Oscillatory hyper Hilbert transforms along general curves
Jiecheng CHEN,Belay Mitiku DAMTEW,Xiangrong ZHU
Front. Math. China. 2017, 12 (2): 281-299.
We consider the oscillatory hyper Hilbert transform , where Γ(t) = (t, γ(t)) in is a general curve. When γ is convex, we give a simple condition on γ such that Hγ,α,β is bounded on L2 when . As a corollary, under this condition, we obtain the Lp-boundedness of Hγ,α,β when . When Γ is a general nonconvex curve, we give some more complicated conditions on γ such that Hγ,α,β is bounded on L2. As an application, we construct a class of strictly convex curves along which Hγ,α,β is bounded on L2 only if β>2α>0.
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Distance domination of generalized de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs
Yanxia DONG,Erfang SHAN,Xiao MIN
Front. Math. China. 2017, 12 (2): 339-357.
Let G = (V,A) be a digraph and an integer. For u, v ∈ V, we say that the vertex u distance k-dominate v if the distance from u to v at most k. A set D of vertices in G is a distance k-dominating set if each vertex of V \ D is distance k-dominated by some vertex of D. The distance k-domination number of G, denoted by γk(G), is the minimum cardinality of a distance k-dominating set of G. Generalized de Bruijn digraphs GB(n, d) and generalized Kautz digraphs GK(n, d) are good candidates for interconnection networks. Denote . F. Tian and J. Xu showed that and . In this paper, we prove that every generalized de Bruijn digraph GB(n, d) has the distance kdomination number or , and the distance k-domination number of every generalized Kautz digraph GK(n, d) bounded above by . Additionally, we present various sufficient conditions for and .
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A radial symmetry and Liouville theorem for systems involving fractional Laplacian
Dongsheng LI,Zhenjie LI
Front. Math. China. 2017, 12 (2): 389-402.
We investigate the nonnegative solutions of the system involving the fractional Laplacian: Where 1≤i≤m , are real-valued nonnegative functions of homogeneous degree pi≥0 and nondecreasing with respect to the independent variables u1, u2, . . . , um. By the method of moving planes, we show that under the above conditions, all the positive solutions are radially symmetric and monotone decreasing about some point x0 if for each 1≤i≤m; and the only nonnegative solution of this system is u ≡ 0 if for all 1≤i≤m.
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A class of metrics and foliations on tangent bundle of Finsler manifolds
Hongchuan XIA,Chunping ZHONG
Front. Math. China. 2017, 12 (2): 417-439.
Let (M,F) be a Finsler manifold, and let TM0 be the slit tangent bundle of M with a generalized Riemannian metric G, which is induced by F. In this paper, we extract many natural foliations of (TM0,G) and study their geometric properties. Next, we use this approach to obtain new characterizations of Finsler manifolds with positive constant flag curvature. We also investigate the relations between Levi-Civita connection, Cartan connection, Vaisman connection, vertical foliation, and Reinhart spaces.
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Chromatic number and subtrees of graphs
Baogang XU,Yingli ZHANG
Front. Math. China. 2017, 12 (2): 441-457.
Let Gand Hbe two graphs. We say that G induces H if G has an induced subgraph isomorphic to H. A. Gyárfás and D. Sumner, independently, conjectured that, for every tree T; there exists a function fT; called binding function, depending only on T with the property that every graph G with chromatic number fT(ω(G)) induces T. A. Gyárfás, E. Szemerédi and Z. Tuza conrmed the conjecture for all trees of radius two on triangle-free graphs, and H. Kierstead and S. Penrice generalized the approach and the conclusion of A. Gyárfás et al. onto general graphs. A. Scott proved an interesting topological version of this conjecture asserting that for every integer kand every tree T of radius r, every graph G with ω(G)≤k and sufficient large chromatic number induces a subdivision of T of which each edge is subdivided at most O(14r–1(r–1)!) times. We extend the approach of A. Gyárfás and present a binding function for trees obtained by identifying one end of a path and the center of a star. We also improve A. Scott's upper bound by modifying his subtree structure and partition technique, and show that for every integer k and every tree T of radius r; every graph with ω(G)≤k and sufficient large chromatic number induces a subdivision of T of which each edge is subdivided at most O(6r–2) times.
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15 articles