Electromagnetically induced transparency in novel dual-band metamaterial excited by toroidal dipolar response
Zhao-Yang Shen, He-Lin Yang, Xuan Liu, Xiao-Jun Huang, Tian-Yu Xiang, Jiong Wu, Wei Chen
Front. Phys. . 2020, 15 (1 ): 12601-.
We demonstrated a novel metamaterial with dual-band electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) via simulation, experiment and numerical analysis, with resonance frequencies of the transparency peaks of 7.60 and 10.27 GHz. The E–ε metamaterial unit cells were composed of E-shaped and ε -shaped patterns. By analyzing the surface current distribution and the magnetic field, we qualitatively verified the toroidal dipole response in the E–ε metamaterial at 10.27 GHz. Meanwhile, by calculating the multipole’s radiated power, we found that the two transparency peaks were due to the excitation of the electric and toroidal dipole responses. By changing the incident angle from 0° to 60°, we observed changes in transmission spectra, and the quality factors (Q -factors) of the two transparency peaks increased. In addition, the proposed E–ε metamaterial can be designed to act as a refractive index sensor or other electronic equipment for the control of electromagnetic waves.
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Equivariant PT-symmetric real Chern insulators
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Front. Phys. . 2020, 15 (1 ): 13603-.
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9 articles