Fusing magnitude and phase features with multiple face models for robust face recognition |
Yan LI1,2( ), Shiguang SHAN1,2( ), Ruiping WANG1,2( ), Zhen CUI3( ), Xilin CHEN1,2( ) |
1. Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), CAS, Beijing 100190, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China |
Abstract High accuracy face recognition is of great importance for a wide variety of real-world applications. Although significant progress has been made in the last decades, fully automatic face recognition systems have not yet approached the goal of surpassing the human vision system, even in controlled conditions. In this paper, we propose an approach for robust face recognition by fusing two complementary features: one is Gabor magnitude of multiple scales and orientations and the other is Fourier phase encoded by spatial pyramid based local phase quantization (SPLPQ). To reduce the high dimensionality of both features, block-wise fisher discriminant analysis (BFDA) is applied and further combined by score-level fusion. Moreover, inspired by the biological cognitive mechanism, multiple face models are exploited to further boost the robustness of the proposed approach. We evaluate the proposed approach on three challenging databases, i.e., FRGC ver2.0, LFW, and CFW-p, that address two face classification scenarios, i.e., verification and identification. Experimental results consistently exhibit the complementarity of the two features and the performance boost gained by the multiple face models. The proposed approach achieved approximately 96% verification rate when FAR was 0.1% on FRGC ver2.0 Exp.4, impressively surpassing all the best known results.
face recognition
fisher discriminant analysis
Gabor magnitude feature
multiple face models
spatial pyramid based local phase quantization
Corresponding Author(s):
Shiguang SHAN
Just Accepted Date: 01 March 2017
Online First Date: 06 July 2018
Issue Date: 04 December 2018
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