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Frontiers of Earth Science

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

Front. Earth Sci.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (4) : 860-875
Pore structure complexity and its significance to the petrophysical properties of coal measure gas reservoirs in Qinshui Basin, China
Xiaowei HOU1(), Yang WANG2,3(), Yanming ZHU2,3, Jie XIANG2,3
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2. Coalbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China
3. School of Resources and Geoscience, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
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The pore structure of continuous unconventional reservoirs (CURs) in coal measures was investigated using different technologies for 29 samples (9 coal samples, 9 shale samples, and 11 sandstone samples) from Qinshui Basin, China. Results show that coals have relatively high porosities and permeabilities ranging from 4.02% to 5.19% and 0.001 to 0.042 mD, respectively. Micropores (<2 nm) are well-developed in coals and contribute to the majority of pore volume (PV) and specific surface area (SSA). The porosities and permeabilities are between 1.19%–4.11%, and 0.0001–0.004 mD of sandstones with a predominance of macropores (>50 nm). However, shales are characterized by poorly petrophysical properties with low porosity and permeability. Macropores and mesopores (2–50 nm) are well-developed in shales compared with micropores. For coals, abundant organic matters are expected to promote the development of micropores, and clay minerals significantly control the performance of mesopores. For shales and sandstones, micropores are mainly observed in organic matters, whereas clay minerals are the important contributor to mesopores. Moreover, micropore SSA significantly determines the adsorption capacity of CURs and sandstones have the best pore connectivity. The permeability of CURs is positively associated with the macropore PV since macropores serve as the main flow paths for gas seepage. Additionally, we also proposed that effective porosity has a significant effect on the permeability of CURs. The findings of this study could enhance the understanding of the multiscale pore structure of CURs and provide insights into the mechanisms that control gas storage, transport, and subsequent co-production for continuous unconventional natural gas (CUNG) in the Qinshui Basin and other coal-bearing basins worldwide.

