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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2016, Vol. 3 Issue (2) : 107-114
An Exploration of Surface Integrity Remanufacturing for Aeroengine Components
Qiao Xiang1,*(),Yong He2,Ting-hong Hou2
1. Air Engine Corporation of China, Beijing 100072, China; Chengdu Holy Industry & Commerce Co. Ltd. (Group), Chengdu 610044, China
2. Chengdu Holy Industry & Commerce Co. Ltd. (Group), Chengdu 610044, China
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Surface integrity is the major factor impacting on the operation quality, service life and reliability of the aeroengine components. The surface integrity of aeroengine component is damaged by the failures such as crack, deformation, oxidation, corrosion, erosion, and microstructural degeneration. It adopts advanced remanufacturing technologies to restore or improve the surface integrity and regenerate these high value parts. This paper firstly puts forward the concept, namely surface integrity remanufacturing for aeroengine components, and its connotation. The key remanufacturing technologies have been developed to repair the components with surface damages. Ultimately, some application examples of surface integrity remanufacturing technologies as well as their effects in aeroengine maintenance are introduced. The discarded components have been reused and their service lives have been extended and their reliability has been increased by implementing surface integrity remanufacturing. It has realized “The Repaired Components Outpacing the New Ones”, material saving, energy saving, and emission reduction.

Keywords aeroengine component      surface integrity      remanufacturing      surface integrity remanufacturing     
Corresponding Author(s): Qiao Xiang   
Online First Date: 20 September 2016    Issue Date: 22 September 2016
 Cite this article:   
Qiao Xiang,Yong He,Ting-hong Hou. An Exploration of Surface Integrity Remanufacturing for Aeroengine Components[J]. Front. Eng, 2016, 3(2): 107-114.
Fig.1  The six different groups of key factors defining the surface integrity of a finished material.
Fig.2  The concept of surface integrity (AMZ: Altered material zone).
Fig.3  The position and function of remanufacturing in the product life cycle.
Fig.4  The framework of aeroengine remanufacturing system.
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