Incorporating multi-kernel function and Internet verification for Chinese person name disambiguation |
Ruifeng XU1,Lin GUI1,Qin LU2( ),Shuai WANG1,Jian XU2 |
1. Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory of Performance Robots at Digital Stage, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China 2. Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China |
Abstract The study on person name disambiguation aims to identify different entities with the same person name through document linking to different entities. The traditional disambiguation approach makes use of words in documents as features to distinguish different entities. Due to the lack of use of word order as a feature and the limited use of external knowledge, the traditional approach has performance limitations. This paper presents an approach for named entity disambiguation through entity linking based on a multikernel and Internet verification to improve Chinese person name disambiguation. The proposed approach extends a linear kernel that uses in-document word features by adding a string kernel to construct a multi-kernel function. This multi-kernel can then calculate the similarities between an input document and the entity descriptions in a named person knowledge base to form a ranked list of candidates to different entities. Furthermore, Internet search results based on keywords extracted from the input document and entity descriptions in the knowledge base are used to train classifiers for verification. The evaluations on CIPS-SIGHAN 2012 person name disambiguation bakeoff dataset show that the use of word orders and Internet knowledge through a multi-kernel function can improve both precision and recall and our system has achieved state-of-the-art performance.
Chinese person name disambiguation
Internet verification
string kernel
multi-kernel function
machine learning
Corresponding Author(s):
Qin LU
Just Accepted Date: 17 November 2015
Online First Date: 01 June 2016
Issue Date: 11 October 2016
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