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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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Front. Eng    2016, Vol. 3 Issue (1) : 50-58
Carbon Quotas, Subsidies and Engineering Machinery Remanufacturing
Dong-bin Hu1,*(),Chen-xi Xiao1,Xiao-hong Chen2
1. Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; Collaborative Innovation Center of Resource-conserving & Environment-friendly Society and Ecological Civilization, Changsha 410083, China
2. Business School, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; Collaborative Innovation Center of Resource-conserving & Environment-friendly Society and Ecological Civilization, Changsha 410083, China; Hunan University of Commerce, Changsha 410205, China
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Engineering machinery manufacturing and remanufacturing are significant sources of greenhouse gases. In the context of emission reduction and resource recovery, the authors analyze the impact of current carbon quota allocations and government subsidies policies on manufacturers’ profits and recovery rates in a closed-loop supply chain. A simplified model consists of two manufacturers, one retailer and a third-party recycler. The study found that carbon quotas and government subsidies can both promote the improvement of recovery rates under certain conditions, and have similar effects in regulating interest distribution between manufacturers. The combination of the two methods can effectively realize the targets of recycling and carbon emissions reduction.

Keywords competitive closed-loop supply chain      government subsidies      carbon quota allocation      remanufacturing     
Corresponding Author(s): Dong-bin Hu   
Online First Date: 17 May 2016    Issue Date: 26 May 2016
 Cite this article:   
Dong-bin Hu,Chen-xi Xiao,Xiao-hong Chen. Carbon Quotas, Subsidies and Engineering Machinery Remanufacturing[J]. Front. Eng, 2016, 3(1): 50-58.
Fig.1  Closed-loop supply chain based on government subsidies and the distribution of carbon quotas.
Variable Description and assumption
c0 Unit recycling product price that the third-party recycler pays to consumers
pr Unit recycling product price that Manufacturer 1 pays to the third-party recycler, the decision variables for Manufacturer 1
cm Unit cost of the new product
cr Added cost of remanufacturing one product. c r + c 0 means unit cost of the remanufacturing product
p1,pw1 The wholesale price and sales price of product made by Manufacturer 1, p 1 is the decision variables for retailers, p w1 is the decision variables for Manufacturer 1
p2,pw2 The wholesale price and sales price of product made by Manufacturer 2, p 2 is the decision variable for retailers, p w2 is the decision variable for Manufacturer 2
r The recovery rate, r ( 0 r 1 ) is the decision variable for the third-party recycler
V Profit
l1,l2 The proportion carbon emissions quotas that regulatory body allocate to Manufacturers 1 and 2 non-gratuitously. 0 l 1 , l 2 1 . For the sake of analysis, the authors assume l 1 = v l 2 , 0 v 1 . If v < 1 , it means the government allocates more free quota to Manufacturer 1
Em Carbon emission of unit new product
Er Carbon emission of unit remanufacturer product. E r = u E m . Here the authors consider the differences of carbon emissions. 0 u 1 , it means the carbon emissions of remanufactured product is less than a new product. 1 u c m c 0 c r l 2 p 2 E m + 1 means the carbon emissions of remanufactured product is more than a new product. When the cost saving is less than the cost of carbon emissions, the remanufacturer will not recycle.
pe Unit carbon quota price, the price is decided by the market
A Unit recycling product subsidy from the government
Q1,Q2 The sales quantity of products produced by two manufacturers, referring to Debo et al. (2005) and Ferrer and Swaminathan (2006), the authors suppose Q 1 ( p ) = a p 1 + ε p 2 , Q 2 ( p ) = a p 2 + ε p 1 , 0 < ε < 1 , where a represents the basic size of the market
k Referring to Savaskan et al. (2004), k is the scale parameter
Tab.1  The Description and Assumptions of Variables
Variable Analytical solution
pw1 [2l2vpeEm(u1)(A+Δc0)l22v2pe2Em2(u1)2][(l2peEm+a+cm)ε+2a]+ε+32vkl2peEm+aM+32kcml22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k
p1 (ε1)pw1a2ε2
pw2 [2l2vpeEm(u1)(A+Δc0)l22v2pe2Em2(u1)2](l2peEm+aε+a+cm)+l2peEm(16vkε+0.5M+16k)+(0.5aM+16kcm)ε+(a+cm)(0.5M+16k)l22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k
p2 (ε1)pw2a2ε2
pr 12(l2peEmvu+l2peEmvA+Δ+c0)
r 2[l2peEm(ε2v+ε2v)+(ε+2)(εcm+acm)][l2vpeEm(u1)+A+Δc0]l22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k
Vm1 128[(vl2peEm+cm)ε2+(l2peEm+a+cm)ε2vl2peEm2cm+2a]2k2[l22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k]2
Vm2 0.5{l2peEmv(u1)(ε+1)[l2peEm(ε1)+εcm+acm][l2peEmv(u+1)2(A+Δc0)]+l2peEm(16kεv0.5Mε2+0.5M+16k)[0.5Mε+0.5M+16k](εcm+acm)}2[l22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k]2
V3 4k[l2peEm(ε2v+ε2v)+(ε+2)(εcm+acm)]2[l2peEmv(u1)+A+Δc0]2[l22pe2Em2v2(u1)2(ε22)2l2peEmv(u1)(ε22)(A+Δc0)0.5Mε2+M+32k]2
Tab.2  The Analytical Solutions of Variables
Fig.2  Impact of subsidies on (a) manufactures’ profit, (b) whole price, and (c) recovery rate.
Fig.3  The impact of proportion allocation on two manufacturers’ profit.
Fig.4  The impact of proportion allocation on manufacturers’ wholesale price.
Fig.5  The impact of proportion allocation on recovery rate.
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