State of the art and prospects of structured sensing matrices in compressed sensing |
Kezhi LI1, Shuang CONG2( ) |
1. Automatic Complex Communication Networks, Signal and Systems Center, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm 10044, Sweden 2. Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China |
Abstract Compressed sensing (CS) enables people to acquire the compressed measurements directly and recover sparse or compressible signals faithfully even when the sampling rate is much lower than the Nyquist rate. However, the pure random sensing matrices usually require huge memory for storage and high computational cost for signal reconstruction. Many structured sensing matrices have been proposed recently to simplify the sensing scheme and the hardware implementation in practice. Based on the restricted isometry property and coherence, couples of existing structured sensing matrices are reviewed in this paper, which have special structures, high recovery performance, and many advantages such as the simple construction, fast calculation and easy hardware implementation. The number of measurements and the universality of different structure matrices are compared.
compressed sensing
structured sensing matrices
Corresponding Author(s):
Shuang CONG
Issue Date: 24 September 2015
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