A probabilistic model with multi-dimensional features for object extraction |
Jing WANG1( ), Zhijing LIU1, Hui ZHAO2 |
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 2. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China |
Abstract To identify recruitment information in different domains, we propose a novel model of hierarchical treestructured conditional random fields (HT-CRFs). In our approach, first, the concept of aWeb object (WOB) is discussed for the description of special Web information. Second, in contrast to traditionalmethods, the Boolean model and multirule are introduced to denote a one-dimensional text feature for a better representation of Web objects. Furthermore, a two-dimensional semantic texture feature is developed to discover the layout of a WOB, which can emphasize the structural attributes and the specific semantics term attributes of WOBs. Third, an optimal WOB information extraction (IE) based on HT-CRF is performed, addressing the problem of a model having an excessive dependence on the page structure and optimizing the efficiency of the model’s training. Finally, we compare the proposed model with existing decoupled approaches forWOB IE. The experimental results show that the accuracy rate of WOB IE is significantly improved and that time complexity is reduced.
feature extraction
conditional random fields (CRFs)
information extraction (IE)
Corresponding Author(s):
WANG Jing,Email:wangjing@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Issue Date: 01 October 2012
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