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Frontiers of Mathematics in China

ISSN 1673-3452

ISSN 1673-3576(Online)

CN 11-5739/O1

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2018 Impact Factor: 0.565

Front. Math. China    2022, Vol. 17 Issue (2) : 227-254
Surviving rate of graphs and Firefighter Problem
Weifan WANG, Jiangxu KONG()
Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
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The Firefighter Problem on a graph can be viewed as a simplified model of the spread of contagion, fire, rumor, computer virus, etc. The fire breaks out at one or more vertices in a graph at the first round, and the fire-fighter chooses some vertices to protect. The fire spreads to all non-protected neighbors at the beginning of each time-step. The process stops when the fire can no longer spread. The Firefighter Problem has attracted considerable attention since it was introduced in 1995. In this paper we provide a survey on recent research progress of this field, including algorithms and complexity, Fire-fighter Problem for special graphs (finite and infinite) and digraphs, surviving rate and burning number of graphs. We also collect some open problems and possible research subjects.

Keywords Graph      network      Firefighter Problem      surviving rate      burning number     
Corresponding Author(s): Jiangxu KONG   
Issue Date: 23 May 2022
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Weifan WANG,Jiangxu KONG. Surviving rate of graphs and Firefighter Problem[J]. Front. Math. China, 2022, 17(2): 227-254.
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