ISSN 1673-3444
ISSN 1673-3568(Online)
CN 11-5744/F
Postal Subscription Code 80-978
Aims: This publication is designed to provide a forum for a broad blend of academic papers in order to promote rapid communication and exchange between Chinese and Western scholars on economics. It will reflect the enormous advances that are currently being made in Chinese universities in the field of economics. The multidisciplinary character of this field will be typified by providing the readers with a wide range of articles that are collected from leading Chinese publications appealing to academia and beyond. In addition, this publication also bears the mission of introducing Chinese academic achievements to the world scene, by demonstrating the unique features and special status of the Chinese investigations on economics.
Scope: The subject areas featured will include the following main branches of economics, both theoretical and applied: economic policies and regulations in China; trade between China and other countries; agriculture economics in China; environmental economics in China; finance and investment in China; political economics; history of economic thought in China; and comparative economics between China and other countries.
The topics of the journal cover:
l Agricultural Economics
l Development Economics
l Behavioral Economics
l International Economics
l World Economics
l Industry Economics
l Economic Policies and Regulations
l Economists
l Environmental Economics
l Evolutionary Economics
l Finance and Investment
l Game Theory
l Political Economics
l History of Economic Thought
l Institutional Economics
l Regional Economics
l Information Economics
l Comparative Economics
l Consumption Economics
l Econometrics
l Research on International Trade
l Theory of Economic Waving
l Theory of Economic Increase