

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Since the 1990s, China has entered the middle phase of urbanization which leads to the existence of significant geographic concentration of agricultural land use. The average value of regional concentration degree of ten representative crops in China was 59.03%, showing a high degree of geographic concentration in farming. Some typical agriculture provinces in farming have arisen. The degree of geographic concentration in farming has been enhanced, with the average degree of regional concentration of ten crops increasing considerably by 3.83% in 2009 compared to that in 1990 (55.20%). The spatial growing center of farming was found to move westward and northward during 1990–2009. Meanwhile food production concentrated in the Northeast China and main producing area, and cash crops production concentrated in Northwest China. Off-farm employment of rural labor force, commercialization of agricultural product and regional comparative advantage are the main driving forces of geographic concentration of agricultural land use. Governmental policies with regional differences should be considered to promote further development of agriculture.

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Ecology of testate amoebae in Dajiuhu peatland of Shennongjia Mountains, China, in relation to hydrology
Yangmin QIN, Richard J PAYNE, Yansheng GU, Xianyu HUANG, Hongmei WANG
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 57-65.

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This study investigates the testate amoeba communities of a large peatland in Central China. The ecology and seasonal variability of testate amoeba communities were studied during 2009–2010. Investigation of environmental controls using ordination showed that the relationship between testate amoeba communities and depth to water table (DWT) and pH are extremely weak. The small proportion of variance explained by water table depth here (only 1.9% in the full data) shows that the hydrological control is weaker than we expected in this peatland, and weaker than any study we are aware of using a similar methodology. Attempts to develop species-environment (transfer function) models or identify indicator species for future palaeoecological studies were unsuccessful. Previous large-scale studies of peatland testate amoeba ecology have been largely restricted to Europe and North America and results have been relatively consistent among studies. Our results contrast with this consensus and suggest that at least in minerotrophic peatlands in China testate amoeba communities may be primarily controlled by different environmental variables. In China, testate amoebae have been relatively little studied but may prove to be valuable for a variety of applications in palaeoecology and biomonitoring and much further work is required.

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TDS-Eh graph analysis: a new water quality index and rural water supply implications of a river affected by mining in south-eastern Nigeria
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 66-74.

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The Ivo River Basin of south-eastern Nigeria is a water scarce and mining region, which suffers from water scarcity. The influence of mining activities on the quality of the Ivo River and its capacity for community water supply was investigated. Also the efficacy of TDS-Eh graph in explaining water quality was presented. Results indicated that the TDS-Eh graph highlights subtle chemical relationships which control water quality and provide a simple but generic pollution index for rapid water quality assessment. It was also discovered that the Ivo River could become an adequate alternative to groundwater as a source of rural water supply in the study area with an estimated average daily discharge of 6726000 L and a rural population of less than 200000 persons. The Ivo River meets the WHO drinking water standards in 20 physico-chemical water quality parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, salinity, TDS, Eh, alkalinity, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, lead and cadmium) analyzed and can therefore (with little treatment) provide up to 133.4% of average community water demand and 83.8% of maximum community water demand. The impact of mining on Ivo River quality was found to have been moderated by the presence of carbonate rocks which may have enhanced the precipitation of heavy metals from the river.

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Extraction of palaeochannel information from remote sensing imagery in the east of Chaohu Lake, China
Xinyuan WANG, Zhenya GUO, Li WU, Cheng ZHU, Hui HE
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 75-82.

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Palaeochannels are deposits of unconsolidated sediments or semi-consolidated sedimentary rocks deposited in ancient, currently inactive river and stream channel systems. It is distinct from the overbank deposits of currently active river channels, including ephemeral water courses which do not regularly flow. We have introduced a spectral characteristics-based palaeochannel information extraction model from SPOT-5 imagery with special time phase, which has been built by virtue of an analysis of remote sensing mechanism and spectral characteristics of the palaeochannel, combined with its distinction from the spatial distribution and spectral features of currently active river channels, also with the establishment of remote sensing judging features of the palaeochannel in remote sensing image. This model follows the process of supervised classification → farmland masking and primary component analysis → underground palaeochannel information extraction → information combination → palaeochannel system image. The Zhegao River Valley in the east of Chaohu Lake was selected as a study area, and SPOT-5 imagery was used as a source of data. The result was satisfactory when this method has been successfully applied to extract the palaeochannel information, which can provide good reference for regional remote sensing archeology and neotectonic research. However, the applicability of this method needs to be tested further in other areas as the spatial characteristics and spectral response of palaeochannel might be different.

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Evaluation of sediment yield in PSIAC and MPSIAC models by using GIS at Toroq Watershed, Northeast of Iran
Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar, Ali Bagherzadeh
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 83-94.

