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Frontiers of Physics

ISSN 2095-0462

ISSN 2095-0470(Online)

CN 11-5994/O4

Postal Subscription Code 80-965

2018 Impact Factor: 2.483

Front. Phys.    2024, Vol. 19 Issue (2) : 21202
Pure quantum gradient descent algorithm and full quantum variational eigensolver
Ronghang Chen1,2, Zhou Guang3, Cong Guo2, Guanru Feng2, Shi-Yao Hou1,2()
1. College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Center for Computational Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China
2. Shenzhen SpinQ Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518045, China
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Optimization problems are prevalent in various fields, and the gradient-based gradient descent algorithm is a widely adopted optimization method. However, in classical computing, computing the numerical gradient for a function with d variables necessitates at least d+ 1 function evaluations, resulting in a computational complexity of O(d). As the number of variables increases, the classical gradient estimation methods require substantial resources, ultimately surpassing the capabilities of classical computers. Fortunately, leveraging the principles of superposition and entanglement in quantum mechanics, quantum computers can achieve genuine parallel computing, leading to exponential acceleration over classical algorithms in some cases. In this paper, we propose a novel quantum-based gradient calculation method that requires only a single oracle calculation to obtain the numerical gradient result for a multivariate function. The complexity of this algorithm is just O(1). Building upon this approach, we successfully implemented the quantum gradient descent algorithm and applied it to the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), creating a pure quantum variational optimization algorithm. Compared with classical gradient-based optimization algorithm, this quantum optimization algorithm has remarkable complexity advantages, providing an efficient solution to optimization problems.The proposed quantum-based method shows promise in enhancing the performance of optimization algorithms, highlighting the potential of quantum computing in this field.

Keywords quantum algorithm      gradient descent      variational quantum algorithm     
Corresponding Author(s): Shi-Yao Hou   
Issue Date: 17 October 2023
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Ronghang Chen,Zhou Guang,Cong Guo, et al. Pure quantum gradient descent algorithm and full quantum variational eigensolver[J]. Front. Phys. , 2024, 19(2): 21202.
Fig.1  Diagram of a quantum variational algorithm optimized using gradient descent algorithm. (a) The algorithm involves the generation of a parameterized quantum circuit on a quantum computer, followed by optimization of the objective function parameters on a classical computer. This iterative process involves the exchange of data between the quantum and classical computers. (b) The algorithm utilizes a pure quantum gradient estimation approach to evolve the parameterized unitary operator on the quantum circuit, effectively replacing classical gradient algorithm. The process is repeated iteratively until the objective function is minimized. All operations of this algorithm can be efficiently performed on a quantum computer.
Fig.2  Schematic diagram of the proposed pure quantum algorithm for gradient estimation. The algorithm is designed to enable direct estimation of the gradient through the use of Hadamard gates (H) to create superposition states, QADD and QSUB gates for entanglement-free quantum addition and subtraction between qubits, an oracle (U) for evolving the gradient, and an Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform (IQFT) for extracting phase information.
Fig.3  Schematic diagram of a quantum adder without entanglement. (a) The MAJ module performs addition on the input states to obtain the sum of the two states and a carry qubit. (b) The UMA module adds the sum and the carry qubit from the MAJ module to achieve the effect of a full adder. (c) This quantum adder (QADD) uses MAJ and UMA modules to perform addition operations on the input state, and the output states are not entangled with each other, which can be used for subsequent operations on specific target qubits.
Fig.4  Schematic diagram of a quantum adder that generates entanglement. The output qubits of this type of quantum adder will become entangled with each other, making it impossible to extract information about the target qubits for subsequent calculations.
Fig.5  Schematic diagram of a quantum complement circuit. A quantum subtractor can be regarded as adding a negative number using an adder, so it is only necessary to apply the adder to the complement of the subtrahend. For example, to get the complement of 010, in Step1, construct the quantum state of the value qubits of 010. In Step2, take the one’s complement of the value qubits. In Step3, construct the quantum state of |1?. Then, use a quantum adder to add |1? to the complemented value qubits obtained in Step2 to obtain the two’s complement of 010, which is represented as |s2s1s0? in the value qubits.
Fig.6  Quantum circuit diagram and results for estimating the gradient at zero.
Fig.7  Using the pure quantum gradient estimation algorithm on Qiskit to estimate the gradient of the target function f(x1, x2)=0.1( x1+ x22)2+0.1(1+ x22 )2 at various initial points.
Fig.8  The results of quantum gradient descent of the objective function f(x1 ,x2)=0.1(x1 +x22)2+0.1( 1+x2 2)2 at various starting points using this pure quantum gradient descent algorithm on Qiskit.
Fig.9  The ansatz for 2-qubit VQE. θ1, θ2 are the parameters to be optimized.
Fig.10  Results of the full quantum variational eigensolver. The black line represents the exact ground state energy of the model, which is −3. The red line represents the optimization process using the full quantum variational eigensolver, while the blue line represents the optimization process using variational quantum eigensolver. Both optimization methods converge to −2.99 after sufficient iterations.
Fig.11  The relationship between the number of qubits encoding decimals and the error of gradient estimation in the algorithm. When m is fixed to the same value (m=2 ), the more qubits used to encode decimals, the smaller the error and higher the accuracy.
Fig.12  The relationship between the size of the parameter m and the error of gradient estimation in the algorithm. When the number of qubits used to encode decimals is fixed, the closer the parameter m is to the actual gradient, the smaller the error.
  Fig. A1 Quantum circuit diagram for converting the ground state energy of the model into probability. Here, |0? is an auxiliary qubit, |ψ θ? is the state obtained by the ansatz in the VQE algorithm, C(U) is a controlled unitary operation. Using a method similar to the Hadamard test, we can obtain a probability of (1?ψ θ|U|ψ θ?) /2 for the outcome to be 1 on the auxiliary qubit.
  Fig. B1 Quantum circuit diagram for transformation of ground state energy into probability. The probability of measuring 1 in the ancillary qubit is (1?ψ θ|Hh| ψθ?) /2.
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