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Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ISSN 2095-2732

ISSN 2095-2740(Online)

CN 10-1028/TM

Front Elect Electr Eng Chin    2011, Vol. 6 Issue (3) : 481-485
An enhanced probabilistic scheme for data transmission in large-scale sensor networks
Xi CHEN(), Xingshi WANG
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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In this paper, a probabilistic scheme is presented for directed data transmission without maintaining route tables. In the model, each message is required to reach the base station (BS) successfully with a certain probability. We analyze the relationship between the number of the intermediate nodes, link reliability and relay probability. We obtain the condition for relay probability which can guarantee the performance of the networks. This scheme is robust and adaptable to the change of topology of the sensor networks. Simulation with Ns-2 helps to illustrate the main results of the analysis.

Keywords wireless sensor networks      relay probability      analysis      simulation     
Corresponding Author(s): CHEN Xi,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2011
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Xi CHEN,Xingshi WANG. An enhanced probabilistic scheme for data transmission in large-scale sensor networks[J]. Front Elect Electr Eng Chin, 2011, 6(3): 481-485.
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