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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

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2018 Impact Factor: 3.883

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.    2019, Vol. 13 Issue (3) : 34
Occurrence and fate of typical antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants in Harbin, North-east China
Weihua Wang1, Wanfeng Zhang1, Hong Liang2(), Dawen Gao2()
1. Harbin Environmental Monitoring Center, Harbin 150076, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin 150090, China
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• The concentration distributions and removals of 12 antibiotics were investigated.

• Macrolides and fluoroquinolones presented relatively higher concentrations.

• The removal of antibiotics did not differ among the different treatment processes.

As a new pollutant, antibiotics in the environment and their removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have gained considerable attention. However, few studies investigated antibiotics in the north-eastern areas of China. By employing high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, the concentration distribution and removal of 12 antibiotics belonging to four types (cephalosporins, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, and macrolides) were investigated in influents and effluents as well as the removal efficiencies of four typical treatment processes in 18 wastewater treatment plants of Harbin City, north-eastern China. Macrolides and fluoroquinolones presented relatively higher detection concentrations and rates both in the water and in the sludge phases. Sulfonamides and cephalosporins displayed higher detection concentrations in the water phase. The representative antibiotics in influents and effluents included ROX, NOR, OFL, SMX, AZI, and CLA, with detection rates above 95%. The detection rates of the other six antibiotics exceeded 30%. In the sludge, the other five antibiotics, except SMX, presented relatively higher detection concentrations and rates, with detection rates greater than 95%. For cephalosporin, the detection rates of CTX and CFM in the sludge were 0. The removal efficiencies for the 12 antibiotics differed greatly, with average values ranging from 30% to 80% and the highest values for cephalosporin. The removal of antibiotics did not differ significantly among the four different treatment processes.

Keywords Antibiotics      WWTPs      Occurrence      Removal efficiency     
Corresponding Author(s): Hong Liang,Dawen Gao   
Just Accepted Date: 10 April 2019   Issue Date: 13 May 2019
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Weihua Wang,Wanfeng Zhang,Hong Liang, et al. Occurrence and fate of typical antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants in Harbin, North-east China[J]. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2019, 13(3): 34.
Fig.1  Location map of 18 wastewater treatment plants in Harbin, north-eastern China
Fig.2  Schematic diagrams of the four WWTPs with different treatment processes.
Influent Maxa) 234 175 432 182 1692 809 110 321 2986 2168 2787 45.8
Minb) 2.1 14.2 1.5 1.5
Averc) 35.1 16.1 80.2 89 191 135 28.0 35.8 500 220 289 7.5
Fred) 78 34 84 89 78 100 95 95 100 100 100 78
Effluent Maxa) 45.5 61.2 99.3 127 708 506 61.2 164 1419 1018 1481 30.4
Minb) 6 0.8 1.1
Averc) 6.1 4.8 16 13.6 90.6 87.1 14.1 20.5 332 100 135 3.9
Fred) 67 34 73 84 62 95 95 95 100 100 100 78
Sludge Maxa) 15.3 9.2 160 32.6 75.3 82.9 198 526 487 7.5
Minb) 3.4 1.1 1.5
Averc) n.de0 0.85 0.51 32.9 3.9 11.6 11.5 66.5 70.9 61.9 2.1
Fred) 0 0 6 6 34 34 95 95 100 100 100 50
Tab.1  Concentrations of target antibiotics in influent (ng/L), effluent (ng/L), and sludge (µg/kg, dw) samples from 18 WWTPs in Harbin, north-eastern China.
Fig.3  Distribution of target antibiotics in 18 WWTPs in Harbin, China.
Fig.4  Removal efficiencies for target antibiotics in different WWTPs.
Fig.5  Concentrations of antibiotics in effluents from different treatment units in the WWTPs.
WWTP Treatment
Sludge retention time (d) Dehydrated sludge per day (t/d) Conventional parameters (mg/L)
CODb) BODc) T-Nd) T-Pe)
W6 AO 16 20 460 619 50 332 11.8 41.2 18.3 7.37 0.70
W15 A2O 6 15?30 20 121 25 63.7 5.8 16.3 10.9 1.9 0.18
W9 CAST 6 15 45 429 30 224 6.6 35.8 11.7 10.1 0.43
W4 CASS 6 18 70 230 20 83.9 6.3 17.5 10.7 5.6 0.25
Tab.2  Process parameters and processing capacities of different WWTPs
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