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Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

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2018 Impact Factor: 0.989

Front. Mech. Eng.    2022, Vol. 17 Issue (2) : 17
A new automatic convolutional neural network based on deep reinforcement learning for fault diagnosis
Long WEN1, You WANG1, Xinyu LI2
1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
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Convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved remarkable applications in fault diagnosis. However, the tuning aiming at obtaining the well-trained CNN model is mainly manual search. Tuning requires considerable experiences on the knowledge on CNN training and fault diagnosis, and is always time consuming and labor intensive, making the automatic hyper parameter optimization (HPO) of CNN models essential. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel automatic CNN (ACNN) for fault diagnosis, which can automatically tune its three key hyper parameters, namely, learning rate, batch size, and L2-regulation. First, a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is developed, and it constructs an agent aiming at controlling these three hyper parameters along with the training of CNN models online. Second, a new structure of DRL is designed by combining deep deterministic policy gradient and long short-term memory, which takes the training loss of CNN models as its input and can output the adjustment on these three hyper parameters. Third, a new training method for ACNN is designed to enhance its stability. Two famous bearing datasets are selected to evaluate the performance of ACNN. It is compared with four commonly used HPO methods, namely, random search, Bayesian optimization, tree Parzen estimator, and sequential model-based algorithm configuration. ACNN is also compared with other published machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods. The results show that ACNN outperforms these HPO and ML/DL methods, validating its potential in fault diagnosis.

Keywords deep reinforcement learning      hyper parameter optimization      convolutional neural network      fault diagnosis     
Corresponding Author(s): Xinyu LI   
About author:

Tongcan Cui and Yizhe Hou contributed equally to this work.

