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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

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Front. Eng    2016, Vol. 3 Issue (1) : 24-29
The Difference Effect of Environmental Regulation on Two Stages of Technology Innovation in China’s Manufacturing Industry
Bao-long Yuan(),Sheng-gang Ren,Xing Hu,Xuan-yu Yang
Business School of Central South University, Collaborative Innovation Center of Resource-conserving & Environment-friendly Society and Ecological Civilization, Changsha 410083, China
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This paper divides technological innovation into two stages: technology development and technology transfer. Then the authors use the panel data of 28 manufacturing industries during 2003–2012 to test the econometric regression model for the industry of the sub stages, which is a regulation on technological innovation in the environment. The results show that: (1) environmental regulation has a significant role in promoting China’s manufacturing technology research patent achievements, and technology into new products, and this indicated that “Porter hypothesis” in the manufacturing sector has been verified; (2) R&D and transfer expenditure have a positive impact on technological innovation. Finally, the authors put forward the corresponding policy recommendations for industry of the environmental regulation on the impact of technological innovation in phases.

Keywords environmental regulation      technology innovation      stage difference      manufacturing     
Corresponding Author(s): Bao-long Yuan   
Online First Date: 16 March 2016    Issue Date: 26 May 2016
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Bao-long Yuan,Sheng-gang Ren,Xing Hu, et al. The Difference Effect of Environmental Regulation on Two Stages of Technology Innovation in China’s Manufacturing Industry[J]. Front. Eng, 2016, 3(1): 24-29.
Variable Definition Unit Expect symbol
Patents Industry patents granted Unit
Products Sales of new products Million
ER Industry waste water, waste gas, solid waste pollution control costs Million +
RDC1 The internal expenses of industry basic research, applied research Million +
RDP1 The full-time equivalent staff (person-years) of industry basic research, applied research Person-years +
RDC2 The internal expenses of industry test development Million +
RDP2 The full-time equivalent staff (person-years) of industry test development Person-years +
RGP Industry output value Million +
Tab.1  The Definition of Variables in Eqs. (2) and (4)
Variables Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation
lnPatents 6.785 11.334 2.485 1.572
lnProducts 15.573 19.026 11.706 1.461
lnER 11.238 15.267 6.924 1.755
lnRGP 17.814 20.041 14.800 1.167
lnRDC1 5.066 11.114 1.909 2.392
lnRDP1 3.055 7.574 0.000 1.197
lnRDC2 6.078 11.229 1.946 1.895
lnRDP2 3.841 7.460 0.693 1.513
Tab.2  The Descriptive Statistics of Variables in Eqs. (2) and (4)
Variable LLC test ADF-Fisher test PP-Fisher test Conclusion
lnER -11.538*** 106.113*** 142.004*** Steady
lnPatents -16.582*** 143.951*** 180.162*** Steady
lnProducts -10.875*** 98.415*** 224.850*** Steady
lnRGP -13.926*** 118.332*** 253.823*** Steady
lnRDC1 -16.341*** 126.962*** 172.248*** Steady
lnRDP1 -12.946*** 115.260*** 164.540*** Steady
lnRDC2 -10.939*** 87.103*** 108.262*** Steady
lnRDP2 -33.806*** 119.939*** 113.903*** Steady
Tab.3  Stability Test
Statistics Hypotheses Results
Statistics in the group H0:r = 1H1:r<1 Panelv-statPanelrho-statPanelPP-statPanelADF-stat 6.187***(0.000)-0.120(0.4524)-11.912***(0.000)-6.195***(0.000)
Statistics between the group H0:r = 1H1:r<1 Grouprho-statGroupPP-statGroupADF-stat 2.693 (0.9965)-14.374***(0.000)-7.076***(0.000)
Tab.4  Co-integration Test in Technology R&D Stage
Statistics Hypotheses Results
Statistics in the group H0:r = 1H1:r<1 Panelv-statPanelrho-statPanelPP-statPanelADF-stat 10.461***(0.000)-0.031(0.5609)10.775***(0.000)-2.192***(0.0142)
Statistics between the group H0:r = 1H1:r<1 Grouprho-statGroupPP-statGroupADF-stat 2.117 (0.9829)-14.716***(0.000)-4.015***(0.000)
Tab.5  Cointegration Test in Technology Transfer Stage
Variable Technology R&D stage Technology transfer stage
C -14.481***(-19.779) 2.511***(3.628)
lnER 0.285***(4.697) 0.168***(4.607)
lnRGP 0.996***(19.292) 0.515***(10.723)
lnRDC1 0.110***(2.662)
lnRDP1 -0.073(-1.549)
lnRDC2 0.086***(2.895)
lnRDP2 -0.027(-0.671)
lnPatents 0.232***(6.399)
R2 0.926 0.971
Adjusted R2 0.917 0.968
F 100.054*** 262.023***
Tab.6  The Estimation Results of ER on Technological Innovation in the Technology R&D and Transfer Stage
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