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Regarding the importance of watersheds in arid and semi-arid regions, it is necessary to better protect water supplies such as dam reservoirs. The most efficient way of conserving water sources is to apply proper management to decrease erosion and sedimentation. The first step of this process is to be aware of sediment yield (Qs)/production and identify erosive zones in upper reach of reservoirs. The present study aims to evaluate Qs and production in Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee (PSIAC) and modified PSIAC (MPSIAC) models by using satellite data, GIS analysis, and field observations. According to the results, the study area can be categorized into five erosive classes: very high, high, moderate, low and negligible. The east part of the watershed is slightly eroded due to its hard surface geology and relatively flat topography characteristics, while the northern and southern parts of the basin are highly eroded because of the high erodibility potential of soil and intensive cultivation of the area. A comparison of the output maps from PSIAC and MPSIAC models showed that the calculated Qs in most parts correspond well in both models and with field observations. The results of regression between main determining factors (surface geology, soil, topography and land cover) and Qs derived from each model indicated moderate to strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.436-0.996 to 0.893-0.998) after PSIAC and MPSIAC models, respectively.

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Long chain n-alkanes and their carbon isotopes in lichen species from western Hubei Province: implication for geological records
Xianyu HUANG, Jiantao XUE, Shouyu GUO
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 95-100.

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Five coticolous lichen samples were collected from western Hubei Province of China to analyze the long chain n-alkanes and their carbon isotope compositions. The n-alkanes range in carbon number from C17 to C33 with strong odd-over-even predominance between C21 and C33. Lichens are dominated by n-C29 in the samples of Dajiuhu, Shennongjia Mountain, but by both n-C23 and n-C29 at Qizimei Mountain. This difference may result from the different environmental conditions in these two sites. The δ13C values of long chain n-alkanes in lichen samples show the signature of C3 plants. Based on compound-specific carbon isotopic values and previous results, we state that alkane homologs>C23 mainly originate from the symbiotic fungi, while symbiotic algae only contribute trace amount of long chain alkanes. Of great interesting is the occurrence of long chain 3-methylalkanes in the Qizimei samples. These anteiso compounds range from C24 to C32, displaying obvious even-over-odd predominance. This study reveals that the association of long chain 3-methylalkanes with n-C23 alkane might be used as proxies to reconstruct the paleoecological implications of lichens in Earth history.

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Multiple cycles of glacier advance and retreat during the Nantuo (Marinoan) glacial termination in the Three Gorges area
Jun HU, Jiasheng WANG, Hongren CHEN, Zhou WANG, Lei XIE, Qi LIN
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 101-108.

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The Snowball Earth hypothesis suggests that the sea water had totally been kept frozen for millions of years in Neoproterozoic glaciation, followed by a rapid and catastrophic deglaciation resulting from the elevated concentration of atmospheric CO2. However, the sedimentary records are not consistent with the Snowball Earth hypothesis. The Nantuo Formation in Three Gorges area is composed of diamictites, sandstones and siltstones. The geochronology and the unconformity with underlying Liantuo Formation indicate that the Nantuo Formation in Three Gorges area may be the partial record (i.e., the final stage) of the Nantuo glaciation. Our studies on sedimentary successions of the Nantuo Formation convince the stepwise transition from the Cryogenia icehouse to the Ediacaran greenhouse, in which multiple glacier advance-retreat cycles rather than a catastrophic termination could be identified.

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Optimization of acid digestion conditions on the extraction of fatty acids from stalagmites
Canfa WANG, Hongbin ZHANG, Xianyu HUANG, Junhua HUANG, Shucheng XIE
Front Earth Sci. 2012, 6 (1): 109-114.

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Lipids in stalagmites have been shown the potential for the paleoclimate reconstruction. However, the low lipid content leads to the difficulty in gaining high resolution lipid record in stalagmites because large mass of samples are required. Previous studies have validated that the acid digestion can improve the yield of lipids, especially fatty acids (FAs) and 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH-FAs). In order to obtain more content of FAs and 3-OH-FAs with limited stalagmite sample weight, we investigate here how the acid digestion conditions (HCl concentration, heating temperature and time duration) could affect the yields of FAs and 3-OH-FAs. Under different concentration of HCl, from 2.0 to 6.0 mol/L, the FAs keep the same step in content variation with 3-OH-FAs, and the highest yields of both two appeared under the 3 mol/L HCl. The content of 3-OH-FAs increases positively with the heating temperature from 80°C to 150°C, while FAs showed the highest content at 130°C. Both of FAs and 3-OH-FAs firstly increased to a high content and then decreased as the heating time duration varies from 1.0 to 4.0 h, with the highest yields of both two being at 3.0 h. Consequently, we suggest the optimized acid digestion condition is under 3 mol/L HCl, heating at 130°C for 3 h and 5 g of each stalagmite sample are sufficient for the lipid analysis.

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13 articles