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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

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2018 Impact Factor: 3.883

Front Envir Sci Eng    2014, Vol. 8 Issue (1) : 79-88
Neighborhood form and CO2 emission: evidence from 23 neighborhoods in Jinan, China
Jiaxing GUO1, Huan LIU1(), Yang JIANG2,3, Dongquan HE2, Qidong WANG1, Fei MENG2, Kebin HE1()
1. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of ?Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. The Energy Foundation, Beijing 100004, China; 3. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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To understand the household CO2 emission level in China, as well as how much the neighborhoods’ socio-economic or design factors could influence the CO2 emission, 23 neighborhoods in Jinan were investigated in 2009 and 2010. These neighborhoods fall into four different types: superblock, enclave, grid and traditional. The household CO2 emission includes sources of both in-home energy use and passenger transportation. The average CO2 emission per household is 7.66 t·a-1, including 6.87 t in-home operational emission and 792 kg transportation emission. The household CO2 emission by neighborhood categories is 10.97, 5.65, 6.49, 5.40 t·household-1·a-1 for superblock, enclave, grid and traditional respectively. Superblock has the highest average emission and also the highest percent (more than 25%) of transportation emission among four different types of neighborhoods. The residential CO2 emission of superblock neighborhoods in Jinan has already reached the level in developed countries nearly ten years ago. It is predictable that more superblock neighborhoods would be built in China with the fast urbanization. How to avoid the rapid household CO2 emission growth in the future would be a systematic issue. The study also found that in addition to income and apartment area, household density, land use mix and accessibility to public transportation are three primary factors which have significant impacts on CO2 emission. High density, mixed land use and convenient accessibility to public transportation tend to reduce household CO2 emission.

Keywords CO2 emission      neighborhood type      transportation      household energy      China     
Corresponding Author(s): LIU Huan,; HE Kebin,   
Issue Date: 01 February 2014
 Cite this article:   
Jiaxing GUO,Fei MENG,Kebin HE, et al. Neighborhood form and CO2 emission: evidence from 23 neighborhoods in Jinan, China[J]. Front Envir Sci Eng, 2014, 8(1): 79-88.
typologyneighborhood namenear BRT (yes or no)distance to city center /kmneighborhood population /personsample number /household
traditional1. Zhang Villageyes3.011190309
2. Dikouno5.0778992
3. Furongno0.77594125
grid4. Commercial Districtno3.611720296
5. Commercial Southno2.48439117
6. Commercial Northyes2.75526122
enclave7. Wuyingtanyes4.616130305
8. Yanzishanno3.521000304
9. Dongcangyes2.35600296
10. Foshanyuanno0.85300281
11. Gannanyes1.69205123
12. Kuangshanyes6.317977172
13. Taoyuanno8.76541110
superblock14. Shanghai Gardenno7.36400305
15. Sunshine 100no4.819000303
16. Lvjingjiayuanyes2.82500230
17. Mingshiyes6.1604988
18. Quancheng Gardenyes7.211147188
19. Weidongyes4.94759108
20. Jixiangyuanno4.3412792
21. Digital Bayno3.5154649
22. Feicuijunyes4.21440081
23. New Worldno4.3307273
Tab.1  Statistics of 23 neighborhoods investigated in Jinan
Fig.1  Hierarchical cluster analysis result of 23 neighborhoods in Jinan (Horizontal coordinate indicates the difference among neighborhoods, and the neighborhoods are arranged mainly by groups in vertical coordinate)
energy typegasolinedieselgasolinegasolineelectricity
EIm /(MJ?km-1)2.96210.6802.6730.6120.076
CO2 EFfuel /(t?TJ–1)69.374.169.369.3
FUm /(L?km-1) a)0.0920.3b)0.0830.0190.021c)
Tab.2  Transportation mode, energy type, fuel economy and CO2 emission factors
fuelbituminous coalanthracitecoalnatural gasliquefied petroleum gas (LPG)coal gasdieselgasoline
IPCC categoryenergy industriesresidentialresidentialresidentialResidentialtransportationtransportation
associated HH energy sourceelectricity centralized heatinghousehold coalgasgasGastransitcar/motor
CO2EFfuel /(t·TJ-1)94.698.356.163.144.474.169.3
Tab.3  Household energy type and CO emission factors
item of surveysample numbermeanstandard deviationmaxmin
operational /(CNY·month-1)electricity2400122929003
transportationfrequency /(trips·week-1)car26278.345.17400.125
length /(km·trip-1)car256612.3811.14900.250
occupancy /(occupancy·trip-1)car27131.530.7571.000
Tab.4  Household operational and transportation survey data in Jinan
Fig.2  Household operational and transportation energy consumption and CO emission in Jinan: (a) by each neighborhood; (b) comparison of household energy consumption by neighborhood categories; (c) comparison of household CO emission by neighborhood categories
Fig.3  Comparisons on household annual CO emission among different cities
income /(10,000 CNY·a-1)
(0, 1](1, 3](3, 6](6, 9](9, 12](12,20](20,30](30,)
area /(m2)CO2 emission /(kg·HH-1·a-1)
(0, 20]522921262369182135373548
(20, 50]35093952437351524262473976084554
(50, 80]48344280508257285982604698259197
(80, 100]953557367637077676312307123078423
(100, 150]55158643789482709410100261138610005
(150, )368512632113331143912328138071663411455
Tab.5  Distribution of household income and CO emission
Fig.4  Household income/area and CO emission in four types of neighborhoods: (a) household income; (b) household area
Fig.5  Relationship between density and household CO emission
Fig.6  Relationship between land use mix and household CO emission
Fig.7  Transportation CO emission of family with and without BRT nearby
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