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Quantitative Biology

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Quant. Biol.    2016, Vol. 4 Issue (1) : 1-12
“RADIOTRANSCRIPTOMICS”: A synergy of imaging and transcriptomics in clinical assessment
Amal Katrib1,*(),William Hsu2,Alex Bui2,Yi Xing1,*()
1. Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles CA 90095, USA
2. Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
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Recent advances in quantitative imaging and “omics” technology have generated a wealth of mineable biological “big data”. With the push towards a P4 “predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory” approach to medicine, researchers began integrating complementary tools to further tune existing diagnostic and therapeutic models. The field of radiogenomics has long pioneered such multidisciplinary investigations in neuroscience and oncology, correlating genotypic and phenotypic signatures to study structural and functional changes in relation to altered molecular behavior. Given the innate dynamic nature of complex disorders and the role of environmental and epigenetic factors in pathogenesis, the transcriptome can further elucidate serial modifications undetected at the genome level. We therefore propose “radiotranscriptomics” as a new member of the P4 medicine initiative, combining transcriptome information, including gene expression and isoform variation, and quantitative image annotations.

Author Summary   

The wealth of publically available “big data” has promoted a paradigm shift in medical research, emphasizing the need for multi-disciplinary integrative efforts to tackle chronic and complex disorders. By coupling molecular indexes from transcriptomics and phenotypic traits from imaging, “radiotranscriptomics” can provide a keener insight into the molecular and functional alterations behind chronic and multifactorial disorders.

Keywords quantitative imaging      transcriptomics      RNA-seq      genomics      image genomics      radiogenomics      systems biology      precision medicine     
Corresponding Author(s): Amal Katrib,Yi Xing   
Online First Date: 16 March 2016    Issue Date: 16 March 2016
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Amal Katrib,William Hsu,Alex Bui, et al. “RADIOTRANSCRIPTOMICS”: A synergy of imaging and transcriptomics in clinical assessment[J]. Quant. Biol., 2016, 4(1): 1-12.
Fig.1  A systems biology approach through “omic” tools.

The directional relationship of “omic” tools enables researchers to study the phenotypic progression from genome to metabolome. Multi-level data exists at the (i) genomic-level: single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), copy number variation (CNV), and loss of heterozygosity (LOH); (ii) transcriptomic-level: messenger RNA (mRNA), micro-RNA (miRNA), and non-coding RNA (ncRNA); (iii) proteomic-level: proteins; (iv) metabolomic-level: metabolites, and (v) epigenomic-level: DNA methylation & histone modification.

Fig.2  Alternative splicing modes of isoform variation.
Fig.3  From Radiogenomics to Radiotranscriptomics.

We propose a transition from the integration of imaging with genomics to that with transcriptomics, to unravel the impact of epigenetic and environmental factors on the static DNA code in the etiology of complex diseases. Note that studies involving gene expression and medical imaging have already been explored under the umbrella of radiogenomics. However, radiotranscriptomics is a more specific term, given that gene expression analysis is done at the transcriptome level.

Fig.4  "Radiotranscriptomic" maps of biological disorders.

Heatmap presents varying expression levels in correlation with a GBM-associated MR imaging annotation.

Fig.5  Integration of molecular, functional, and anatomical data in Radio-“ ”-omics
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