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Frontiers of Earth Science

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

Front. Earth Sci.    2019, Vol. 13 Issue (1) : 43-54
Assessing the relative role of climate change and human activities in desertification of North China from 1981 to 2010
Duanyang XU1(), Alin SONG2, Dajing LI1, Xue DING3, Ziyu WANG4
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3. College of Resources and Environment, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
4. College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
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Desertification is a severe environmental problem induced by both climate change and human activities. This study assessed the relative contribution of climate change, human activities, and different climatic and anthropogenic factors in desertification reversion and expansion of North China from 1981 to 2010. The results showed that the desertification of North China had changed significantly over the past 30 years; desertification reversion and expansion covered an area of 750,464 km2, and the spatial distribution of these regions exhibited considerable heterogeneity. For desertification reversion, climate change and human activity accounted for 22.6% and 26%, respectively of total reverted land. Wind speed reduction and the improvement of hydrothermal conditions were the most important climatic factors for desertification reversion in the arid region of Northwest China (ARNC) and the Three-River Headwaters region (TRHR), and the reduction in grassland use intensity was the most important anthropogenic factor related to desertification reversion in Inner Mongolia and regions along the Great Wall (IMGW). For desertification expansion, the relative role of climate change was more obvious, which was mainly attributed to the continuous reduction in precipitation in eastern IMGW, and the increase in grassland use intensity was the main factor underlying regional human-induced desertification expansion.

Keywords desertification      climate change      human activity      relative role      North China     
Corresponding Author(s): Duanyang XU   
Just Accepted Date: 13 June 2018   Online First Date: 01 August 2018    Issue Date: 25 January 2019
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Duanyang XU,Alin SONG,Dajing LI, et al. Assessing the relative role of climate change and human activities in desertification of North China from 1981 to 2010[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2019, 13(1): 43-54.
Fig.1  The location of study area.
Item SlopeCNPP SlopeHNPP Explanation
Desertification reversion >0 >0 Climate change induced desertification reversion
<0 <0 Human activities induced desertification reversion
>0 <0 Both climate change and human activities induced desertification reversion
Desertification expansion <0 <0 Climate change induced desertification expansion
>0 >0 Human activities induced desertification expansion
<0 >0 Both climate change and human activities induced desertification expansion
Tab.1  Scenario analysis table for assessing the relative role of climate change and human activities in desertification reversion and expansion
Fig.2  The sketch map for assessing the impacts of climatic factors.
1981 2010
Non Low Medium Severe
Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/%
Non 457,984 75.81 114,240 18.91 16,000 2.65 15,872 2.63
Low 102,016 17.20 301,568 50.84 105,792 17.83 83,840 14.13
Medium 17,472 4.12 99,136 23.40 227,456 53.69 79,552 18.78
Severe 17,280 1.25 20,864 1.50 81,856 5.90 1,266,944 91.35
Tab.2  Transfer matrix of desertification grades between 1981 and 2010
Region Reversion Expansion No change
Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/%
Sandy area IMGW 122,176 17.12 168,640 23.63 422,976 59.26
ARNC 151,232 7.42 236,800 11.62 1,649,920 80.96
TRHR 64,192 25.42 9344 3.70 178,944 70.87
Sub-region hlbr 29,184 35.57 8192 9.98 44,672 54.45
horq 17,984 14.06 33,536 26.21 76,416 59.73
hsdk 27,776 14.80 41,664 22.20 118,272 63.01
char 5184 18.45 8960 31.89 13,952 49.66
bash 6080 6.23 32,640 33.42 58,944 60.35
wmt 4672 21.73 3072 14.29 13,760 63.99
jxb 6464 25.19 4224 16.46 14,976 58.35
erdos 16,256 12.48 35,392 27.16 78,656 60.36
nxhd 8576 66.67 960 7.46 3328 25.87
cdm 15,872 7.11 24,960 11.18 182,336 81.70
htpy 4992 29.66 1472 8.75 10,368 61.60
hxzl 36,864 14.94 59,392 24.07 150,528 61.00
nmhs 3776 8.29 6592 14.47 35,200 77.25
talm 32,448 3.74 91,072 10.49 744,640 85.77
thpd 7680 3.76 28,224 13.82 168,320 82.42
ycpy 2432 15.02 384 2.37 13,376 82.61
ylpd 384 7.69 1152 23.08 3456 69.23
zhgr 34,176 19.61 16,512 9.47 123,584 70.91
alsh 12,608 5.30 7040 2.96 218,112 91.74
Tab.3  Desertification dynamics from 1981 to 2010 in north China
Fig.3  The relative roles of climate change and human activities in desertification reversion and expansion of North China from 1981 to 2010 (Reversion/Expansion_C/H/CH mean climate change, human activities and both of them induced desertification reversion and expansion).
Fig.4  The impacts of different climatic factors on desertification reversion of North China from 1981 to 2010.
Fig.5  The impacts of different anthropogenic factors on desertification expansion of North China from 1981 to 2010.
Item Land use IMGW ARNC TRHR
Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/% Area/km2 Percent/%
LUP-Reversion 2688 23.08 7232 62.09 1728 14.84
Farmland 704 26.19 2176 30.09 64 3.70
Forest 192 7.14 704 9.73 128 7.41
Grassland 1728 64.29 4096 56.64 1536 88.89
Urban and Industrial Land 64 2.38 256 3.54 0 0.00
Lui-Reversion 46848 52.59 29632 33.26 12608 14.15
Farmland 8832 31.36 3584 21.54 128 1.35
Forest 576 2.05 192 1.15 128 1.35
Grassland 17600 62.50 7104 42.69 7744 81.76
Unused Land 1152 4.09 5760 34.62 1472 15.54
LUP-Expansion 512 7.55 5952 87.74 320 4.72
Farmland 0 0.00 896 15.05 64 20.00
Forest 0 0.00 576 9.68 0 0.00
Grassland 512 100.00 4416 74.19 256 80.00
Urban And Industrial Land 0 0.00 64 1.08 0 0.00
Lui-Expansion 5376 19.53 20224 73.49 1920 6.98
Farmland 0 0.00 128 0.91 0 0.00
Forest 128 3.78 192 1.36 0 0.00
Grassland 3200 94.34 6400 45.54 576 75.00
Unused Land 64 1.89 7360 52.27 192 25.00
Tab.4  Relative role of land use pattern (LUP) and intensity (LUI) in human-induced desertification reversion and expansion
Fig.6  The linear trend of aridity/humidity index of desertified land of North China from 1981 to 2010.
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