Synthetically engineered microbes reveal interesting principles of cooperation
Michael D. Dressler,Corey J. Clark,Chelsea A. Thachettu,Yasmine Zakaria,Omar Tonsi Eldakar,Robert P. Smith
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 3-14.
Cooperation is ubiquitous in biological systems. However, if natural selection favors traits that confer an advantage to one individual over another, then helping others would be paradoxical. Nevertheless, cooperation persists and is critical in maintaining homeostasis in systems ranging from populations of bacteria to groupings of mammals. Developing an understanding of the dynamics and mechanisms by which cooperation operates is critical in understanding ecological and evolutionary relationships. Over the past decade, synthetic biology has emerged as a powerful tool to study social dynamics. By engineering rationally controlled and modulatable behavior into microbes, we have increased our overall understanding of how cooperation enhances, or conversely constrains, populations. Furthermore, it has increased our understanding of how cooperation is maintained within populations, which may provide a useful framework to influence populations by altering cooperation. As many bacterial pathogens require cooperation to infect the host and survive, the principles developed using synthetic biology offer promise of developing novel tools and strategies to treat infections, which may reduce the use of antimicrobial agents. Overall, the use of engineered cooperative microbes has allowed the field to verify existing, and develop novel, theories that may govern cooperative behaviors at all levels of biology.
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Rhamnolipid synthesis and production with diverse resources
Qingxin Li
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 27-36.
Rhamnolipids are one of the most effective biosurfactants that are of great interest in industrial applications such as enhancing oil recovery, health care, cosmetics, pharmaceutical processes, food processing, detergents for protein folding, and bioremediation due to their unique characteristics such as low toxicity, surface active property to reduce surface/interfacial tensions, and excellent biodegradability. The genes and metabolic pathways for rhamnolipid synthesis have been well elucidated, but its cost-effective production is still challenging. Pseudomonas aeruginosa , the most powerful rhamnolipid producer, is an opportunistic pathogen, which limits its large scale production and applications. Rhamnolipid production using engineered strains other than Pseudomonas aeruginosa such as E. coli and Pseudomonas putida has received much attention. The highest yield of rhamnolipids is achieved when oil-type carbon sources are used, but using cheaper and renewable carbon sources such as lignocellulose would be an attractive strategy to reduce the production cost of rhamnolipids for various industrial applications.
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Cell surface protein engineering for high-performance whole-cell catalysts
Hajime Nakatani,Katsutoshi Hori
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 46-57.
Cell surface protein engineering facilitated by accumulation of information on genome and protein structure involves heterologous production and modification of cell surface proteins using genetic engineering, and is important for the development of high-performance whole-cell catalysts. In this field, cell surface display is a major technology by exposing target proteins, such as enzymes, on the cell surface using a carrier protein. The target proteins are fused to the carrier proteins that transport and tether them to the cell surface, as well as to a secretion signal. This paper reviews cell surface display systems for prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells from the perspective of carrier proteins, which determine the number of displayed molecules, and the localization, size, and direction (N- or C- terminal anchoring) of the passengers. We also discuss advanced methods for displaying multiple enzymes and a new method for the immobilization of whole-cell catalysts using adhesive surface proteins.
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Cofactor engineering in cyanobacteria to overcome imbalance between NADPH and NADH: A mini review
Jongmoon Park,Yunnam Choi
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 66-71.
Cyanobacteria can produce useful renewable fuels and high-value chemicals using sunlight and atmospheric carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. Genetic manipulation has increased the variety of chemicals that cyanobacteria can produce. However, their uniquely abundant NADPH-pool, in other words insufficient supply of NADH, tends to limit their production yields in case of utilizing NADH-dependent enzyme, which is quite common in heterotrophic microbes. To overcome this cofactor imbalance and enhance cyanobacterial fuel and chemical production, various approaches for cofactor engineering have been employed. In this review, we focus on three approaches: (1) utilization of NADPH-dependent enzymes, (2) increasing NADH production, and (3) changing cofactor specificity of NADH-dependent enzymes from NADH to NADPH.
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Identification of transporter proteins for PQQ-secretion pathways by transcriptomics and proteomics analysis in Gluconobacter oxydans WSH-003
Hui Wan,Yu Xia,Jianghua Li,Zhen Kang,Jingwen Zhou
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 72-88.
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) plays a significant role as a redox cofactor in combination with dehydrogenases in bacteria. These dehydrogenases play key roles in the oxidation of important substrates for the biotechnology industry, such as vitamin C production. While biosynthesis of PQQ genes has been widely studied, PQQ-transport mechanisms remain unclear. Herein, we used both two-dimensional fluorescence-difference gel electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing to investigate the effects of pqqB overexpression in an industrial strain of Gluconobacter oxydans WSH-003. We have identified 73 differentially expressed proteins and 99 differentially expressed genes, a majority of which are related to oxidation-reduction and transport processes by gene ontology analysis. We also described several putative candidate effectors that responded to increased PQQ levels resulting from pqqB overexpression. Furthermore, quantitative PCR was used to verify five putative PQQ-transport genes among different PQQ producing strains, and the results showed that ompW , B932_1930 and B932_2186 were upregulated in all conditions. Then the three genes were over-expressed in G. oxydans WSH-003 and PQQ production were detected. The results showed that extracellular PQQ of B932_1930 (a transporter) and B932_2186 (an ABC transporter permease) overexpression strains were enhanced by 1.77-fold and 1.67-fold, respectively. The results suggest that the proteins encoded by PqqB, B932_1930 and B932_2186 might enhance the PQQ secretion process.
