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Quantitative Biology

ISSN 2095-4689

ISSN 2095-4697(Online)

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Quant. Biol.    2017, Vol. 5 Issue (4) : 280-290
Transcriptome assembly strategies for precision medicine
Lu Wang1, Lipi Acharya2, Changxin Bai1, Dongxiao Zhu1()
1. Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
2. Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA
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Background: Precision medicine approach holds great promise to tailored diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Individuals can be vastly different in their genomic information and genetic mechanisms hence having unique transcriptomic signatures. The development of precision medicine has demanded moving beyond DNA sequencing (DNA-Seq) to much more pointed RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) [Cell, 2017, 168: 584–599].

Results: Here we conduct a brief survey on the recent methodology development of transcriptome assembly approach using RNA-Seq.

Conclusions: Since transcriptomes in human disease are highly complex, dynamic and diverse, transcriptome assembly is playing an increasingly important role in precision medicine research to dissect the molecular mechanisms of the human diseases.

Author Summary  Precision medicine is an emerging area in healthcare that aims to provide personalized diagnosis, treatment, and prevention by taking into account an individual’s genetic information, environment, and lifestyle. Transcriptome assembly approaches enable an in-depth understanding of the cellular mechanisms and cellular processes and thus plays a key role in the precision medicine. In this review article, we survey a number of recently developed transcriptome assembly strategies including de novo transcriptome assembly, reference-based transcriptome assembly, and de novo and reference-based combined strategies.
Keywords precision medicine      transcriptome assembly      RNA-Seq      de novo      De Bruijn     
Corresponding Author(s): Dongxiao Zhu   
Just Accepted Date: 08 June 2017   Online First Date: 31 October 2017    Issue Date: 04 December 2017
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Lu Wang,Lipi Acharya,Changxin Bai, et al. Transcriptome assembly strategies for precision medicine[J]. Quant. Biol., 2017, 5(4): 280-290.
Fig.1  De novo transcriptome assembly strategy.
Fig.2  Reference-based transcriptome assembly strategy. We first splice-align reads to the reference genome in order to construct a splice graph to show all possible isoforms at a locus. Then we traverse the constructed graph to obtain the isoforms at the end.
Fig.3  Work flow of the bridge algorithm.
Fig.4  A generative model of the RNA-sequencing process with the notation. Z is used to model the transcripts that have non-zero abundance; e+ is the relative abundance; and F is the joint distribution over n reads conditionally parameterized by m, s and dependent on a set S of m candidate transcripts and transcript index t.
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Cufflinks [33] Reference-based 2010
Scripture [34] Reference-based 2010
TransComb [35] Reference-based 2016
Bayesembler [29] Probability model 2014
Tab.1  Summary of software for transcriptome assembly.
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