Just Accepted Date: 02 April 2022   Issue Date: 27 June 2022
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Long WEN,You WANG,Xinyu LI. A new automatic convolutional neural network based on deep reinforcement learning for fault diagnosis[J]. Front. Mech. Eng., 2022, 17(2): 17.
Fig.1  Detail structure of LSTM?DDPG: (a) actor network, (b) critic network.
Hyper parameter Range
Learning rate (10?4, 10?2)
Decay (0.99, 0.995)
Batch size (10, 100)
L2-regulation value (10?11, 10?3)
Tab.1  Hyper parameter range for ACNN
Method Acc(1→2)/% Acc(1→3)/% Acc(2→1)/% Acc(2→3)/% Acc(3→1)/% Acc(3→2)/% AVG/%
RS 97.47 95.24 96.79 98.81 92.86 98.67 96.639
TPE 97.48 95.19 96.81 98.81 92.91 98.72 96.653
BO 97.69 95.33 96.91 98.93 92.67 98.60 96.687
SMAC 97.60 95.21 96.82 98.90 92.92 98.67 96.685
ACNN 98.10 95.76 97.20 99.11 91.96 98.64 96.793
Tab.2  Comparison results of ACNN with HPO methods using DenseNet-201 in Case 1
CNN backbone Acc(RS)/% Acc(TPE)/% Acc(BO)/% Acc(SMAC)/% Acc(ACNN)/%
ResNet-50V2 94.746 94.788 94.871 94.896 94.910
ResNet-101V2 95.592 95.632 95.787 95.796 96.226
ResNet-152V2 94.095 94.075 94.206 94.184 94.396
DenseNet-121 95.065 95.039 95.41 95.288 96.314
DenseNet-169 93.006 93.002 93.253 93.096 93.903
Tab.3  Comparison results of ACNN with HPO methods using other backbones in Case 1
Fig.2  Online curves of ACNN in Case 1: (a) learning rate curve, (b) batch size curve, (c) L2-regularization curve, and (d) reward curve.
Method Acc(1→2)/% Acc(1→3)/% Acc(2→1)/% Acc(2→3)/% Acc(3→1)/% Acc(3→2)/% AVG/%
ACNN 98.10 95.76 97.20 99.11 91.96 98.64 96.793
WMSCCN 95.17 97.24 98.79 96.55 93.10 97.76 96.435
HCNN 99.93 98.79 95.15 99.45 89.33 93.69 96.100
WDCNN 98.10 92.59 91.90 96.73 86.21 91.03 92.760
MSCNN 94.14 93.28 90.86 95.17 84.66 90.69 91.467
AWMS-CNN 93.82 86.73 93.10 91.03 85.52 93.62 90.637
VI-CNN 89.60 80.27 88.43 88.03 79.83 83.80 84.993
SVM 61.03 60.17 74.14 60.69 61.90 62.24 63.362
ANN 88.10 85.00 77.93 88.45 87.24 86.03 85.458
Tab.4  Comparison results of ACNN with ML and DL in Case 1
Method Acc(5→6)/% Acc(5→7)/% Acc(6→5)/% Acc(6→7)/% Acc(7→5)/% Acc(7→6)/% AVG/%
RS 88.36 96.75 90.42 90.23 98.23 88.54 92.090
TPE 88.51 96.78 90.39 90.20 98.22 88.72 92.135
BO 88.14 97.17 90.81 90.32 98.41 88.33 92.195
SMAC 88.49 96.76 90.77 90.30 98.37 88.84 92.253
ACNN 85.78 97.88 93.14 92.33 98.75 88.16 92.671
Tab.5  Comparison results of ACNN with HPO methods using DenseNet-201 in Case 2
CNN backbone Acc(RS)/% Acc(TPE)/% Acc(BO)/% Acc(SMAC)/% Acc(ACNN)/%
ResNet-50V2 92.241 92.220 92.433 92.428 92.940
ResNet-101V2 93.036 92.987 93.294 93.194 94.088
ResNet-152V2 87.368 87.305 88.146 87.737 90.026
DenseNet-121 89.407 89.376 89.650 89.639 90.993
DenseNet-169 90.286 90.139 90.461 90.385 91.255
Tab.6  Comparison results of ACNN with HPO methods using other backbones in Case 2
Fig.3  Online curves of ACNN in Case 2: (a) learning rate curve, (b) batch size curve, (c) L2-regularization curve, and (d) reward curve.
Method Acc(5→6)/% Acc(5→7)/% Acc(6→5)/% Acc(6→7)/% Acc(7→5)/% Acc(7→6)/% AVG/%
ACNN 85.78 97.88 93.14 92.33 98.75 88.16 92.671
WDCNN 72.33 94.70 69.33 69.77 93.67 70.27 78.35
ICN 80.67 96.97 70.23 70.67 94.27 79.50 82.05
DAN 85.70 98.40 81.58 89.29 98.00 90.50 90.58
ResNet 71.33 96.67 64.53 67.23 92.73 72.60 77.52
AlexNet 78.87 98.47 65.93 66.20 96.03 74.07 79.92
SVM 56.25 68.63 54.45 53.32 68.65 56.10 59.56
ELM 39.28 39.07 39.18 38.92 39.00 38.43 38.98
Tab.7  Comparison results of ACNN with ML and DL in Case 2
ACNN Automatic convolutional neural network
ANN Artificial neural network
AVG Average prediction accuracy
AWMS-CNN Adaptive weighted multiscale convolutional neural network
BO Bayesian optimization
CNN Convolutional neural network
DAN Domain adaption network
DDPG Deep deterministic policy gradient
DL Deep learning
DRL Deep reinforcement learning
ELM Extreme learning machine
FC Fully connected
GS Grid search
HCNN Hierarchical convolutional neural network
HPO Hyper parameter optimization
ICN CNN based on a capsule network with an inception block
IF Inner race fault
LSTM Long short-term memory
ML Machine learning
MSCNN Multiscale convolutional neural network
NAS Neural architecture search
OF Outer race fault
RF Roller fault
RL Reinforcement learning
RS Random search
SMAC Sequential model-based algorithm configuration
SVM Support vector machine
TPE Tree Parzen estimator
VI-CNN CNN based on vibration image
WDCNN Deep convolutional neural networks with wide first-layer kernels
WMSCCN Wide convolution and multiscale convolution
a Action of DDPG algorithm
at Current action
bt Current batch size
bmax, bmin The upper and lower boundaries for batch size
EΠ Expected value under policy Π
f Fourier frequency in short-time Fourier transform
lt Current L2-regulation value
lmax, lmin The upper and lower boundaries for L2-regulation value
lrmax, lrmin The upper and lower boundaries for learning rate, respectivley
lrt Current learning rate
losst Loss value of the CNN model at time step t
L Training loss of critic network
M Number of the sequencing training loss
n Number of samples in the experience storage D
p Transition probability function
QΠ (s, a) Q-value function under policy Π
r Reward of DDPG algorithm
s State of DDPG algorithm
st State at time step t
STFT Short-time Fourier transform formulation
t Time step
w(t) Window function
yt Actual Q-value
α Factor to control the degree of soft updating
γ Discount factor
Π Policy of the agent to choose the action
θμ Online actor network
θμ Target actor network
ωQ Online critic network
ωQ Target critic network
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