Keywords continuous unconventional reservoirs (CURs)      pore structure      adsorption capacity      permeability      effective porosity     
Corresponding Author(s): Yang WANG   
Online First Date: 28 September 2021    Issue Date: 20 January 2022
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Xiaowei HOU,Yang WANG,Yanming ZHU, et al. Pore structure complexity and its significance to the petrophysical properties of coal measure gas reservoirs in Qinshui Basin, China[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2021, 15(4): 860-875.
Fig.1  Sampling locations and geological setting of the Yushe-Wuxiang area, Qinshui Basin.
Fig.2  Photomicrographs showing the pore systems of the CURs. (a) Cell pores, dispersed organic pores, and microfractures of coal sample C3; (b) blowholes and microfractures in vitrinite, C1; (c) intergranular pores and dispersed organic matter of shale sample S2; (d) dispersed organic matter and microfractures filled by calcspar of shale sample S4; (e) intergranular pores of shale sample S2; (f) dispersed organic matter, intergranular pores developed along the edges of rigid quartz grains and interfaces between quartz grains and clay minerals of sandstone sample T8; (g) intergranular pores and dissolved pores of sandstone sample T6; (h) banded organic matter in sandstone sample; (i) isolated organic pores (blowholes) of coal sample C2; (j) primary pores filled by clay mineral, intergranular pores between organic macerals and clay minerals, and aggregated intragranular pores in clay minerals of coal sample C4; (k) aggregated intragranular pores in clay minerals of coal sample C6; (l) organic pores of shale sample C6; (m) intragranular pores in clay minerals, and intergranular pores between organic macerals and clay minerals of shale sample C4; (n) organic band filled by pyrite grains with abundant intergranular pores, organic pores and intergranular pores of sandstone sample T10; (o) dissolved pores in feldspar of sandstone sample T5; and (p) intergranular pores and intragranular pores in clay minerals of sandstone sample T9.
Fig.3  Relationship between porosity and permeability.
Sample ID HMIP N2GA CO2GA Porosity
TPV/(cm−3·g−1) SSA/(m2·g−1) d /nm TPV/(cm−3·g−1) SSA/(m2·g−1) d /nm TPV/(cm−3·g−1) SSA/(m2·g−1) d /nm C/% Q/% F/% C/% T2cuoff /% EP/%
C1 0.0384 20.15 7.6 0.0011 0.21 20.42 0.0660 208.85 0.501 5.00 0.00203 2.37 84.90 9.8 4.3 0.1 0.6 0.97 0.25
C2 0.0374 19.62 7.6 0.0056 1.36 16.52 0.0840 270.68 0.479 4.71 0.04201 2.90 76.45 23.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 1.15 0.62
C3 0.0375 6.47 23.2 0.0015 0.44 13.87 0.0780 256.20 0.501 5.11 0.06137 2.86 88.65 10.9 0.5 0.0 0.97 0.74
C4 0.0326 18.64 7 0.0007 0.09 33.76 0.0680 211.09 0.501 4.20 0.01356 2.46 83.50 9.6 4.6 1.3 0.8 1.12 0.30
C5 0.0343 19.01 7.2 0.0009 0.61 6.76 0.0610 203.76 0.501 4.46 0.00160 2.44 81.34 5.8 6.4 1.7 1.2 2.65 0.16
C6 0.037 20.03 7.4 0.0024 1.01 9.51 0.0710 229.91 0.479 4.77 0.03391 2.55 83.20 10.8 3.1 0.2 0.3 1.32 0.61
C7 0.0388 20.40 7.6 0.0007 0.17 17.21 0.0750 237.99 0.479 4.98 0.02810 2.69 84.29 6.8 7.7 0.4 0.8 0.87 0.31
C8 0.0425 23.35 7.3 0.0007 0.12 23.40 0.0680 209.77 0.501 5.19 0.00108 2.42 90.10 7.2 1.8 0.5 0.4 3.72 0.13
C9 0.0292 7.08 16.5 0.0008 0.35 8.61 0.0560 166.74 0.501 4.02 0.03403 2.15 80.82 5.2 7.2 0.9 0.7 1.52 0.33
S1 0.0054 1.28 16.8 0.0087 4.33 7.99 0.0030 10.06 0.860 0.66 0.00010 2.56 2.67 54.9 37.8 3.0 1.1 3.51 0.09
S2 0.0068 2.55 10.6 0.0110 5.83 7.53 0.0040 13.09 0.865 1.47 0.00010 3.25 53.7 38.0 4.0 12.33 0.06
S3 0.0038 1.15 13.2 0.0073 2.97 9.73 0.0017 6.02 0.829 0.86 0.00006 2.13 41.6 39.1 7.4 11.7 37.65 0.02
S4 0.0092 1.43 25.7 0.0084 3.67 9.10 0.0015 4.89 0.840 2.43 0.00018 2.58 1.46 43.4 39.7 7.5 9.4 6.14 0.09
S5 0.0077 0.69 44.4 0.0087 5.00 6.92 0.0028 8.92 0.913 1.92 0.00022 2.50 50.8 47.3 1.9 2.31 0.10
S6 0.0035 0.52 24.1 0.0084 6.00 5.59 0.0030 8.41 0.912 0.78 0.00011 2.54 2.89 42.0 45.0 4.0 8.0 10.72 0.09
S7 0.0087 0.28 12.6 0.0076 5.37 5.62 0.0024 8.04 0.848 2.25 0.00230 1.42 41.5 56.9 1.6 1.15 0.21
S8 0.0062 0.40 61.8 0.0084 6.98 4.81 0.0037 12.22 0.882 1.59 0.00132 2.89 51.5 36.4 3.6 6.5 3.05 0.13
S9 0.0074 0.07 41.9 0.0069 4.94 5.54 0.0018 6.10 0.849 2.65 0.00164 2.69 1.25 39.7 45.8 2.4 12.1 1.15 0.18
T1 0.0075 0.90 33.5 0.0044 1.15 15.43 0.0005 1.63 0.927 1.98 0.00097 0.78 29.2 45.1 0.0 25.7 1.15 0.47
T2 0.0098 0.72 54.8 0.0057 2.21 10.24 0.0009 2.97 0.831 2.18 0.00085 0.34 14.0 63.0 19.0 4.0 1.00 0.47
T3 0.0066 0.76 34.8 0.0062 2.27 10.90 0.0009 3.09 0.877 1.59 0.00005 22.0 44.0 13.0 21.0 3.42 0.11
T4 0.0084 0.80 42 0.0056 1.23 18.10 0.0009 3.17 0.885 1.19 0.00015 16.0 51.0 20.0 13.0 1.00 0.23
T5 0.0188 0.94 80.5 0.0033 0.81 16.15 0.0002 0.93 0.793 4.11 0.00425 8.0 78.0 14.0 1.00 0.38
T6 0.0114 1.84 24.7 0.0092 4.53 8.07 0.0019 6.26 0.906 2.50 0.00064 0.07 46.0 53.0 1.0 2.31 0.42
T7 0.0134 0.99 54.3 0.0051 2.50 8.10 0.0004 1.55 0.811 3.47 0.00378 0.23 22.0 70.6 3.9 3.5 2.31 0.57
T8 0.0117 1.87 25.1 0.0100 4.73 8.42 0.0023 7.61 0.867 3.05 0.00207 2.34 48.3 39.9 2.8 9.0 1.15 0.63
T9 0.0116 1.31 35.3 0.0131 6.40 8.19 0.0032 10.40 0.869 3.32 0.00015 2.24 29.7 37.6 2.6 30.1 10.72 0.21
T10 0.0119 2.09 22.7 0.0129 8.01 6.43 0.0029 9.14 0.918 3.08 0.00011 3.26 45.0 39.6 3.4 10.6 1.15 0.12
T11 0.0114 1.24 36.8 0.0053 2.75 7.72 0.0036 11.43 0.898 2.86 0.00051 4.56 25.6 52.4 0.8 0.0 12.33 1.75
Tab.1  Representative information of the tested samples
Fig.4  Mercury injection and ejection curves of CURs: (a) and (b) coals; (c) and (d) shales; (e) and (f) sandstones.
Fig.5  PSDs of CURs obtained from HMIP analysis: (a) and (b) coals; (c) and (d) shales; (e) and (f) sandstones.
Fig.6  Hysteresis loop types and the corresponding pore shapes in CURs: (a) and (b) are coals; (c) and (d) shales; (e) and (f) sandstones.
Fig.7  PSDs of various reservoirs according to N2GA: (a) and (b) coals; (c) and (d) shales; (e) and (f) sandstones.
Fig.8  CO2GA adsorption isotherms of (a) coals, (b) shales, (c) sandstones.
Fig.9  PSDs of CURs described by CO2GA: (a) coals, (b) shales, (c) sandstones.
Fig.10  NMR T2 spectra including the incremental T2 distributions and T2cutoff values for (a) coals, (b) shales, (c) sandstones.
Fig.11  Full scale PSDs of CURs: (a) coals; (b) shales; (c) sandstones.
Fig.12  Microcosmic pore parameters of CURs.
Fig.13  Relationships between organic-inorganic components and pore structure of CURs: (a)–(f) coals; (g)–(l) shales; (m)–(r) sandstones.
Fig.14  Effect of pore structure on the adsorption capacity of CURs: (a) and (b) coals; (c) and (d) shales; and (e) (f) sandstones.
Fig.15  Relationship between pore structure and permeability of (a) coals, (b) shales, (c) sandstones.
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