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Engineering of β -carotene hydroxylase and ketolase for astaxanthin overproduction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ruizhao Wang, Xiaoli Gu, Mingdong Yao, Caihui Pan, Hong Liu, Wenhai Xiao, Ying Wang, Yingjin Yuan
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 89-99.
The conversion of β -carotene to astaxanthin is a complex pathway network, in which two steps of hydroxylation and two steps of ketolation are catalyzed by β -carotene hydroxylase (CrtZ) and β -carotene ketolase (CrtW) respectively. Here, astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway was constructed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by introducing heterologous CrtZ and CrtW into an existing high β -carotene producing strain. Both genes crtZ and crtW were codon optimized and expressed under the control of constitutive promoters. Through combinatorial expression of CrtZ and CrtW from diverse species, nine strains in dark red were visually chosen from thirty combinations. In all the selected strains, strain SyBE_Sc118060 with CrtW from Brevundimonas vesicularis DC263 and CrtZ from Alcaligenes sp. strain PC-1 achieved the highest astaxanthin yield of 3.1 mg/g DCW. Protein phylogenetic analysis shows that the shorter evolutionary distance of CrtW is, the higher astaxanthin titer is. Further, when the promoter of crtZ in strain SyBE_Sc118060 was replaced from FBA1p to TEF1p, the astaxanthin yield was increased by 30.4% (from 3.4 to 4.5 mg/g DCW). In the meanwhile, 33.5-fold increase on crtZ transcription level and 39.1-fold enhancement on the transcriptional ratio of crtZ to crtW were observed at early exponential phase in medium with 4% (w/v) glucose. Otherwise, although the ratio of crtZ to crtW were increased at mid-, late-exponential phases in medium with 2% (w/v) glucose, the transcription level of both crtZ and crtW were actually decreased during the whole time course, consequently leading to no significant improvement on astaxanthin production. Finally, through high cell density fed-batch fermentation using a carbon source restriction strategy, the production of astaxanthin in a 5-L bioreactor reached to 81.0 mg/L, which was the highest astaxanthin titer reported in yeast. This study provides a reference to greatly enhance desired compounds accumulation by employing the key enzyme(s) in microbes.
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Construction, characterization and application of a genome-wide promoter library in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ting Yuan, Yakun Guo, Junkai Dong, Tianyi Li, Tong Zhou, Kaiwen Sun, Mei Zhang, Qingyu Wu, Zhen Xie, Yizhi Cai, Limin Cao, Junbiao Dai
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 107-116.
Promoters are critical elements to control gene expression but could behave differently under various growth conditions. Here we report the construction of a genome-wide promoter library, in which each native promoter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned upstream of a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporter gene. Nine libraries were arbitrarily defined and assembled in bacteria. The resulting pools of promoters could be prepared and transformed into a yeast strain either as centromeric plasmids or integrated into a genomic locus upon enzymatic treatment. Using fluorescence activated cell sorting, we classified the yeast strains based on YFP fluorescence intensity and arbitrarily divided the entire library into 12 bins, representing weak to strong promoters. Several strong promoters were identified from the most active bins and their activities were assayed under different growth conditions. Finally, these promoters were applied to drive the expression of genes in xylose utilization to improve fermentation efficiency. Together, this library could provide a quick solution to identify and utilize desired promoters under user-defined growth conditions.
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Assembly of biosynthetic pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a marker recyclable integrative plasmid toolbox
Lidan Ye,Xiaomei Lv,Hongwei Yu
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 126-132.
A robust and versatile tool for multigene pathway assembly is a key to the biosynthesis of high-value chemicals. Here we report the rapid construction of biosynthetic pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a marker recyclable integrative toolbox (pUMRI) developed in our research group, which has features of ready-to-use, convenient marker recycling, arbitrary element replacement, shuttle plasmid, auxotrophic marker independence, GAL regulation, and decentralized assembly. Functional isoprenoid biosynthesis pathways containing 4–11 genes with lengths ranging from ~10 to ~22 kb were assembled using this toolbox within 1–5 rounds of reiterative recombination. In combination with GAL-regulated metabolic engineering, high production of isoprenoids (e.g., 16.3 mg?g?1 dcw carotenoids) was achieved. These results demonstrate the wide range of application and the efficiency of the pUMRI toolbox in multigene pathway construction of S. cerevisiae .
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Production of rhamnolipids-producing enzymes of Pseudomonas in E. coli and structural characterization
Kata Kiss, Wei Ting Ng, Qingxin Li
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.. 2017, 11 (1 ): 133-138.
Rhamnolipids are a class of biosurfactants that have a great potential to be used in industries. Five proteins/enzymes, namely RhlA, RhlB, RhlC, RhlG and RhlI, are critical for the production of rhamnolipids in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Four of the 5 proteins except RhlC were successfully over-expressed in E. coli and three of them (RhlA, RhlB and RhlI) were purified and obtained in milligram quantities. The purified proteins were shown to be folded in solution. Homology models were built for RhlA, RhlB and RhlI. These results lay a basis for further structural and functional characterization of these proteins in vitro to favor the construction of super strains for rhamnolipids production.
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16 articles